2010-2011 George Washington University Application Thread

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Same. To be perfectly honest, I haven't seen an acceptance posted on here in weeks (I think the last interview group to show an acceptance was the first week of February), and I can't imagine that there wouldn't be anyone from 3 weeks of interviews with an acceptance so to me, this means they probably don't have any acceptances left to offer right now (until people drop). Thoughts?

It definitely does seem like this is the case. I interviewed on the last day of interviews and the Dean specifically mentioned that she thinks it would be "morally questionable" to have people interview if they didn't have acceptances left to offer.... she then proceeded to to tell us that she did have acceptances to give and that we were not there is vain. So, who knows? I feel like she wouldn't have gone out of her way to say that if it were a lie. Right?

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It's also possible that there are people who were accepted in the last 3 weeks who aren't on SDN since I only recently discovered this forum XD. Also, I noticed on the thread that some people are waitlisted and some alternate listed, is there a difference between the two? or are they both the same?
It definitely does seem like this is the case. I interviewed on the last day of interviews and the Dean specifically mentioned that she thinks it would be "morally questionable" to have people interview if they didn't have acceptances left to offer.... she then proceeded to to tell us that she did have acceptances to give and that we were not there is vain. So, who knows? I feel like she wouldn't have gone out of her way to say that if it were a lie. Right?

Or maybe, by the time they review your interview group, there WILL be positions open to offer because people will have refused their acceptances?
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I was put on the alternate list today as well (interview 3/4). Has anyone been able to figure out where on the list they are, generally speaking? I called today and they told me that information was confidential. Just wondering if anyone has been abe to do it before. Good luck to all! :luck: (including myself :xf::xf:)
Hey guys,

Got an email this morning as well and, no surprise, alternative listed as well. Sigh. Was hoping for better news, but I guess it's better than a rejection. I don't even want to read last years alternative list thread because I know it'll depress me even more.

I guess it's time to be more proactive. Anyways, good luck to everyone.
I feel like she wouldn't have gone out of her way to say that if it were a lie. Right?

Awww. That's very sweet. I used to be like you. To give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe there were a few spots left. ;)

OTOH, there's usually a lot of movement off the waitlist after whatever day goes by where people can only hold 1 acceptance, so don't fret. Good luck. :)
Accepted! Just got the email a few minutes ago. Interviewed 3/11. Can't believe I got in!!! Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back and those on the alternate list!
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Accepted! Just got the email a few minutes ago. Interviewed 3/11. Can't believe I got in!!! Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back and those on the alternate list!

Congratulations! Looks like some people are still getting in!
Accepted today! First one on second attempt for me. Interviewed last week of Feb.

Thank you SDN. This site has been a tremendous resource for the last 2 years I've been lurking. Just wish I had know about it before I applied my first time.
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Accepted today! First one on second attempt for me. Interviewed last week of Feb.

Thank you SDN. This site has been a tremendous resource for the last 2 years I've been lurking. Just wish I had know about it before I applied my first time.

Don't give up people. I spent a year working 50 hrs/wrk in a warehouse for S7.75/hr for 13 months, stuffing books in a box all day. Worse job ever, but probably helped get me into GW (came up in my interview).

/motivational story

Congrats! :thumbup:
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Looks like I gave her the benefit of the doubt for a reason... interviewed the last day and got accepted today! Yay :)
Congratulations, everyone!

Officially withdrew from the final school I was holding on to and am officially GW 2015 :)

Hopefully see many of you in August!!
Congratulations, everyone!

Officially withdrew from the final school I was holding on to and am officially GW 2015 :)

Hopefully see many of you in August!!

Same here just withdrew from my other schools last week. G Dub 2015!!! :D
Same here just withdrew from my other schools last week. G Dub 2015!!! :D

I'll probably be at gw 2015 too...but the fact that your a Chelsea fan worries me... MAN U all the way! :)
haha looks like there's gonna be some haters when we start school.
Looks like I gave her the benefit of the doubt for a reason... interviewed the last day and got accepted today! Yay :)

Hey I interviewed the last day too and also got accepted!

GW 2015! cant wait
That or a google group. It'd be helpful for finding roomies.
That or a google group. It'd be helpful for finding roomies.

Well the google group is set up by the school, but I think fb would be useful to possibly start putting names with faces
I definitely think it would be useful for sharing housing/roommate/other info!
Well the google group is set up by the school, but I think fb would be useful to possibly start putting names with faces

Will I find out about that when I get my acceptance package?
Will I find out about that when I get my acceptance package?

You'll receive an email invite to join the google group..I think I got the email maybe a week after I was accepted?
Just withdrew from GWU, good luck everyone! Hopefully someone here will get my spot.
Did everyone just get the alternate list email?
has anyone gotten the "top of the alternate list" email? or is that myth? lol
has anyone gotten the "top of the alternate list" email? or is that myth? lol

pretty sure this is a myth? where did you even read this? i hope it's a myth anyway because the last thing i need at this point is SOMETHING ELSE to freak out about not having received....
has anyone gotten the "top of the alternate list" email? or is that myth? lol

I really hope it's a myth!!
Have any alternates heard any good news recently, in light of the fact that some accepted people are starting to give up their spots in the class? I wonder if spots are immediately re-filled as people withdraw?
I really hope it's a myth!!
Have any alternates heard any good news recently, in light of the fact that some accepted people are starting to give up their spots in the class? I wonder if spots are immediately re-filled as people withdraw?

I don't think this is the case. I get the impression that schools over-accept so just because people start to withdraw doesn't necessarily mean it creates spots. I do think there will be waitlist movement in general I just don't think it's a 1 to 1 thing (1 withdraws = 1 off the waitlist).
I don't think this is the case. I get the impression that schools over-accept so just because people start to withdraw doesn't necessarily mean it creates spots. I do think there will be waitlist movement in general I just don't think it's a 1 to 1 thing (1 withdraws = 1 off the waitlist).

I recall GWU interviews 1000-1100, sends offers of acceptances to 300 and enrolls 175.
pretty sure this is a myth? where did you even read this? i hope it's a myth anyway because the last thing i need at this point is SOMETHING ELSE to freak out about not having received....

I think I read about that in last year's thread somewhere.
Did everyone just get the alternate list email?

I didn't receive this. What did it say? I did receive an email in late march asking if alternates were interested in remaining in the alternate pool. Is this the same email for people that interviewed a bit later in the season? Did people who got this latest email also get the one in March?
I believe it is the same one. Those who interview later received the email many mention the other day, whereas if you interview earlier, you have alrdy receive a similar email
any post-interview rejections yet? Or does everyone get directed to the alternate list? Lets go G dubbs!
Waitlisted here, but I think it's a cruelty that my MDApplicants number is a zip code for Washington, D.C. Surely that should count for something.
I just withdrew my name from the acceptance list. I hope this opens up a spot for one of you :)!
One week to the 15th guys. In case you've lost your calendars. Good luck all!
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