2023-2024 Duke

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Anyone know if Duke is willing to cover the cost of Second Look expenses for low-income accepted students?
Naaaaa :( but apparently once you’re there they will cover food and travel within Duke on the days you’re there.
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Naaaaa :( but apparently once you’re there they will cover food and travel within Duke on the days you’re there.
Thanks for the information! Nice they are willing to cover something, just wish it was something bigger like the traveling to and from the medical school, or lodging :cryi: Time to save some money
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How do the financial aid offerings work? Do they provide us with our whole package aka merit scholarship AND need based scholarship at the same time?
I believe the need based aid package is provided in mid-late March (loan amount will only be an est. bc of FAFSA delays and will be finalized once they get our FAFSAs) and that merit aid (entirely determined by the admissions committee) will be announced sometime after SLW.

They offer office hours with people from the financial aid office that are really helpful for more specific questions!
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Any current Duke students who've received a merit scholarship willing to share stats? Not expecting to get one just curious what sort of stats gets a student merit aid at a school with very high median stats. Thanks!
Any current Duke students who've received a merit scholarship willing to share stats? Not expecting to get one just curious what sort of stats gets a student merit aid at a school with very high median stats. Thanks!
I highly doubt it's stats that matter at this point for those scholarships
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Can someone post the 2024 Duke Match list? Can't find it.
Second look is not required, right? Additionally, anyone know if going to second look has an effect on the probability of attaining a merit scholarship? Sadly cannot go anymore due to financial reasons.
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Second look is not required, right? Additionally, anyone know if going to second look has an effect on the probability of attaining a merit scholarship? Sadly cannot go anymore due to financial reasons.
Also wondering this, as I can't make it to SLW but I'm visiting the next weekend. My neuroticism doesn't love that merit scholarships won't be given until after SLW.
Also wondering this, as I can't make it to SLW but I'm visiting the next weekend. My neuroticism doesn't love that merit scholarships won't be given until after SLW.
Haha exactly how I feel. I’m trying to reason with logic with the fact that there are many viable reasons an applicant can’t attend that shouldn’t be a reason for not obtaining a merit scholarship, like financial reasons, prior serious commitments, or working during SLW.
Haha exactly how I feel. I’m trying to reason with logic with the fact that there are many viable reasons an applicant can’t attend that shouldn’t be a reason for not obtaining a merit scholarship, like financial reasons, prior serious commitments, or working during SLW.
Let's all send a group email (I'm nervous too)
Any current Duke students who've received a merit scholarship willing to share stats? Not expecting to get one just curious what sort of stats gets a student merit aid at a school with very high median stats. Thanks!
Late response, but am current Duke student who got a merit scholarship - will confirm that it is not just stats that matter for these scholarships, that's not how it works these days. Each school probably gives differing weight to different factors but stats are just one part of the whole picture. Duke's admissions committee meets to discuss and they give out decisions starting in mid-April. At least via my anecdotal experience last year, of the people I knew of who discussed their merit offer with me, there were def a range of stats.
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Late response, but am current Duke student who got a merit scholarship - will confirm that it is not just stats that matter for these scholarships, that's not how it works these days. Each school probably gives differing weight to different factors but stats are just one part of the whole picture. Duke's admissions committee meets to discuss and they give out decisions starting in mid-April. At least via my anecdotal experience last year, of the people I knew of who discussed their merit offer with me, there were def a range of stats.
I know on their website they mention diversity and experiences as being a part of the decision making process, do you feel that was reflected or do you think it's more EC/achievement based?
I know on their website they mention diversity and experiences as being a part of the decision making process, do you feel that was reflected or do you think it's more EC/achievement based?
Yes I do feel that is part of the decision making process as Duke has a very holistic philosophy and in my opinion they definitely stand by their ideals in practice.
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Anyone know how many merit scholarships Duke gives out?
Hi... I'm currently on the waitlist and I'm trying to figure out which waitlist school to send me letter of intent to. I LOVE duke but it's just really far from my family, which is really important to me. Are there any current medical students from the midwest at Duke now that would be willing to talk to me? or just anyone whose family/primary support system is far away (more than driving distance, i.e. 6+ hours) who would be willing to talk to me about their experience?
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Confirmed a few specific questions about Duke's grading with a few M4s, if anyone else was curious. Duke is 100% P/F across pre-clerkships and clerkships. There is no AOA, no secret internal ranking, and no coded language ranking proxy in the MSPE letter. Students are also able to see/edit their MSPE letter before ERAS submission and write a good portion of the narrative.
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Hi... I'm currently on the waitlist and I'm trying to figure out which waitlist school to send me letter of intent to. I LOVE duke but it's just really far from my family, which is really important to me. Are there any current medical students from the midwest at Duke now that would be willing to talk to me? or just anyone whose family/primary support system is far away (more than driving distance, i.e. 6+ hours) who would be willing to talk to me about their experience?

Yeah if anyone has more info it’ll be helpful
Confirmed a few specific questions about Duke's grading with a few M4s, if anyone else was curious. Duke is 100% P/F across pre-clerkships and clerkships. There is no AOA, no secret internal ranking, and no coded language ranking proxy in the MSPE letter. Students are also able to see/edit their MSPE letter before ERAS submission and write a good portion of the narrative.

Confirmed a few specific questions about Duke's grading with a few M4s, if anyone else was curious. Duke is 100% P/F across pre-clerkships and clerkships. There is no AOA, no secret internal ranking, and no coded language ranking proxy in the MSPE letter. Students are also able to see/edit their MSPE letter before ERAS submission and write a good portion of the narrative.
The exception to this is that MS4 sub-I’s are graded on an honors/ high pass/ pass / fail system.
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The exception to this is that MS4 sub-I’s are graded on an honors/ high pass/ pass / fail system.
+1 yeah forgot to mention this. A few people did tell me that ERAS submission is after you do the bulk of Duke's sub-Is/electives in M4.
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To those who went to second look how did you like it or if you didn’t what was the reason?
I enjoyed second look. Current students said they had more free time than expected given pre-clinical is condensed; true P/F helps a lot. ~1/3 of students choose to do an extra third year which is tuition-free. I come from a huge city and was surprisingly pleased with Durham. Facilities (Trent Semans med ed building, hospitals, gothic campus, botanical garden) were beautiful.
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I enjoyed second look. Current students said they had more free time than expected given pre-clinical is condensed; true P/F helps a lot. ~1/3 of students choose to do an extra third year which is tuition-free. I come from a huge city and was surprisingly pleased with Durham. Facilities (Trent Semans med ed building, hospitals, gothic campus, botanical garden) were beautiful.

Thanks for the feedback!
Did they mention at all during SLW if aid is supposed to come out this week? April 15 is creeping up...
Confirmed a few specific questions about Duke's grading with a few M4s, if anyone else was curious. Duke is 100% P/F across pre-clerkships and clerkships. There is no AOA, no secret internal ranking, and no coded language ranking proxy in the MSPE letter. Students are also able to see/edit their MSPE letter before ERAS submission and write a good portion of the narrative.
I am a current MS3 and this is all confirmed true. It truly is P/F across all years- generally meaning that Step 2, letters of rec, research, connections built at Duke, etc have higher weight when applying which has pros/cons.
I am a current MS3 and this is all confirmed true. It truly is P/F across all years- generally meaning that Step 2, letters of rec, research, connections built at Duke, etc have higher weight when applying which has pros/cons.
I'm not an accepted Duke student but wanted to ask you what you think are the pros/cons of P/F for all years. I get that it's hard for residency directors to see how well you do compared to your classmates if there isn't honors or AOA, but can that really harm someone when that's just how their school does things?
Have they shared anything about waitlist movement yet/Can any current students speak to it at all? Thanks in advance.
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It will great if anyone post the amount of people in the accepted groupme and Facebook??
Was gonna ask the same does anyone know if people have left the group chats since April 15th has passed and if so how many? Trynna gauge how many people has still kept Duke as their option after the 15th
A few have left
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When does majority of WL movement happen

Based on previous threads, WL acceptances start days after the April 30th deadline. They could be reviewing WL candidates in the next two weeks because I doubt they meet the day after the deadline and decide wait-list acceptances right then and there.
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I withdrew from Duke, hope one of you awesome people get it :)!
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Anyone on Duke waitlist that is also feeling anxious? Lol

Yes, especially because I sent a letter of intent more than a month ago, but at the same time after going to 2nd look at other places, I feel less anxious about potentially not getting off the waitlist.

It feels weird to me now to be stressed about getting off the waitlist at a school that didn't choose me as their first choice (even if they are my dream school).
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