Howard and Morehouse

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Jul 6, 2009
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What are the chances that a caucasian gets into Howard and Morehouse?
Is it not worth applying if you are white?

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What are the chances that a caucasian gets into Howard and Morehouse?
Is it not worth applying if you are white?

I don't know much about Morehouse, but Howard has a pretty diverse student population. According to the stats--3 white people matriculated to Morehouse and 8 to Howard last year. It's all about what you want to get out of your medical education. Howard is specifically concerned with helping out under served communities, so if you are interested in that and it shows through on your application--apply and you stand a decent chance.

Although 8 and 3 might seem like small numbers...that's what we as URMs deal with at almost every other school than the HBCUs. Maybe you could find out what it feels like to be on the other side! j/k lol Good luck!
In 2008-2009, out of 56 spots filled at Morehouse, here is the breakdown.

0 Hispanics
3 Whites, 5.4%
11 Asians, 19.6%
42 African Americans, 75%

Now does that mean that more whites weren't offered acceptances but chose not to go to Morehous? Possibly.

I know that I chose the school as a saftey school without knowing it had an ethnic bias.

Had I know I would have saved my money and applied elsewhere.
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In 2008-2009, out of 56 spots filled at Morehouse, here is the breakdown.

0 Hispanics
3 Whites, 5.4%
11 Asians, 19.6%
42 African Americans, 75%

Now does that mean that more whites weren't offered acceptances but chose not to go to Morehous? Possibly.

I know that I chose the school as a saftey school without knowing it had an ethnic bias.

Had I know I would have saved my money and applied elsewhere.

You should definitely be aware of the school before you apply, but you shouldn't let the fact that it is a Historically Black College deter you from applying. It does not have a bias as far as you can say, because as far as you know there might not have been a high amount of whites applying. Does Emory, UMN, Rosalind Franklin, or UCONN have a biased against Hispanics because only 2 matriculated? No, that isn't statistically valid, you need more evidence! Just saying :laugh:
xmsr3, what were your stats?
you didnt get accepted?
so they are not safety schools for whites? no offense
xmsr3, what were your stats?
you didnt get accepted?
so they are not safety schools for whites? no offense

If you only want to apply to these schools as a safety school--don't waste your money. Most schools can see through BS. If you believe in the way they teach medicine and could see yourself there then apply, but if you are only throwing it on the list because you think you are sure to get in...don't waste your time cause there are plenty of people with good stats who will not be accepted because they don't fit to the way the college educates students.
I didn't apply to morehouse, but I did get interviewed at Meharry (i'm like the whitest person I know)... liked the school, but while my fellow interviewees were a mix, there were WAY more black students than white. So it seems just from that they recruit a mix but the students that are accepted and then matriculate are more black.
I know 2 caucasian graduates of Howard, and I was offerred an interview at Meharry and am also white.

These schools are focused on creating physicians with a commitment to serving the under-addressed health needs of minority populations. I, and the 2 grads I know, had significant experience working with public health issues in communities of interest to these schools.

If you are white and don't have such experience, it is highly doubtful you will be granted an interview. You should not use these schools as a "back-up" based on their average MCAT or GPA--even with a 36 and a 4.0, you'd be unlikely to get an interview if you didn't show a commitment to underserved communities prior to applying.
What's the difference between Howard and Morehouse medical schools? I heard one is more focused on helping the underserved while the other does not stress this as much.
What's the difference between Howard and Morehouse medical schools? I heard one is more focused on helping the underserved while the other does not stress this as much.
All HBCUs have the same mission: serving underserved communities and increasing the number of URMs in medicine.Howard is perhaps the most diverse mostly due to its location and nationally well-known.
I am working at Grady this summer for research, and I know a few white people who went to morehouse. I was talking to one of the volunteers too, who is an undergrad at morehouse, and he told me it is pretty diverse.
as far as howard is concerned, just make sure you have the humanities pre reqs they require.
if you guys got accepted to howard, meharry, and morehouse which one would you chose? just wondering..
I just know a certain poster is going to spew his BS and I am just waiting waiting waiting...

The anticipation is killing me...:smuggrin:
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