2023-2024 Boston University

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hey guys! does anyone know if BUSM only has one person read your entire app and that person recommends you to the committee? Asking because my interview went terribly (they asked very minute details that I should not have been expected to know...). so I'm really hoping they are not the ONLY person reading my app. TIA!

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hey guys! does anyone know if BUSM only has one person read your entire app and that person recommends you to the committee? Asking because my interview went terribly (they asked very minute details that I should not have been expected to know...). so I'm really hoping they are not the ONLY person reading my app. TIA!
I wonder if you had the same interviewer as me lol. bro was quizzing me on his own research that i had 0 connection to
hey guys! does anyone know if BUSM only has one person read your entire app and that person recommends you to the committee? Asking because my interview went terribly (they asked very minute details that I should not have been expected to know...). so I'm really hoping they are not the ONLY person reading my app. TIA
Nope, once you get the interview, your whole file is reviewed by 4-5 people on the committee, different from the people who initially screened your application and did your interview. Dr. Goodell explains this process in several Youtube videos
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Have they sent out any details about the admit visit days? I signed up for one but have not heard about details yet so I wanted to double check
Does anyone know around what time the visit days start? Wondering b/c I’ll need to buy a ticket soon

And does anyone know if you have the option to stay with current students? Would love to save a few bucks on the trip
Does anyone know around what time the visit days start? Wondering b/c I’ll need to buy a ticket soon

And does anyone know if you have the option to stay with current students? Would love to save a few bucks on the trip
9am, I didn't get any offers to stay with current students but I live in Boston so DM me if you need any recs while you are here!
Current student just going to chime in here to answer some recent Q's and relieve some concerns:
-Many, possibly even most, of the accepted class was deferred in December and accepted in March.
-Exams are every 2-3 weeks on Fridays. Quizzes are weekly. The frequency of exams can fee like quite a lot but you get used to it quickly.
-I know many classmates who felt their interviews went terribly and still got in. Thus I assume there's more people involved than just your interviewer.
-Every interviewer doesn't call if you are accepted, thus don't freak out immediately if you see others getting phone calls during the week. Personally, I didn't receive a phone call at all but was accepted by email with the December cohort. I was stressed all week, even just accepted I was going to be deferred/rejected, just to be accepted Friday of that week. It's completely optional and up to discretion of interviewer to call you.

Best of luck to everyone. The medical school application process is ruthless and every year hundreds of overly qualified students don't get accepted. Keep that in mind and keep trying if that's the case for you. I was a 2x applicant myself.
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does anyone who received the A in Dec know when the accepted students days are? Just praying for the A in March so wanna see if there’s one in April and make sure I’m in town lol. Thank you :)
There's a visit day on April 5th! it's the last one I saw in my portal, but they might plan more and I think there are always options to ask for a tour?
Have they sent out any details about the admit visit days? I signed up for one but have not heard about details yet so I wanted to double check
in the portal i think all they give is a time and place to show up, and that there's lunch provided?
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Anyone happen to know of an MD PhD decision date?
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Do we think the calling about decisions antics will start up again next week? Trying to brace myself lol
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Withdrew as well. Good luck! (Too expensive 😭)
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When is Bostons second look day? Trying to plan other travel days!!
My gut feeling tells me it'll be next week, but given that they released decisions on March 17th last year it could definitely be this week. Bracing myself for the worst..
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My gut feeling tells me it'll be next week, but given that they released decisions on March 17th last year it could definitely be this week. Bracing myself for the worst..
On MSAR it said the latest date would be March 22nd. I’m on the edge of my seat…
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On MSAR it said the latest date would be March 22nd. I’m on the edge of my seat…
since BU sends decisions on Fridays it could be this week or the next at the latest, right? I suppose people would start getting calls today or tomorrow if it's this week
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since BU sends decisions on Fridays it could be this week or the next at the latest, right? I suppose people would start getting calls today or tomorrow if it's this week
My prediction is decisions will start rolling out this Friday through next week. It could really be any day now 🙏🏾
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MSAR says 20 people which doesn't seem too good
Last year, 1 person got in off waitlist (might be wrong, maybe it’s 2). Year before that, zero WL movement. source: BUSM faculty, and word of mouth from faculty. Waitlist here is a soft reject. They are trying to change their admissions behavior to create more WL movement, allegedly, but that’s what was said over a year ago, before yet another barely active WL.
Last year, 1 person got in off waitlist (might be wrong, maybe it’s 2). Year before that, zero WL movement. source: BUSM faculty, and word of mouth from faculty. Waitlist here is a soft reject. They are trying to change their admissions behavior to create more WL movement, allegedly, but that’s what was said over a year ago, before yet another barely active WL.
I don’t doubt that WL movement is scarce but I do doubt the MSAR reporting would be so far off no?
Last year, 1 person got in off waitlist (might be wrong, maybe it’s 2). Year before that, zero WL movement. source: BUSM faculty, and word of mouth from faculty. Waitlist here is a soft reject. They are trying to change their admissions behavior to create more WL movement, allegedly, but that’s what was said over a year ago, before yet another barely active WL.
there are at least 5 people in the current M1 class that I know of who got off the WL so this is just not true
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Were people who were deferred supposed to send in final transcripts? I never did.
Did they say when emailed decisions would be out (tmrw/fri)? Congrats to everyone who got the call!
A! JW initials. So pumped! Does anyone know when the second look dates are? Is there more than one date? Thank you!
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I guess barely anyone got in because I feel like there were so many more A's on here in December compared to now 😭
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Why can't they release decisions now since they have it? I hate this call or no call purgatory bs
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