
  1. R

    Unsure how to rank GPR's

    MATCH deadline is coming up and I wanted to get people's opinion about my list of GPR's. I am mostly asking about the first three. While I know everyone has different wants out of a program, I am curious about what else is known about these. I feel similarly for most of them. 1. Einstein/...
  2. Mr.Smile12

    Holiday calendar rules of thumb on application status (derived from LizzyM premed calendar)

    When should predental applicants panic about their applications? Thankfully, predental applicants don't seem to be as anxious, but I have to remember SDN is not a scientific sample. Here are some dates to observe to gauge your application status to prepare for a reapplication. Note: consider...
  3. catiekat

    Addressing a failed post-bacc class in personal statements?

    I'm currently working on clinical psych PhD applications. After my undergrad degree in health psych, I spent a couple years preparing to apply for Physician Assistant programs before I redirected to psych. During this time, I took and failed an online microbiology course. I'm torn on addressing...
  4. M

    "Ties to a school"

    Hi, Sorry if this is not a good question...but do ties to a state expand beyond parents living there and where is this mentioned when applying? If I have a long-term partner in that state and will graduate at 29 if all goes well in the app cycle, would that be reasonable or does it only apply...
  5. R

    School applications - Former SMP

    Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone had possible school recommendations. I am from the MW and got a 3.52 in the GT SMP. MCAT of 517. I actually was not a science major in my UG so I did some bare minimum post bacc classes at Loyola in Chicago before starting the SMP - looking back, I think...
  6. P

    Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship thoughts

    Hi, relatively new user here. Thanks in advance for your help! I am currently a PGY3 psych resident considering applying for an addiction psychiatry fellowship to start in July 2022. I have had an interest in the field of addictions even before starting residency and in an ideal world I would...
  7. A

    How do med schools group GPA by year when applicant has more than 2 years in community college?

    So med schools look at each year of undergrad & postbacc or whatever else after that. But what about spending super long in community college part-time before transferring to a university? I read somewhere that med schools look at freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year individually, then...
  8. M

    Other Unmatched Again! They Don't Care!

    Exams completed. ECFMG certified. No gaps in between and have remained consistent with work in the health field relative to gaining clinical experience. I have called numerous programs where the program directors/coordinators have straight said over the phone "I have not had a chance to check...
  9. tinyhandsbob

    What happens if I miss a medical school interview invite? (SPAM folder)

    So I'm interested in finding out what happens if I were to miss an interview invite that went into my spam folder. My spam folder permanently auto deletes after 30 days and I have not regularly checked it throughout the two application cycles I applied. So technically I have no way of finding...
  10. BellaEXE

    Research Papers ? ? ?

    I've read tons of responses from various people stating that research publications are fantastic on resumes for medical schools. Only problem is, is that I've been researching about research papers with little to no avail. I suppose my key questions about research papers are this: 1. How much...
  11. W

    Chances? please advise!!

    Applied this cycle with the following stats: cGPA: 3.47 sGPA: 3.38 DAT: AA = 23 TS = 22 RC = 27 PAT = 19 Residence: CALIFORNIA Shadowing: 115 hours Volunteering: 200+ at nonprofit Leadership experience: president of nonprofit for 1 year Research: 2 years at prestigious research university...
  12. 8HourStudier

    Does volunteering I did when in high school count if I continue it in college?

    I have around 650 hours of volunteering I gained throughout high school at one of the top hospitals. All were direct patient contact (listed as so under my position) and about 50 of the hours are clinical (rest were non-clinical as I didn’t do anything MEDICAL regarding the patients I believe)...
  13. Goro

    Goro's guide to the app process (2019 ed.)

    So application season is upon us once again. I have some tips for you. Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair. What do we Adcoms look for? People who will make good doctors and will be good students. But to be the former, you have to be the latter. Evidence for doing well in med school is...
  14. A

    Waitlisters 2018-2019

    I thought it would be nice to have a thread dedicated to commiserating our waitlist status. If you've been waitlisted like me, post which schools you're waiting on!! We got this guys!!!! :clap:
  15. B

    Academic Update: Is it necessary?

    Are all applicants required to submit an updated transcript on OptomCAS? I know that some schools require official transcripts once you have chosen to attend anyway. If someone already has been accepted to schools, is it necessary to resubmit to OptomCAS, or can they just send in the official...
  16. 9

    Providing Parent Information on Applications

    What is the goal behind asking for this information
  17. A

    optomcas personal statement question

    hi there!! does anyone know if we can recycle personal statements for each program? kind of a dumb question since (at least for the programs i'm applying to) the personal statement questions are either identical or wording is very similar. is there such a thing like you can't recycle what...
  18. toastytoes

    When to release USMLE scores to ERAS?

    Hello! I am still waiting for my Step2CK score which will come out Aug 29 due to the summer delay. Wondering if I should 'release' my usmle transcript now or should I wait until Aug 29? I know they're not going to go anywhere until Sept 15 anyway, just wondering if there would be a delay if I...
  19. M

    Work as a Diener!? Advice please

    I have been volunteering in a pathology lab at a local hospital. They had a recent position open up for a Diener in the morgue and I’ve been encouraged to apply. I would be assisting Pathologists and residents in the morgue. The persons whose job I would be taking ( leaving for med school...
  20. BTC0821

    AMCAS Most meaningful question

    Hi all, so I have 2 of the 3 available most meaningful activities already selected, but I have a third one that I would like to check but am not sure if it would be a good idea to or not. So I became an EMT in the fall and due to work and school, hadn't gotten a position until May. At this...
  21. E

    Low DAT scores...retake and apply for this cycle?

    Hi everyone, I just took my DAT this morning after studying for three months and my scores were awful...I'm so discouraged. I'm aware of the 90-day wait period, but I'm wondering if it's even worth it to try and retake it in September (90 days from now) and attempt to apply for this upcoming...
  22. O

    What do fellowships look for in their applicants?

    Hi there, I'm an Otolaryngology PGY3, trying to decide between Facial Plastics and Neurotology. As part of this decision I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the most important criteria that fellowship programs look for in resident applicants, and are there any material differences...
  23. S

    Draft an email for applying to Labs

    Hey y'all I've applied to like twenty labs but no reply :( I need a volunteer position, what am I doing wrong??? I already volunteer at one lab, my cgpa is 3.8 and I'm going into my third year. TIA!!
  24. J

    Dermatology Application Podcast

    One of my friends just forwarded me a link to a podcast called Topical dermatology. SDN not letting me post link b/c I'm new but google it it's on itunes. 2 derms at Harvard talking about application process. not sure if will help but listened to first epidsode and at least interesting &...
  25. BTC0821

    The optimal number of schools to apply to

    Hi everyone, so I've seen from different threads a few posts saying to apply to 20 or so schools but I wasn't so sure as to why that is the best number to apply to. I have created a list of schools that I would be happy going to (MD/DO) and I have around 30 or so schools that I would be...
  26. A

    low gpa secondary to mother's death

  27. PT_Student_123

    How to Create a Great Personal Statement + 2018-19 PTCAS Essay

    Good Luck on your 2018-2019 applications. This is fantastic resource! Bonus: 2018-19 PTCAS Essay "Describe a meaningful experience in your life. Reflect on how that...
  28. T

    WAMC D.O. / M.D. sgpa 3.72 cgpa 3.76 MCAT 507, NV resident

    Filipino, Female, 25 years old Sgpa 3.72 Cgpa 3.76 MCAT - took four times total, 3 old version and 1 new version 6/2013 26 5/2014 22 (lol I know) 8/2014 26 9/2017 507 126/127/126/128 Graduated 2015 - Major - Pre-professional Biology minor -...
  29. D

    Program-Specific Info / Q's Dominican University of California - MOT

    Has anyone applied to Dominican University for Fall 2018? Did you hear anything in-regards to upcoming interviews?
  30. S

    DPT Admissions Chances

    Hi! Currently a senior in undergrad and feeling anxious about DPT applications. I've decided to take a gap year after I graduate to focus on applications without worrying about trying to complete undergrad classes at the same time, and to be able to travel/volunteer internationally. I'm trying...
  31. U

    Reasons for not choosing USF CoP

    I have decided to relay my experience with USF CoP to potential students and list reasons for not going to this institution. 1.) Projects that have nothing to do with clinical decisions. Most of these projects include making ridiculously themed videos that have maybe 10 seconds of valuable...
  32. chemdoctor

    Applying to MD schools while Green Card is in process?

    Is it possible to apply to MD schools while ones green card is in process? Or does one have to wait until the green card is in hand before applying? Can't you put on your application that you'll be getting your green card in like a couple months? Or not?
  33. chemdoctor

    Is it necessary?

    Just finished freshman year, graduating early. Had a few questions. Neuroscience major, premed aiming for MD schools. So I was wondering if it is NECESSARY to be involved in campus activities? In all honesty, I dont really like the campus activities, etc. is it necessary to be invocled? I see...
  34. W

    Trouble getting in endo

    I'm a foreign trained dentist trying to get in an endodontics residency. I graduate in 2010 with a not so great GPA, got a 90 and an 80 in NBDE I and II respectively, did AEGD in the US, got a 90 in ADAT, practicing in Florida and has been applying for endo for 3 years. I never even got an...
  35. OdysseusMD

    ERAS 2018 formatting

    Hey guys, My question has been asked a lot in the past but no one is really sure what the right answer is, so here goes: Can we use bulletpoints in ERAS (eg for experiences, awards, memberships etc)? Thanks
  36. TheGirlWithTheFernTattoo

    WCVM/UCVM c/o 2022

    Applications don't start for a month, but let's get this party started! After creeping and talking on this thread for several years this will be my first year applying. Very nervous/excited, but I expect to be applying again next year and my ultimate goal is to just get an interview. :)...
  37. hpb_doc

    Do recommendation Letters

  38. B

    Should I bother applying now or wait until next year?

    I graduated from undergrad in 2014, cGPA 3.25 sCPA 3.03. I was forced to take a year off from everything after I graduated from undergrad, but have spent the last 2 years working as a medical scribe. My highest old MCAT score was 25 (PS 7, VR 10, BS 8). I am scheduled to take the new test on...
  39. Bean_Bunny

    Pediatric Rheumatology Fellowship 2017-2018 Application Cycle

    Good morning! Anyone out there either applying for pediatric rheumatology this year or anyone who's been through this process recently? Would love to have a group to post through the cycle and would love any advice that prior applicants may have when applying to pediatric rheumatology. Thanks!
  40. M

    Secondary Applications!

    Has anybody received secondary applications yet? I have applied to 30+ schools and I worry that I am going to receive all secondaries at once and not be able to complete them all. Does anybody know the earliest possible day that people have received them in the past? Does anybody know how soon...