2023-2024 Boston University

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The slow rollout is killing me!! But congrats to all accepted and fingers crossed for those on WL!

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+1 WL email this morning. Will be withdrawing it - good luck y'all!

Edited to add: apparently this was posted on my CYMS on Wednesday night but just got the email this morning :cautious:
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A!!! So so so happy and grateful
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OOS A!!!!! Deferred in December. didn’t see all the mess on here last night about CYMS but holyyyy cowww
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Congrats on the A’s! Are you guys getting the email just now or were those phone calls?
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Congrats on the A’s! Are you guys getting the email just now or were those phone calls?

Email! Also BUs email server can be weirdly slow, my BU undergrad email takes forever to send and receive so they may be rolling out slowly because of that
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Congrats to everyone that was accepted and wishing the best for everyone on the WL/ ones that will hear back today! There is an accepted GroupMe:
Anyone still not hear a single thing? No A, WL, R, or anything in between. Interviewed in Jan
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+1 WL. withdrawing- heard last year only 5 people got off WL of 300+ so not tryna be scorned twice. will be reapplying instead
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did you hear back? Usually they send decisions in the afternoon/evening so I was surprised when I got an email in the morning..

I have not heard anything. My portal still just says Interview Complete. And my CYMS doesn’t have anything from BU either
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+1 WL. withdrawing- heard last year only 5 people got off WL of 300+ so not tryna be scorned twice. will be reapplying instead
Why not stay in the WL? Sure it’s a small chance but assume 5 out of 300 that’s 1.66% with people dropping out, it’s probably like 2%+ chance of getting in. Imagine a FREE lottery that has a 2% chance you win $200k-500k which is the opportunity cost of one year’s salary

Now if your mental health needs it so. Then by all means ignore this
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Did anyone get a confirmation email after confirming that they wish to remain on the waitlist?
I got an A email at 7:43 AM MT yesterday morning! Longest wait of my life, but super stoked, and I'll be going to the 4/5 visit day!
I would definitely email them and ask, maybe it's an error on their end

MSAR says the latest acceptances date is March 22nd so I think I’m going to wait until then. I just find it very weird that I didn’t get any form of communication
For those with recent As, does it show in CYMS? I don’t see it listed on mine yet.
Does anyone have any tips for WL? Love BU but not sure if I should have any hope as it seems (edit for clarity) acceptances from the waitlist are slim to none
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Does anyone have any tips for WL? Love BU but not sure if I should have any hope as it seems waitlist offers are slim to none
According to admit stat, out of 11400, 846 (8%) got interviews and 465 got admit??? Not sure where the data came from but it doesn't sound right.
not saying the data is right, but the data definitely *sounds* right. What part of the data seems off to you?
465 got admitted! I thought BU only offers 160-170 seats for their 4-yr MD (~100) and other MD streams. It probably refers to the number of A offers and WL offers, but then it doesn't mean "admits".
465 got admitted! I thought BU only offers 160-170 seats for their 4-yr MD (~100) and other MD streams. It probably refers to the number of A offers and WL offers, but then it doesn't mean "admits".
Admitted doesn’t mean enrolled. 465 were accepted but they didn’t all go to BU

Edit. Didn’t read the second part of your post Lolol but I think yeah admits refers to everyone who was “accepted” including people pulled off the waitlist I believe
Since we will begin seeing patients the first week of class, will we have to complete drug testing before classes start? How would that work if we plan on moving right before whenever the start date will be?
does anyone know what happens if we can't go to any of the second look dates? Are there any alternate dates we could go for?
Sorry to double post but what is the dress code for the second look? Is it business professional or more casual? Thanks!
Whatever you are comfortable with. Almost no one will be dressed business professional.
Withdrew A on 3/29. Best of luck to everyone on the WL :)
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$62k/year scholarship awarded just now. Very generous! Context: it’s need-based and I come from a very low income background.

I couldn’t make it to the second look, are there any other alternatives to learn more about the school? Any current students around who could talk to me about their experience?
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$62k/year scholarship awarded just now. Very generous! I couldn’t make it to the second look, are there any other alternatives to learn more about the school? Any current students around who could talk to me about their experience?
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We may still be awaiting our need-based financial aid details right? My "award" tab just lists the dean scholarship from when I was accepted, but all of my docs/fafsa/css are in. Are we notified via email of updates?
When does BU start accepting off their waitlist? I don’t remember if this was mentioned anywhere and I don’t have access to MSAR anymore
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We may still be awaiting our need-based financial aid details right? My "award" tab just lists the dean scholarship from when I was accepted, but all of my docs/fafsa/css are in. Are we notified via email of updates?
You'll receive an email from the financial aid office.
When does BU start accepting off their waitlist? I don’t remember if this was mentioned anywhere and I don’t have access to MSAR anymore
My WL email said most people get As from the waitlist between June 1 and July 31
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How do you go about withdrawing? Is there a spot on the secondary portal or do you just email adcom email?
I believe it was on the "Application" status tab on the top. The button is gone but I think it was a hyperlink that said withdraw or something
If you guys are withdrawing A’s, god bless 😭
Giving us on the waitlist some hope
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