2008-2009 UC Davis Secondary Application Thread

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wait... are there two revisit days? i thought it was last saturday....

Hey oeste! There's definitely another revisit day thrown by the Office of Diversity and associated clubs. It's probably being held for those who didn't hear back before their 1st one. Here's the email:

The Student National Medical Association and Latino Medical Student Association is sponsoring a "Revisit" program for admitted applicants on May 8th and 9th, 2009. We are including the agenda for the program. We hope you can attend and look forward to your visit.

Good luck to those still waiting! :luck:

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wait... are there two revisit days? i thought it was last saturday....

I heard that the May 8-9 revisit day is for the "diversity" group...whatever that means. It would make sense that people accepted after the first revisit day are invited to attend that one though.
I thought the Dec 17th interview day was the one that was cancelled and everyone was rescheduled for?? Maybe that was the 18th ? I don't remember the specifics, except for the useless flight across the country :) Anyways, Congrats, hopefully this is the beginning of a set of invites soon to come our way!

My interview was supposed to be dec 17 so that day was cancelled. Poster must've made a mistake. Congrats nonetheless!

I wonder how many acceptances are left. If 90-100% of the ppl at revisit are sure on davis that doesn't look too good :/

Good luck to all of us waiting to hear and those on the WL.
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My interview was supposed to be dec 17 so that day was cancelled. Poster must've made a mistake. Congrats nonetheless!

I wonder how many acceptances are left. If 90-100% of the ppl at revisit are sure on davis that doesn't look too good :/

Good luck to all of us waiting to hear and those on the WL.

No mistake. I had a biochem final earlier that day, then took the 2 1/2 hr drive from South Bay Area on the rainy night of Tues Dec. 16th and stayed with a host. I interviewed on Dec. 17th with a good group of ppl ~10-15 of us.

LOL about the "diversity" group nina!
My interview was supposed to be dec 17 so that day was cancelled. Poster must've made a mistake. Congrats nonetheless!

I wonder how many acceptances are left. If 90-100% of the ppl at revisit are sure on davis that doesn't look too good :/

Good luck to all of us waiting to hear and those on the WL.

No mistake. I had a biochem final earlier that day, then took the 2 1/2 hr drive from South Bay Area on the rainy night of Tues Dec. 16th and stayed with a host. I interviewed on Dec. 17th with a good group of ppl ~10-15 of us.

LOL about the "diversity" group nina!

Something doesn't match up here....:eek:
I interviewed December 17th as well... still no response.
No mistake. I had a biochem final earlier that day, then took the 2 1/2 hr drive from South Bay Area on the rainy night of Tues Dec. 16th and stayed with a host. I interviewed on Dec. 17th with a good group of ppl ~10-15 of us.

LOL about the "diversity" group nina!

And the mysteries of UC Davis continue. Looking back through my emails, I definitely had a Dec 17th interview before having it mysteriously cancelled also for an "event that the med school was hosting that day that conflicted". I also have the receipt of my $200+ flight across the country. Something certainly does not add up here. Lots of lies being told from that office and these ones aren't of the white variety.
And the mysteries of UC Davis continue. Looking back through my emails, I definitely had a Dec 17th interview before having it mysteriously cancelled also for an "event that the med school was hosting that day that conflicted". I also have the receipt of my $200+ flight across the country. Something certainly does not add up here. Lots of lies being told from that office and these ones aren't of the white variety.

But remember, it's not their fault. It's because of technical issues. Apparently interviews being cancelled was a technical issue. The delay in secondaries was a technical issue. The delay in interview invites was a technical issue. The delay in post-interview decisions for some is a technical issue. And the inconsistent information coming from the Admissions office over the phone and via email are also technical issues. I wonder what else is gonna be a technical issue. Financial aid offers? Incomplete processing of transcripts? Any guesses?
Just some observations that may clear up some misunderstandings:

1. Dec. 17 may have been a special day set aside for disadvantaged/PRIME interviewees, so by "special event" they may have meant that.

2. Davis told me to look forward to a waitlist/rejection when I contacted them (I still haven't heard anything officially). I'm guessing that this means if they tell you that they haven't made a decision, then they really mean it (for once!). Keep in mind that you'll have to be specific in your question and ask directly whether you're still being considered for any of the three options including acceptance; otherwise they're just going to beat around the bush and not tell you anything useful.

Good luck all; I'm guessing that they've already decided to semi-reject some applicants like me, but they're holding onto us just in case because they're not sure how many people are going to accept their offer. I'll occasionally check this thread, but I've given up on Davis and am moving on to the acceptances/waitlists that I DO have in hand. That is, unless they decide to waitlist me and continue this eternal torment :mad: Even then, though, my guess is that I'll be near the bottom of the list.
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Yea, might be that dec 17 was for a special group of ppl... I had to cancel tickets and all my plans to hang out with friends. Someone on sdn even PMed me but when I woke up and responded they were already on their way and had to buy a ticket (very pricey one, I think 700) to go bak to the east coast after arriving in sac. They said they did sent out an email...but I never got one...

I hope davis makes things more clear in the future.
I heard that the May 8-9 revisit day is for the "diversity" group...whatever that means. It would make sense that people accepted after the first revisit day are invited to attend that one though.

April 25th was the revisit day for PRIME and 'regular' applicants. May 8-9 is sponsored by the Office of Diversity, and is, from what I understand, for those who applied as disadvantaged students. It was rescheduled from April 25th for a variety of reasons.
Just some observations that may clear up some misunderstandings:

1. Dec. 17 may have been a special day set aside for disadvantaged/PRIME interviewees, so by "special event" they may have meant that.

If i remember correctly they told me that it was an event for their current medical students, nothing to do with prospective students or prime etc. They probably just double booked the interview day and came up with some excuse.

Que Sa sera sera

Good luck to everyone!
April 25th was the revisit day for PRIME and 'regular' applicants. May 8-9 is sponsored by the Office of Diversity, and is, from what I understand, for those who applied as disadvantaged students. It was rescheduled from April 25th for a variety of reasons.

I was told at the April 25th revisit that the Diversity revisit is for disadvantaged students and under-represented minorities. I was invited to both and did not apply as disadvantaged.
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Good luck all; I'm guessing that they've already decided to semi-reject some applicants like me, but they're holding onto us just in case because they're not sure how many people are going to accept their offer. I'll occasionally check this thread, but I've given up on Davis and am moving on to the acceptances/waitlists that I DO have in hand. That is, unless they decide to waitlist me and continue this eternal torment :mad: Even then, though, my guess is that I'll be near the bottom of the list.

Any idea where you'll be off to, fizzle?
On December 17th they interviewed "Regular MD" and "PRIME" applicants, however the two groups were kept completely separated and had different schedules. I know because I interviewed on the 17th as part of the Regular MD, and the two groups kept passing each other in the hallways. Who knows what Davis is talking about.

On a separate note, Ed emailed me a few hours ago letting me know that I've been waitlisted. Davis is the last school I've been waiting to hear from... and I think I'll go ahead and remove my name from the list. As great as Davis is, I don't really feel like waiting around a few more months for a definite answer when I have another offer on the table. Good luck to everyone!! I hope those of you that have Davis as their number one choice get in. I'm sure you all deserve it.
Any idea where you'll be off to, fizzle?

Not yet. For anonymity's sake I won't go into details, but fortunately I am holding a couple acceptances on the East Coast, so at least I know I'm going somewhere next year. I'm also on quite a few (>5 :eek:) waitlists, so I'll see what comes of them.
On December 17th they interviewed "Regular MD" and "PRIME" applicants, however the two groups were kept completely separated and had different schedules. I know because I interviewed on the 17th as part of the Regular MD, and the two groups kept passing each other in the hallways. Who knows what Davis is talking about.

On a separate note, Ed emailed me a few hours ago letting me know that I've been waitlisted. Davis is the last school I've been waiting to hear from... and I think I'll go ahead and remove my name from the list. As great as Davis is, I don't really feel like waiting around a few more months for a definite answer when I have another offer on the table. Good luck to everyone!! I hope those of you that have Davis as their number one choice get in. I'm sure you all deserve it.

I am guessing they overbooked that day so the people who signed up later got cancelled... at least they should tell us a real reason...

where you headed off to jmoran?
do you guys know if most students live close enough to bike to the campus/med center, or are the neighborhoods far enough away that everyone drives?

for anyone who went to second-look, what were your thoughts?

Not yet. For anonymity's sake I won't go into details, but fortunately I am holding a couple acceptances on the East Coast, so at least I know I'm going somewhere next year. I'm also on quite a few (>5 :eek:) waitlists, so I'll see what comes of them.

Good luck! I'm having a hard time deciding about staying on my two waitlists. I'm with jmoran in that I'm tired of being in limbo and of this process.
just got an email: rejection

"After careful consideration, we are unable to offer you a position for the class entering in July 2009. We received applications from a highly competitive pool of nearly 5,000 students like yourself. With only 105 seats available, the Admissions Committee faced an extremely difficult task."

looks like the same email they sent to people who didn't get an interview, because there was not even a mention of me interviewing in the rejection

interviewed: jan. 5

on the bottom of the applicant page: "Application declined - no longer under consideration 05/02/2009"

and i thought both interviews went really well... man...

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just got an email: rejection

"After careful consideration, we are unable to offer you a position for the class entering in July 2009. We received applications from a highly competitive pool of nearly 5,000 students like yourself. With only 105 seats available, the Admissions Committee faced an extremely difficult task."

looks like the same email they sent to people who didn't get an interview, because there was not even a mention of me interviewing in the rejection

interviewed: jan. 5

on the bottom of the applicant page: "Application declined - no longer under consideration 05/02/2009"

and i thought both interviews went really well... man...


I was rejected as well. Have fun in Sactown all.

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the delay of information. I was waitlisted on April 30th and received a phone call fomr Ed on May 5th. I got accepted!!!!!!

Revisit DAY May 8-9!

Good Luck to ALL!!!!!
I was rejected as well. Have fun in Sactown all.

I was rejected too. I'm sincerely sorry that you didn't at least get wait listed. I know how badly you wanted to go there. Best of luck with your other wait lists, and good luck to everyone else still waiting for these lame-o's to give you an answer!
I won't be attending UC Davis SOM next year, but I know some really great students that are currently looking for roommates to share a large house near the medical school/medical center. I know looking for housing can be a pain (on top of this clearly arduous application process) so hopefully, this post will help someone.

I have included a description of the place and have attached some pictures to this post. You can contact the people directly (contact info below):

Hi!If you are an incoming UC Davis med student or resident, there are 2 rooms available at our lovely and BIG house at 10 Governor's Court.(http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sou...spn=0.010972,0.022745&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr)
See attached pics.

You'd be sharing the 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with an MS III and an MD/PhD student. Each room is $500 plus utilities (electric+ comcast internet + cable if interested). We have a large backyard and rotate through the 2-car garage (street parking is plenty and free). It is a 15 minute walk to Med Ed or a 5 minute bike ride. It's on a cul-de-sac and the neighborhood is quiet.

Move in dates: Immediately or beginning of school year

We're both pretty quiet and studious though we like to have people over for dinner and BBQs during the summer. We're looking for roommates that are interested in making a warm, friendly home, are fairly quiet and wouldn't mind contributing in helping out with the bi-weekly household chores. Women preferred.

If you're interested, please email either:
Justine [email protected]
Anna [email protected]


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Are non-AC decisions going out via email?
I called the office and they said that e-mails go out to those waitlisted or rejected. Acceptances are delivered by phone.
I was rejected too. I'm sincerely sorry that you didn't at least get wait listed. I know how badly you wanted to go there. Best of luck with your other wait lists, and good luck to everyone else still waiting for these lame-o's to give you an answer!

I am so sorry for this news. I was truly hoping we would all hear good news from Davis eventually. I'm sure you will make amazing doctors and I wish you both the best of luck.
Sorry for the delay of information. I was waitlisted on April 30th and received a phone call fomr Ed on May 5th. I got accepted!!!!!!

Ugh. What does it mean for us unsorted people if they're accepting folks off of the waitlist?

EDIT: Congrats soccer81!
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Ugh. What does it mean for us unsorted people if they're accepting folks off of the waitlist?

My guess would be they use some scoring system, and they may have lowered the score required to get in or something. I know they do that at some schools. Although, that wouldn't really explain the rest of their process.
I am guessing they overbooked that day so the people who signed up later got cancelled... at least they should tell us a real reason...

where you headed off to jmoran?

Hey talbo, I'll be going to USC. I was waiting for a decision from UC Davis because they're a great school and I would definitely consider going there. However, just went to Keck's second look day and was reaffirmed as to my initial reasons for wanting to attend Keck so badly. How about you?
Hey jmoran, congrats on SC, I was waitin for an invite from sc till like march but never got one. Right now it looks like UMiami but I have not heard back from Davis and would totally go to Davis if accepted. I am also on other WL such as Pitt, Vandy, UCLA and would go to all these schools over my current acceptance.

Sorry everyone to sidetrack. I guess we should all hear by may 15 or end of may they said... :/

Edit: USC is an awesome skool jmoran, the county hospital looks AMAZING. Good luck with everything.
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Thanks talbo, good luck to you too! I'm sure you'll get onto one of your waitlist schools. Gotta stay positive...
I interviewed on Feb 10th and was just accepted this morning (May 4th) just before 9am. Good luck to everyone else! :rolleyes:
This wait is brutal... I'm trying to distract myself but it does not seem to be working that well... :scared:
I interviewed on Feb 10th and was just accepted this morning (May 4th) just before 9am. Good luck to everyone else! :rolleyes:
Congrats, 1interviewonder! I interviewed the same day.
Just an FYI for everyone else: I emailed the admissions office (after unsuccessfully trying to get a hold of them via phone) and they told me that all acceptances through mid-February interviews had gone out. So now I suppose I'm just waitin' on that waitlist or rejection email.
I interviewed on Feb 10th and was just accepted this morning (May 4th) just before 9am. Good luck to everyone else!


Congrats, 1interviewonder! I interviewed the same day.
Just an FYI for everyone else: I emailed the admissions office (after unsuccessfully trying to get a hold of them via phone) and they told me that all acceptances through mid-February interviews had gone out. So now I suppose I'm just waitin' on that waitlist or rejection email.

This is just sad news =/

This is just sad news =/

Sad news but this is what they said about December and then they accepted a bunch of other people so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Hello PRIME people! Are you out there?

1. Congrats to everyone already accepted.

2. I was wondering how many people have not heard anything about their status from the PRIME program... I got an update email saying they would let us know end of May. Are there any other RURAL-PRIME people waiting to hear back? Aside from those accepted? I am sort of feeling like a loan ranger out here...

The worst thing about the whole processes is that an acceptance in contingent upon another persons decision. The more people who withdraw the better for us "no news" people... ugh
Waitlist'd! Got the email 5 minutes ago.
Are we all waitlisted, in, or out or are some of you still waiting to hear??
waiting, and waiting, and waiting.......
interviewed Jan. 27. still nothing!!! have given up on CA schools :(
I have no official decision yet. A this point I am expecting a rejection...
Anyone have insight onto where they sit on the WL? In years past they have disclosed top half vs bottom half. They don't seem to want to give out any info this year.
Still waiting, too.... interviewed February 10. This is character-building at its best!
Anyone have insight onto where they sit on the WL? In years past they have disclosed top half vs bottom half. They don't seem to want to give out any info this year.

No idea, mine just says "At this time we wish to offer you a position on our wait-list" with no indication regarding where that position is.

Did they respond to your e-mail confirming that you would like to remain on the waitlist? I never got anything back so I'm assuming they received it.
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