2008-2009 Meharry Medical College Secondary Application Thread

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Hi everyone! I just joined SDN today, my interview is this Friday! Is anyone else interviewing 4/3? Also, can anyone that has interviewed please give a (brief) run-through of the day!??!?! I'm getting nervous! Thanks!

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My interview was in Feb. and I was very impressed. My advice would be don't be nervous. Enjoy meeting other students and go to learn as much about Meharry as you can. Ask lots of questions and be yourself! They would not have asked you to interview if you didn't have what they are looking for. I had a morning interview. We ate a light breakfast and then Mr. Mosely gave us a brief intro for the day's events and what to expect. He also presented to us a schedule for interviews. After interviews was a tour of the school and then lunch with med students. Everyone was extremely nice during my visit and I went back last week to look at apartments in the area and while I was on campus, I talked to some second year students while I was there and they seemed to like the school.
Good Luck to those with Interviews and to those still Waiting!

I completely fell in Love with Meharry when I interviewed in early February.

I received my letter of acceptance yesterday. I am totally excited about going. I'm withdrawing all of my other applications - Meharry was my first choice.

Mine was also a morning interview. Everyone (including my fellow candidates) were super nice. Mr. Mosley didn't shake my hand which made me REALLY nervous - I don't know what happened there, I'm sure it was me. The interview panel we had was super nice. They took notes and did ask us some questions. I thought that was smart, since you know they'll be asked their opinion later and I sure wouldn't be able to remember. The tour was nice - I was super distracted by the plants and birds when we were outside and the art when we were inside. My world is so pale compared to Nashville and Meharry. Everything was so vibrant and the Docs who interviewed me really cared. Such a huge difference from the other places I interviewed.

Hopefully this is coherent and helpful, but I'm still so "WOW" right now!

Good Luck!
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Good Luck to those with Interviews and to those still Waiting!

I completely fell in Love with Meharry when I interviewed in early February.

I received my letter of acceptance yesterday. I am totally excited about going. I'm withdrawing all of my other applications - Meharry was my first choice.

Mine was also a morning interview. Everyone (including my fellow candidates) were super nice. Mr. Mosley didn't shake my hand which made me REALLY nervous - I don't know what happened there, I'm sure it was me. The interview panel we had was super nice. They took notes and did ask us some questions. I thought that was smart, since you know they'll be asked their opinion later and I sure wouldn't be able to remember. The tour was nice - I was super distracted by the plants and birds when we were outside and the art when we were inside. My world is so pale compared to Nashville and Meharry. Everything was so vibrant and the Docs who interviewed me really cared. Such a huge difference from the other places I interviewed.

Hopefully this is coherent and helpful, but I'm still so "WOW" right now!

Good Luck!

Congrats Shetan!!
I'll be seeing you in July!
We actually didn't get to see much beyond the new research building they have...but I went on a tour the next day on my own. They told us the first two years we'd be in the lecture hall the whole time anyway!
Did anyone that's already interviewed stay at the Millenium Maxwell House?

How did you get back and forth to the interview and airport?
What was your experience with this Hotel?
Did anyone that's already interviewed stay at the Millenium Maxwell House?

How did you get back and forth to the interview and airport?
What was your experience with this Hotel?

Millenium Maxwell House is a great hotel, They will actually give you a ride, to and from the airport and to and from your interview.
They will also bring into the downtown area if you want.
But I would say, either bring your own food or buy elsewhere ( theres a Mcdonalds behing the hotel) , the food at the hotel wasn't all that great.

When I called, to get the speacial rate, they said they were all booked up, but then I just visited hotels.ca or for you probably .com and got a room there...for a cheaper rate too!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

I stayed there too...

Having the ride was really convenient - the gentlemen that drove me around were nice and informative about the area. One of the younger guys was a little too nice...

Oh... and if you want to take a soak in the tub (I soaked my feet after I walked from Meharry back to the hotel to get a feel for the neighborhood) be REALLY careful how you fill your tub - mine leaked down into the room below...

And it is TOTALLY cheaper to reserve online. Pull up all of the travel sites at the same time (one in each window) and compare rates - they will all be different...

Woo Hoo Camrichie!

I am soooo looking forward to seeing you end of June/beginning of July!


I also recommend the West End Courtyard Marriot (1901 West End)... After realizing that the Maxwell was booked, I called in and managed to get a special student rate from the Marriot ($119/night)... The hotel was nice... also offered a free shuttle to anywhere within a five mile radius (including Meharry)... the hotel was also a walking distance from a many attractions...
Thanks for the info guys.

Anyone else interviewing Monday, April 6th?
I just got an email acceptance from Meharry!!!!! :soexcited:
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Thanks!! I interviewed on the 26th of March, wasn't expecting to hear from them so soon!
I got an acceptance today too! See you in June. I interviewed on the same day 3/26...glad they didn't keep us waiting!
congrats to the both of you. I interview next week and I hope they get back to just as quickly. I have two questions for you. First how do they let you know about the decision email or regular mail? Second, have they given you any information as to when registration, orientation and classes start? Thanks and congrats again hope to see you
congrats to the both of you. I interview next week and I hope they get back to just as quickly. I have two questions for you. First how do they let you know about the decision email or regular mail? Second, have they given you any information as to when registration, orientation and classes start? Thanks and congrats again hope to see you
They sent an acceptance email. In the email it says they will send a packet soon. I know the e-mail says we start June 28th.
They sent an acceptance email. In the email it says they will send a packet soon. I know the e-mail says we start June 28th.

June 28th? hmm, the letter I received a few weeks ago said that it was the 29th for registration....I wonder if it changed
The email i received said 28th of June as well
I just got an interview invite for April 27th. Do you think it is too late in the game? I have limited funds and was already saving up for next cycle. Is it worth the money or should I wait until next year? I love the school (went to undergrad across the street at Fisk).. I just dont want to spend the money for a plane ticket and not have a chance. What do you all think?
I think you still have a shot. Have you already been accepted to the school of your choice?
I just got an interview invite for April 27th. Do you think it is too late in the game? I have limited funds and was already saving up for next cycle. Is it worth the money or should I wait until next year? I love the school (went to undergrad across the street at Fisk).. I just dont want to spend the money for a plane ticket and not have a chance. What do you all think?
Your stats look good, I really liked it when I visited... I guess a way to think of it is, the plane tic/hotel for this interview will be way cheaper than the cost of reapplying. Good luck!
A tip: make sure you know the school's mission statement- I was asked it by both interviewers, thankfully I knew it!
I actually didnt get any interviews this cycle. I was in the process of sending out my personal statement to readers for the next cycle when I got the email... COMPLETE :eek::eek::eek:! I decided I will give it a shot. What's the worst that can happen?
I understand money being limited at the time. I would not want to live with the "what if" that comes along declining the interview. Go for it and good luck.
If you decline the interview this year, will Meharry view you as a candidate for an interview NEXT year? Some schools can be picky.

The interview will also tell you if you want to bother applying to Meharry next year. I learned SO MUCH from my interviews - Meharry shot straight into first place after my interview there.

What was it that you liked in particular? Like I said, I went to Fisk University right across the street for 4 years and from what I have seen, Meharry is right for me. Heck, I wouldnt even mind doing the post-bacc program if it meant getting accepted next year!
Go to the interview! It is an opportunity to get in this year or post-bac for next year.
Thats my 2cent. And since this is ur only interview this cycle, go thru the fire and hopefully u will get in. And if not, u will be ready for next yr cycle and able to call the school on what areas u need to improve on to get accepted next yr...
Good luck at the interview! Hopefully We can all be classmates

I love the school, Great atmosphere.I was interviewed by Dr.collins .I was already in love with the school b4 then .He just certified it. The resources are there to succeed and with the family atmosphere, u can go anywhere u want to go for residency. The small class size also helps
What was it that you liked in particular? Like I said, I went to Fisk University right across the street for 4 years and from what I have seen, Meharry is right for me. Heck, I wouldnt even mind doing the post-bacc program if it meant getting accepted next year!
i liked the family feel, supportive atmosphere, small class size. the only thing i didnt like is how early it starts and how long the class days are.
What was it that you liked in particular?

I liked how friendly everyone was - including the other candidates. This was ONLY the case for me at Meharry.

For example, one interview at a state school gave off a "Tell us why we shouldn't kill you now?" impression.

An interview on the East Coast had a serious "We are the privileged few and you are a gormless worm" atmosphere.

Meharry had a "We want to save the world, how are you going to help us?" feeling.

Meharry also excuded "Home" and "Family", and (for me) those are far more important than the toys some schools have. Plus, Meharry is INTENSE - they are going to make sure I get through and come out the other side knowing my stuff. And that is important to me.

One of the state schools I interviewed at even tried to sell me on the idea that I didn't have to get through MD school in 4 years, I could take 5 or even 6. Holy Wow people...

Hey everyone! First, congrats to all those who got in! I hope i can join ya'll coming Fall :D

I found out I'm on the Meharry waitlist and I was wondering if anyone knew the chances of getting in from their waitlist?:confused: I REALLY loved the school **agrees with above post** and I want to do everything I can do to better my chances of joining the Meharry family. That said, if I might ask advice on asking the school to update me on my waitlist status and telling them I'm set on being a part of the Meharry legacy. This a good or bad idea? Thanks everyone:)
i got waitlisted too a couple of weeks back.. im not sure how many people come off it tho... or if we still have a chance.. i hope they do.. cuz i really love the school too...
Just got waitlisted today. It seems like they have a very big waitlist. I hope they dont thro people on there as a way to prevent sending out rejection letters.
true.. well i dont know what to think.. considering the fact that there waitlists arent even ranked.. I think they stop interviewing at the end of april so lets jus be optimistic
Check out my post on the previous page. I think it gives a bit of insight into the "Why's?" and "How do I get off?". As Mr. Mosley said, it might just come down to who shows continued interest and that you'll be on a plane the next day if need be. Good luck.

Hey everyone! First, congrats to all those who got in! I hope i can join ya'll coming Fall :D

I found out I'm on the Meharry waitlist and I was wondering if anyone knew the chances of getting in from their waitlist?:confused: I REALLY loved the school **agrees with above post** and I want to do everything I can do to better my chances of joining the Meharry family. That said, if I might ask advice on asking the school to update me on my waitlist status and telling them I'm set on being a part of the Meharry legacy. This a good or bad idea? Thanks everyone:)
Check out my post on the previous page. I think it gives a bit of insight into the "Why's?" and "How do I get off?". As Mr. Mosley said, it might just come down to who shows continued interest and that you'll be on a plane the next day if need be. Good luck.

Thank you for the advice; I looked up general advice about letters of intents and I got the impression that sending a letter of intent was too pushy, that's why I refrained from writing one before. But, I will defintely take your advice and hopefully show Meharry I'm really serious about becoming a Meharrian! THANKS!
But, I will defintely take your advice and hopefully show Meharry I'm really serious about becoming a Meharrian! THANKS!

Following my interview, I fell in love with Meharry. So I sent a blizzard of updated transcripts, letters of interest, award certificates, and was drafting another one when I received my letter.

I ONLY sent them to Meharry, despite having interviewed with and being listed by other schools. I was honest with Meharry and told them how I felt.

I think it really helped me a lot.

I also had thoughts of backing off, but I wanted Meharry so much that I pestered them anyway.

It was very funny - before I opened the letter my heart sank because I thought they might be sending an official "desist notice" (i.e. a STOP bugging us letter!) but they let me in anyway :)

Daniélle ♪♫♪
Haha stop bugging us letter.
yea send a LOI. Since the waitlist is unranked, it will only help and we r only 10.5 weeks away from MAPs
Go for it..... rather than have "what if " later
Great advice. Think it would be too soon to drop a LOI in the mailbox on the way to the airport after my interview (April 27th)? LOL
Who have you guys been addressing updates/LOIs to?
Who have you guys been addressing updates/LOIs to?

Following my interview I began sending all of my updates and LOIs to Mr. Mosley - Director of Admissions and Recruitment. I think during the interview that is what he actually told us to do - but I'd have to find my notes.

Prior to that, I had been sending short e-mails off to Mr. Graves, as a "this is where I'm at" type of thing. They usually involved questions on my part.

I did get a call from Mr. Mosley at one point - he left a message - asking for clarification on something. And then I DID call him right back AND send a letter AND a transcript. But mostly I initiated my updates and LOIs

Thanks! I was assuming that Mr. Mosley was who they should be sent to.
Hey guys, just wanted to clarify (for those that already interviewed) are there two back to back interviews?? If so, were they basically asking the same questions or were they completely focused on different areas? Thanks!!!
Hey guys, just wanted to clarify (for those that already interviewed) are there two back to back interviews?? If so, were they basically asking the same questions or were they completely focused on different areas? Thanks!!!

mine were half an hour apart. one was a soft interviewer, the other GRILLED me.
They have a schedule some are back to back and some are separated. My interviews were very different! PM me with questions if you want! Best of luck!
I interview on April 30th....I am so excited....Best of Luck to you all. Maybe we will all see each other in June :)!
I interviewed on 4/17 and got wait listed yesterday. For those left to interview, the interview went very well I thought. I was surprised at how much they cared for their students and how many opportunities they have there. There are 2 thirty min interview that are more of a conversation so they are able to get to know you. Good luck to everyone who is left to interview and to my fellow applicants on the waitlist hopefully they will begin taking people off the list after the 15th of May.
Does anyone know how long it takes to get the packet in the mail? I was accepted in the beginning of April and I still don't have it!
I received the packet sometime last week, and was also accepted the first week of april.
has anyone successfully contacted the admissions office post interview?
has anyone successfully contacted the admissions office post interview?

I interviewed in November and was placed on the wait list in December. I had been able to speak to Mr. Mosley or someone at the admissions office serveral times until February. After that, I've left numerous messages asking about my application and the wait list but haven't heard anything back.

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