2008-2009 Cornell Secondary Application Thread

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I talked to someone who applied last year and was put on the "high priority wait list" which, I'm assuming, means there is a "regular priority wait list" as well. So they may do some sort of tier system but I doubt they number it or anything. I also think they wait list A LOT of people (at least 250-300 if not more)...

Good to know, good to know.

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Yea, but the e-mail said letters wouldn't be sent until Monday and I'm in California...

Called admissions office, the letters (at least mine) were sent on Tues. I live in Boston, and this morning (Friday) I haven't receive it yet. Hopefully it will arrive by tonight.
Anyone get the WL/rejection letter yet? What do the WL letters say?
Yes. I got the waitlist letter today..says "you are highly qualified", "waitlist is unranked", "send reasons why you want to remain on waitlist by april 15" etc. I don't have the letter in front of me now because I'm at work and I called home to see what is says, but I'll post it later tonight or tomorrow. Does anyone know when the waitlist starts moving? How about the percentage of waitlisted people who are accepted into the class for previous years?
I also received my wait list notification yesterday and I live in NYC.
The admissions office doesn't seem to be open on weekends, so can anybody tell me if wait-listed students can attend a "second look" day or if they can schedule to revisit the school and talk to admissions people?

Cornell's website says that many of their students are accepted from the wait list, but "many" is so subjective.....
So if you didn't get an email and it shows a letter was sent, that means you were rejected or waitlisted?
Centrion - Yes, that's what it means.

I just got my WL letter 6 hours before my flight to spring break =/...says it's not ranked, nothing useful really.

Good luck all...
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The suspense is killing me. I want that WL/Rejection letter. 🙁
Just got my letter here in the bay area - small envelope 🙁
Got my waitlist letter today! Came in Saturday. Postmarked March 5th (letter dated March 4th). I am happy (and staying on the wait list unless I get more acceptances down the line). If I got a second rejection letter in one week I was going to be rather depressed.
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Yes. I got the waitlist letter today..says "you are highly qualified", "waitlist is unranked", "send reasons why you want to remain on waitlist by april 15" etc. I don't have the letter in front of me now because I'm at work and I called home to see what is says, but I'll post it later tonight or tomorrow. Does anyone know when the waitlist starts moving? How about the percentage of waitlisted people who are accepted into the class for previous years?
i don't see this. the letter just has to be returned by april 15th, and obviously send updates if pertinent.

also, the "state reason for above choice" is just if you DON'T want to stay on the WL right?

I got my letter in the south yesterday.
Yea, ami1983, mine says the same thing as yours- no reasons necessary, just updates if wanted... too bad we have NO idea how many people typically get accepted off the waitlist...that might add some encouragement....
Yea, ami1983, mine says the same thing as yours- no reasons necessary, just updates if wanted... too bad we have NO idea how many people typically get accepted off the waitlist...that might add some encouragement....
yeah, definitely. I hope I have more updates to send in 🙂

anyone have info on the waitlist movement? I guess those of us on it can't go to 2nd look 🙁
I also received my wait list notification yesterday and I live in NYC.
The admissions office doesn't seem to be open on weekends, so can anybody tell me if wait-listed students can attend a "second look" day or if they can schedule to revisit the school and talk to admissions people?

Cornell's website says that many of their students are accepted from the wait list, but "many" is so subjective.....

hmmmm, where is this site? 🙁
OK, the "Please state reasons" part looks like they want justification for either remaining on the waitlist or not...who reads it like I'm reading it? (And who reads it differently?)

I feel like you have to give your justification either way...what do you guys think?
OK, the "Please state reasons" part looks like they want justification for either remaining on the waitlist or not...who reads it like I'm reading it? (And who reads it differently?)

I feel like you have to give your justification either way...what do you guys think?

I took it to mean if you do not want to remain on the list, list why. How could they possibly expect us to list reasons to stay on the waitlist in 3 lines?
I took it to mean if you do not want to remain on the list, list why. How could they possibly expect us to list reasons to stay on the waitlist in 3 lines?

Haha, bear in mind they did only give us an itty-bitty space on the secondary to describe our interest in Cornell...

I mean, I have no idea. I'd prefer it if you were right because I don't feel like composing a haiku declaring my eternal love for Cornell.

Just showed it to my mom and she reads it the way I do. Curious.
Just got my waitlist letter...from the perspective of someone who's not staying on, I definitely read it as requesting reasons why you wouldn't want to stay on the wait list. Just like a lot of schools ask you to complete a small survey when you withdraw...it's just so they can get feedback on the admissions process.

Don't worry about it guys. 😛
I guess it does seem a little funny to be asking "Why do you want to stay on our waitlist?"

OK, my dad agrees with you guys. Thanks for the input.
i took it to be asking for reasons to NOT stay on. I didn't put anything (since i'm staying on) and mailed it today. Hope this is the case!
I thought it was a bit confusing too, but since it was ambiguous I put reasons why i wanted to stay on the wait list. I figure it can't hurt.

I wish there were statistics about how many people get in off the wait list and how many people are on it. I don't like this whole not knowing until May 15th thing, some statistics would at least help me figure out how realistic a future acceptance is.
sorry to hear that I was wrong 🙁 I'm wishing everyone lots of luck because you seem cool & I want to party with you 😀 best of luck with the wait list everyone :luck::luck::luck:
I emailed the admissions office about the WL return form and the space provided for comments, since I replied yes to stay on but did not write anything. They said the space is provided for either choice, but that some people don't write anything because they end up writing update letters later. So.... I will be writing an update letter asap 😀
I emailed the admissions office about the WL return form and the space provided for comments, since I replied yes to stay on but did not write anything. They said the space is provided for either choice, but that some people don't write anything because they end up writing update letters later. So.... I will be writing an update letter asap 😀

Thanks for following up! I ended up not writing anything either so yeah, I'll be sending an update letter soon too.
I have a friend that is a first year at Cornell, he said that between thirty and forty percent of the matriculated class came from the wait list. I don't know if this is of any consolation. Also, I was curious to see how many intend on staying on the wait list?
Declined my waitlist spot. Hope that any future spots in Cornell's class goes to a fellow SDN-er! Good luck!
well i got my wait-list form and a letter of intent sent in, I guess i'm crossing my fingers and still playing the waiting game :luck:
Withdrew my wait list. Hope some of you guys get in when it starts moving. Good luck all!
nobody has posted on here in a while, anybody else out there like me that would pretty much give up a kidney to get off the waitlist?
I wouldn't put myself at organ status...maybe bacon.
nobody has posted on here in a while, anybody else out there like me that would pretty much give up a kidney to get off the waitlist?

I think I'd like to hang on to the extra kidney, just in case, but yeah, it'd be really nice to get in! 😀 Has anyone heard anything back since they sent in a letter? Do you know if we will hear anything back? I really don't trust the USPS but I guess I have to.
I think I'd like to hang on to the extra kidney, just in case, but yeah, it'd be really nice to get in! 😀 Has anyone heard anything back since they sent in a letter? Do you know if we will hear anything back? I really don't trust the USPS but I guess I have to.
I got a reply confirming that I changed (or tried to) change my address. Has anyone on the waitlist sent in a LOI? Perhaps I'm not the only slacker...
I got a reply confirming that I changed (or tried to) change my address. Has anyone on the waitlist sent in a LOI? Perhaps I'm not the only slacker...

I didn't write anything on the form that we got had to send in to confirm our spot, so I wanted to make sure to send a very quick simple letter saying "I love you even though you wait listed me!" It wasn't a letter of intent though. =/ Already sent one to another school. Which is something that really sucks about being wait listed because I'd love to get off of any of mine but I don't know if I can without sending a letter of intent, but I can only send one to one school.

I need to send a more thorough letter though. I also need to let them know that I'm going to be out of the country starting May 10th.
I think I'd like to hang on to the extra kidney, just in case, but yeah, it'd be really nice to get in! 😀 Has anyone heard anything back since they sent in a letter? Do you know if we will hear anything back? I really don't trust the USPS but I guess I have to.

I sent in a LOI with my confirmation form, but I don't think I ever heard anything from them either.
From last year's thread, I don't think anything moves until after the fifteenth of May; could be wrong though. The admissions office lady told me that there are around 150 wait list kids, I have no idea how many choose to stay on though. Here's hoping :xf:

Need a little advice.

I've been accepted to my state school--The University of Utah-- where tuition is around 19000/year. I also wouldn't have to pay rent. The U of U is a middle tier school and wouldn't have trouble placing graduates in decent residencies. My wife and I have family here and we would be supported however I love New York and can't think of a better place to learn medicine. There is the more expensive tuition and cost of living though... I'm looking for a career in surgery so I anticipate applying to competitive residencies. Anyway; I've talked to everyone I know and thought it would be great to get some feed back from students that may be facing similar decisions. If I get into to Cornell I'll move to New York for sure. From what I've researched, NYU and Cornell are very comparable.

If you've made it to the end of this message I sincerely thank you... any feedback is helpful and appreciated.
150 hmm.. I wonder what percentage of people are typically accepted off the waitlist...
From last year's thread, I don't think anything moves until after the fifteenth of May; could be wrong though. The admissions office lady told me that there are around 150 wait list kids, I have no idea how many choose to stay on though. Here's hoping :xf:

Need a little advice.

I've been accepted to my state school--The University of Utah-- where tuition is around 19000/year. I also wouldn't have to pay rent. The U of U is a middle tier school and wouldn't have trouble placing graduates in decent residencies. My wife and I have family here and we would be supported however I love New York and can't think of a better place to learn medicine. There is the more expensive tuition and cost of living though... I'm looking for a career in surgery so I anticipate applying to competitive residencies. Anyway; I've talked to everyone I know and thought it would be great to get some feed back from students that may be facing similar decisions. If I get into to Cornell I'll move to New York for sure. From what I've researched, NYU and Cornell are very comparable.

If you've made it to the end of this message I sincerely thank you... any feedback is helpful and appreciated.
have you also been accepted to NYU? Where are you looking to do residency? If you want to do a surgery residency in NY then yes it would def be more beneficial for you to go to a NYC school so you can make connections there & it can be less of an uphill battle. If you are not locked into doing a surgery residency in the East then you might want to consider the value of your support system & all of the money you could save by going home. Surgery is competitive, but it's not so difficult to get into that you would be at a noticeable disadvantage from your state school. I don't think you can go wrong, but I'm not sure going to school in NY would be worth the extra $200,000+... I guess you have to weight the pros & cons and see what the opportunity to experience clinical medicine in NY is worth to you. good luck! :xf:
I don't see how youd have any problems matching into a surgical residency in nyc.
I sent in a LOI with my confirmation form, but I don't think I ever heard anything from them either.

I called today and they confirmed that they received my letter. 🙂

Also, 150 isn't bad compared to some of the other wait lists I'm on!
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have you also been accepted to NYU? Where are you looking to do residency? If you want to do a surgery residency in NY then yes it would def be more beneficial for you to go to a NYC school so you can make connections there & it can be less of an uphill battle. If you are not locked into doing a surgery residency in the East then you might want to consider the value of your support system & all of the money you could save by going home. Surgery is competitive, but it's not so difficult to get into that you would be at a noticeable disadvantage from your state school. I don't think you can go wrong, but I'm not sure going to school in NY would be worth the extra $200,000+... I guess you have to weight the pros & cons and see what the opportunity to experience clinical medicine in NY is worth to you. good luck! :xf:

thanks, I appreciate the response. I am planning on pursuing a career in surgery and my state school seems to be struggling lately. their thread is saying that 25% of their class didn't match this year! I'm not sure what that means but its a little frightening.
have you also been accepted to NYU? Where are you looking to do residency? If you want to do a surgery residency in NY then yes it would def be more beneficial for you to go to a NYC school so you can make connections there & it can be less of an uphill battle. If you are not locked into doing a surgery residency in the East then you might want to consider the value of your support system & all of the money you could save by going home. Surgery is competitive, but it's not so difficult to get into that you would be at a noticeable disadvantage from your state school. I don't think you can go wrong, but I'm not sure going to school in NY would be worth the extra $200,000+... I guess you have to weight the pros & cons and see what the opportunity to experience clinical medicine in NY is worth to you. good luck! :xf:
I have been accepted to NYU to answer your question
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