2023-2024 UC San Diego

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Does anyone know if used is still giving out II? Has anyone received pre-II rejections after secondary?
Plenty of people have reported pre-II R’s in this thread. No one but the adcoms really know when they’re done interviewing but per last year’s SDN threads, the latest reported II was 2/24/23 and the latest reported interview date was 3/7/23. And the year before that the latest reported II was on 2/4/22 and the latest reported interview date was 2/26/22. So take from that what you will.

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Plenty of people have reported pre-II R’s in this thread. No one but the adcoms really know when they’re done interviewing but per last year’s SDN threads, the latest reported II was 2/24/23 and the latest reported interview date was 3/7/23. And the year before that the latest reported II was on 2/4/22 and the latest reported interview date was 2/26/22. So take from that what you will.
Thank you!!
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So I’m waiting for an II if they’re still sending them out, but I still have a friend waiting for a secondary. Any advice for the friend? They don’t have an SDN account
So I’m waiting for an II if they’re still sending them out, but I still have a friend waiting for a secondary. Any advice for the friend? They don’t have an SDN account
Your friend is probably not being considered, sad to say.
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So I’m waiting for an II if they’re still sending them out, but I still have a friend waiting for a secondary. Any advice for the friend? They don’t have an SDN account
yeah considering that secondaries are due in november, your friend unfortunately isn't in the running.
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Pre-II R, was on hold for a while. looks like this is the end of interviews based on the emails, good luck to everyone still in the running! :)
Is anyone else thinking about taking the CTBS course? Or are there any current or past MS's who have taken it?
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are they still sending IIs...? Never been on hold or rejected. No communication since August, even when I tried emailing asking for an update a few times
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are they still sending IIs...? Never been on hold or rejected. No communication since August, even when I tried emailing asking for an update a few times
if you havent received a II by now then sad to say you should move on.
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I know this was answered previously, but it's several pages back. What's the waitlist movement like? They say its unranked, but I'm guessing theres a tier system behind the scenes. Got that WL email Friday, but still holding hope.
I know this was answered previously, but it's several pages back. What's the waitlist movement like? They say its unranked, but I'm guessing theres a tier system behind the scenes. Got that WL email Friday, but still holding hope.
10%. 30-35 admitted out of 300 WLs (from MSAR and confirmed by UCSD admissions office). I don't think it's ranked and they reevaluate apps for admissions
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I know this was answered previously, but it's several pages back. What's the waitlist movement like? They say its unranked, but I'm guessing theres a tier system behind the scenes. Got that WL email Friday, but still holding hope.
My theory is that once someone withdraws their A, they refer back to the waitlist and offer a spot to someone that would allow them to uphold the diverse class they have created. So, if someone with massive amounts of clinical experience withdrew their A, they would then review all waitlisted applicants with massive amounts of clinical experience and decide from there. Of course, that’s only one factor and I am sure they consider much more than that, but that’s my loose guess 🤷🏻‍♀️
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are they still sending IIs...? Never been on hold or rejected. No communication since August, even when I tried emailing asking for an update a few times
I don’t think so. I interviewed on 3/5 and they said we were the last interview group. It was also the last PRIME interview. They told us PRIME decisions would be released/made mid March but no specific date (I know you didn’t ask about PRIME but wanted to provide that info for anyone else reading). Also, they told us after our interview that decisions would be released on 3/15 (which was true in my case)
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Has anyone been accepted to the PRIME program?
I don’t think so. I interviewed on 3/5 and they said we were the last interview group. It was also the last PRIME interview. They told us PRIME decisions would be released/made mid March but no specific date (I know you didn’t ask about PRIME but wanted to provide that info for anyone else reading). Also, they told us after our interview that decisions would be released on 3/15 (which was true in my case)
I don’t think there’s been any PRIME A’s yet but I hope there is sometime soon!
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anyone else have 0 communication from them since submitting 😅
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i like how we're just becoming delulu 🤪
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No, I just got the R pre II ... said they filled their class already so they're rejecting the rest of us who haven't heard anything
at least you got a R. Still waiting on a ton of schools to tell us one way or another where we stand.
Withdrew A, best of luck to everyone on the WL :)
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