2023-2024 TouroCOM-CA - Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine - California

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Yeah like I’m gonna preview a school when they haven’t sent me an interview invite.
I don't recall but I think I read that some places will keep track of who attends these kinds of events to gauge interest before submitting interview invites. I'm thinking about attending just because I'm already in the Bay Area, but I cannot imagine those who are OOS :/
They’re offering mock interviews because we haven’t gotten the real thing 😍
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I am interviewing very soon! Any last-minute tips??
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Hello Everyone! I am a current student and have a room available to rent on the island! It is a master bedroom in a female only house. The room will be available starting next semester, So please message me if you are interested! The landlord is a really nice person!
Got the A just now over email!! Interviewed 10/23
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Got the A at 12:30!!! WOOO first A, and everyone here was so nice! Interviewed 10/31
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Got the A just now over email!! Interviewed 10/23
Congrats! I got my interview invite today-- do you have any tips/ what you liked most or disliked most?

So many questions in one, but please feel free to share as you like! Thank u!
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Congrats! I got my interview invite today-- do you have any tips/ what you liked most or disliked most?

So many questions in one, but please feel free to share as you like! Thank u!
Congrats on the II! Can I ask when you were completed?
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Congrats! I got my interview invite today-- do you have any tips/ what you liked most or disliked most?

So many questions in one, but please feel free to share as you like! Thank u!
First off, congrats on the II! Second, I think the biggest thing is to not psych yourself out. I was really nervous about this interview but it ended up being the most comfortable interview I've had. Everyone is really nice and down to earth and the interviewers are genuinely excited to ask you questions. I would say, know your app, review why osteopathy, and otherwise take some deep breaths and good luck!!
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This is an appeal to applicants who had to take Casper for admission to TouroCOM (all campuses, please confirm).

Complete the 2023 Situational Judgment Test Experience survey.

HPSA/SDN has the 2023 SJT Experience Survey available to anyone preparing for SJTs (especially Casper and PREview). If you completed the 2022 survey, you are welcome to go ahead and complete the survey again. This survey consists of multiple pages and will take up to 10 minutes. You can also place yourself on a waitlist for a study focusing more on school-run SJTs run through platforms like Kira Talent, to be released later in the year.

Your feedback matters!
We learned a lot about how applicants prepared for Casper and PREview last year, but the number of PREview schools has almost doubled this cycle! Over 20% of all AMCAS applicants will likely have taken PREview, and up to 90% of all medical school applicants will likely have taken Casper this cycle (according to Acuity Insights). This does not include applicants in non-medical professions who have had to take these assessments for admission to physician assistant, anesthesiology assistant, dental, veterinary, pharmacy, or physical therapy programs, where we see a trend that applicants with higher Casper results are preferred. Medical residency applicants are also being asked to complete Acuity Insights Assessments, and very little is known about how program directors use these data. Your responses are vital to get objective insights on how admissions committees value the results of these exams.

Your feedback matters!
We want to hear from as many people as possible, especially those attending or applying outside of medicine (MD/DO). This year saw an expansion of SJTs in admissions, and more information has been made available on preparing for these assessments. We want to stay current with these trends to guide future applicants and students facing these SJTs.

Many of our findings from the 2022 survey align with the NAAHP Testing Task Force report released last summer. This includes concerns about proctoring, consistency of scoring, and concern that applicants are paying for validity research. But we need more student voices to gain a louder voice to advocate for future health professional school applicants.

Your feedback has helped HPSA develop a workshop focused on preparing for SJTs like Casper and PREview. This workshop is part of our Becoming a Student Doctor preparation course, and we have already had some positive results among those who have participated in our mock interview workshops. An updated workshop will be presented at the UC Davis Prehealth Conference on October 14, and we welcome opportunities to present the full-length SJT workshop to your campus!

Fill out this survey and help future applicants become physicians in their chosen profession!
Was anyone invited to the preview day even before being given an II
I was. I wanted to attend but can't make the day, which is unfortunate as it is my top school. I am wondering if the school factors in which applicants attend.
I am wondering how the virtual panel interview at this school work? Is it like the interviewer asks one question and the interviewees answer one by one?
I am wondering how the virtual panel interview at this school work? Is it like the interviewer asks one question and the interviewees answer one by one?
How it was for me. Currently an OMS1. Did not have to fight to get answers in bc they did 1 at a time. Had time for more questions than you would think.

Overall was happy with how it was run.
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I am wondering how the virtual panel interview at this school work? Is it like the interviewer asks one question and the interviewees answer one by one?
I liked it! It wasn't as intimidating as I thought it would be. I actually found that having the downtime before getting your next question allowed me to collect myself better. I did only get like 3-4 questions though, so it does limit your individual time.
Withdrew my admission offer. 🥺Probably one of my sadder days. This is a great school.
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I applied nearly a month ago. Really excited about Touro. Do yall think it’s possible to get an II before Christmas? It would be awesome to get an A at Touro before the holidays so I can end my cycle and finally relax for the first time in like 5 years :’)
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I applied nearly a month ago. Really excited about Touro. Do yall think it’s possible to get an II before Christmas? It would be awesome to get an A at Touro before the holidays so I can end my cycle and finally relax for the first time in like 5 years :’)
try to reach out to them, express interest through email, over the phone, etc.
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I applied nearly a month ago. Really excited about Touro. Do yall think it’s possible to get an II before Christmas? It would be awesome to get an A at Touro before the holidays so I can end my cycle and finally relax for the first time in like 5 years :’)
I applied back in September, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs told me that they're pretty much full regarding II for this year. Any new II will be sent in the New Year and will continue throughout spring!
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so happy to be accepted here! what an amazing school. :love:
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Congrats! Mind sharing stats and complete date?
I don't mind at all! sGPA is 3.96 and cGPA is 3.48, whereas my MCAT was a 504. I submitted my primary end of August, received the secondary early September but didn't submit until end of September.

I did attend the Preview Day back in November, where I got to meet the Dean of Admissions and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, both of whom have great influence in admissions (from what I heard). I was able to advocate for myself by setting up a meeting with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and while she grilled me about my less-than-perfect "Why DO" essay and my long journey into medicine, I think she liked how quickly I incorporated her feedback regarding some practice interview questions she asked during our meeting.

She did tell me at the end to expect a response very soon, so I guess that's what happened! She did also state that interviews for the rest of the year are pretty much filled and they'll resume early next year! I hope that was helpful, and good luck!
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the interview day was unnecessarily long like why do we need 6 different opportunities to ask questions
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Without going into the details for obvious reasons, would you be able to elaborate a little bit about why you had that experience?
I have an II coming up, so I can't speak on what questions will be asked, but I did attend the Preview Day, where they had mock interview workshops. This workshop was held by adcoms who conduct the real interviews, so I feel their questions were quite representative of what you can expect. Their questions were honestly just very unique and made you think rather than run-of-the-mill questions. So I suppose the questions can be quite 'hard' for that reason. They certainly make you think.

For example, one student mentioned that they have horses as pets as their fun fact. The next question the adcom asked was, how does taking care of horses relate to practicing medicine as a DO physician? Another question was, 'Do you believe in ghosts?' or something like that (there was more to the question -- I just forget). Just hella random. I also spoke to another adcom during the lunch, and he mentioned that he also likes to ask questions that throw applicants off and make them think because he finds those questions more fun and interesting. Despite asking 'hard' questions, all of the adcoms, students, and staff were very friendly! And super approachable!

ps I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting these questions, as they were from a mock interview session, and not a real interview session.
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I have an II coming up, so I can't speak on what questions will be asked, but I did attend the Preview Day, where they had mock interview workshops. This workshop was held by adcoms who conduct the real interviews, so I feel their questions were quite representative of what you can expect. Their questions were honestly just very unique and made you think rather than run-of-the-mill questions. So I suppose the questions can be quite 'hard' for that reason. They certainly make you think.

For example, one student mentioned that they have horses as pets as their fun fact. The next question the adcom asked was, how does taking care of horses relate to practicing medicine as a DO physician? Another question was, 'Do you believe in ghosts?' or something like that (there was more to the question -- I just forget). Just hella random. I also spoke to another adcom during the lunch, and he mentioned that he also likes to ask questions that throw applicants off and make them think because he finds those questions more fun and interesting. Despite asking 'hard' questions, all of the adcoms, students, and staff were very friendly! And super approachable!

ps I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting these questions, as they were from a mock interview session, and not a real interview session.
I was also at Preview Day and also have an interview coming up! I wasn't able to make it to the mock interviews, but thank you for sharing your experience! I can see why they asked those kinds of questions, but it's nice that someone else was able to corroborate what I was thinking :)
has anyone received any decisions yet today? would really LOVE to go to this school so an A today would be the best christmas present ever
So many A's going out today! Congrats!

Is there any data about TUCOM's historical post-II acceptance rates? There is a google sheet out there that has info for various schools' post II A rates, but TUCOM was blank. And I couldn't find any info online anywhere
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So many A's going out today! Congrats!

Is there any data about TUCOM's historical post-II acceptance rates? There is a google sheet out there that has info for various schools' post II A rates, but TUCOM was blank. And I couldn't find any info online anywhere
I found something about it last year when I was applying. Was something like 70%. I’d still caution y’all to take it with a grain of salt and as a current student, I don’t have any other info I can give/don’t want to give misinformation.
Got the A as well 😭🥳 so thankful that a California school took a chance on me.
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Has anyone started an accepted students facebook or groupchat? Would love to join!
for our class, they didn't make one til May and the classes usually use discord. the accepted fb group will be made around March/April
You guys are welcome to create a group chat right now since you guys might be weighing your options. Feel free to send me the invite if you want a current student in there to answer questions. Also my DM's are also open in case anyone has any questions! Happy holidays <3
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