2023-2024 Iowa (Carver)

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Pre-II R OOS complete mid-September

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For those of us who interviewed but have not heard back: do you think it's safe to assume that we will be rejected or added to the alternate pool/ waitlist?
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For those of us who interviewed but have not heard back: do you think it's safe to assume that we will be rejected or added to the alternate pool/ waitlist?
I think it’s safe to assume we will be in the final pool, which from what I’ve read means we will be accepted/rejected/waitlisted in mid March. I did some digging on past years threads and didn’t see anyone post II rejected instead of being put in the final pool but that could be wrong!!
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Any MSTP applicants that interviewed in December hear back yet?
Anyone not heard back from Carver? I have neither an R nor an II. I'm assuming you can't be in final pool without an II but can anyone confirm if that's true?
Anyone not heard back from Carver? I have neither an R nor an II. I'm assuming you can't be in final pool without an II but can anyone confirm if that's true?
Final pool is only for people that interviewed. Interviews end in January (at least that’s what their website says). What I’ve seen on previous years’ threads is rejections of everyone else at the end of the month. You’ll likely hear from them soon.
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So we don't think there are gonna be any more acceptances next Tuesday before final pool?
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Does anyone know: In years past, has there been a wave of post interview rejections around the time that other people are receiving notice that they were added to the final pool? Or, do post interview rejections not typically occur until March 15?
Does anyone know: In years past, has there been a wave of post interview rejections around the time that other people are receiving notice that they were added to the final pool? Or, do post interview rejections not typically occur until March 15?
I am 90% sure the latter is true
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Not sure if I posted yet, but yeah.

Pre II R, midwestern ties, 1/19.
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Do we think there will be any decisions today?
The MSTP committee sent out a check-in email today that mentioned they had their "final MD admissions meeting" today. Idk if "final" is in relation to the MSTP meeting with the MD committee or what, but I do think it means that the MD admission committee met today and hopefully will be sending some decisions!

Best of luck to y'all MD only applicants :)
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Post-Interview R for MSTP, swiftly rejected by the MD-only side as well :(
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App will be reviewed again in final pool
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Just got notice that I'm in the final pool -- 10/4 interview, OOS
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OOS Pool time! Interviewed 12/1
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+1 Pool party OOS, anyone got sunscreen?
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OOS interviewed 9/13, final pool
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Does anyone know if there’s data on percentage accepted out of the final pool?
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+1 joining the pool party, interviewed in early Dec
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Does anyone know if there’s data on percentage accepted out of the final pool?
I don't know about these data, but I remember the medical students stating many from their respective classes came from the final applicant pool. Someone correct my thinking if you heard something else.
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+ 1 OOS FP - will 3/15 the first day we’ll hear about decision from FP?
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+ 1 OOS FP - will 3/15 the first day we’ll hear about decision from FP?
Based on last year's thread, it looks like they start sending out stuff during the second week of March.
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