2021-2022 Weill Cornell

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A! Emailed at 9:50 EST this morning. OOS ORM. I got a II in end of Jan and interviewed the last week of Jan- honestly was not expecting this and feel rlly lucky. No LOI

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It seems like everyone on here always “has a guy” lol so if anyone has the inside scoop on just how big the waitlist is and would care to share you would make a lot of people happy and i would be eternally grateful
Dunno how accurate this is but i saw in a prev year's thread that 750 IIs = 150 As, 350 WLs, 250 Rs
Does anyone else worry that they accidentally clicked the wrong button on the WL form hahaha it stresses me out that I can’t see it on the portal or anything, but I keep telling myself I have nothing to worry about
Same. Doesnt help that they didnt send a confirmation email of my responses 😂 well hopefully WCM shows up in CYMS p soon
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Received as well around 3 EST
Does yours look like this? Kinda weird wording even though we’re waitlisted
do accepted students have to fill out something right now?
Never got the waitlist response email?? Should I be bugging out lol
In the same boat! Seems like they’re definitely sending them out in waves though. Also the fact that we have until April 1 to confirm our WL spot makes me feel comforted that we’ll have it sorted out before then 🙂
Received an email confirming that they received my waitlist response around 8 PM EST
Does Cornell do a second look event?
Current student here...There will definitely be a virtual one (at the end of this month, I think) and there was some talk a few weeks ago about *potentially* having an in-person one later on in the semester. Either way you'll probably get emails about these events from the office of admissions in a bit
Ughhhhh Cornell financial aid application is just sooo muchhhhh workkkkkk

Has anyone else started filling it out?
Ughhhhh Cornell financial aid application is just sooo muchhhhh workkkkkk

Has anyone else started filling it out?
I think I've submitted everything but some documents still stay unreceived, I hope they get updated soon because it's scaring me
I think I've submitted everything but some documents still stay unreceived, I hope they get updated soon because it's scaring me
Where did you see that it is "unreceived"? I uploaded and submitted my tax forms onto the WCM portal but got no confirmation or any communication that they were "received/unreceived"
Where did you see that it is "unreceived"? I uploaded and submitted my tax forms onto the WCM portal but got no confirmation or any communication that they were "received/unreceived"
I got upload confirmation to my cornell email and went to the documents received tab on the FA portal to find the status.
In the same boat! Seems like they’re definitely sending them out in waves though. Also the fact that we have until April 1 to confirm our WL spot makes me feel comforted that we’ll have it sorted out before then 🙂
just got the email
I think I've submitted everything but some documents still stay unreceived, I hope they get updated soon because it's scaring me
Did you submit your W-2s and social security or just the signed tax returns?