2011-2012 George Washington University Application Thread

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any activity yet on acceptance/ alternate for those who interviewed early Feb (2/2, 2/7..etc) ?
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interviewed on 2/2. a decision was made and sent via postal mail, according to the status update webpage. however, I am away so I don't know the decision.
Did everyone else on the wl get the FAFSA email?
i got it too; pretty sure everyone on the WL did. still trying to stay positive tho!
does anyone know if they are done interviewing for this cycle?
i got it too; pretty sure everyone on the WL did. still trying to stay positive tho!
does anyone know if they are done interviewing for this cycle?

I'm also curious about whether or not they are done interviewing. I find it funny that no one has posted about getting an II after writing another letter. I guess they did say the chances were very slim:p
Does anyone know if GW gives out merit based aid?
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Just got put on the alternate list today, interviewed on feb 10. This place seems like a great school and awesome location. Hopefully hear good news soon!!
Got put on the alternate list today as well, interviewed 2/9, hope that something comes through sooner rather than later
Will be withdrawing my acceptance from here on the May 15th deadline. Hope one of you guys get it.
i'm currently on the alternate list at GW, and i understand the slim odds of receiving an acceptance.. i am wondering though to anyone who's been accepted/any current students, do you worry about the level of debt you may be in upon graduating? If I got accepted to GW I would be thrilled and it would be so hard to turn it down, but the financial situation really stresses me out. not just tuition, but living in DC? yikes
i'm currently on the alternate list at GW, and i understand the slim odds of receiving an acceptance.. i am wondering though to anyone who's been accepted/any current students, do you worry about the level of debt you may be in upon graduating? If I got accepted to GW I would be thrilled and it would be so hard to turn it down, but the financial situation really stresses me out. not just tuition, but living in DC? yikes

I'm currently accepted and yes the potential debt is freaking me out. I've been accepted to a couple other schools with the same price tags but with much lower cost of livings (approx. $1,000 per month less...which is $12,000 less per year, which is $48,000 less after four years and probably $70,000 less after the life of the loan). Since I've been given no aid anywhere (GW included) and am getting no help from my parents (rightly so, I'm a non-trad), I toil with the potential cost daily and have no clue what I'll decide come May 15th.
I'm currently accepted and yes the potential debt is freaking me out. I've been accepted to a couple other schools with the same price tags but with much lower cost of livings (approx. $1,000 per month less...which is $12,000 less per year, which is $48,000 less after four years and probably $70,000 less after the life of the loan). Since I've been given no aid anywhere (GW included) and am getting no help from my parents (rightly so, I'm a non-trad), I toil with the potential cost daily and have no clue what I'll decide come May 15th.

sounds like you should probably give up your spot at GW ;) but seriously. where else have you been accepted?
Will be withdrawing my acceptance from here on the May 15th deadline. Hope one of you guys get it.

If you don't mind me asking, if you know you won't use the spot why don't you withdraw today?

I guess I'm just wondering how the mechanics of the May 15th deadline works. I understand that applicants can only hold one acceptance after May 15th, but are they then comitted to that school? After May 15th, is it still possible to withraw from one school if offered a spot of the waitlist at another?

Is it just me or does this process seem way waaaaaaay to drawn out? Just think about this time last year . . .
If you don't mind me asking, if you know you won't use the spot why don't you withdraw today?

I guess I'm just wondering how the mechanics of the May 15th deadline works. I understand that applicants can only hold one acceptance after May 15th, but are they then comitted to that school? After May 15th, is it still possible to withraw from one school if offered a spot of the waitlist at another?

Is it just me or does this process seem way waaaaaaay to drawn out? Just think about this time last year . . .

I was thinking the same thing. I found this http://hms.harvard.edu/content/admissions-policies
"In general, no applicant should hold acceptances in two or more schools for more than three weeks without making an adequate explanation directly to the schools involved."

May 15th you should only be holding one acceptance, but you can certainly drop before that time if you've made your decision. You can however stay on as many wait lists as you'd like. If offered acceptance from a wait list you should take it and drop your other acceptance.

No it's not just you. I think May 15th is pretty late to require people to only have one acceptance. I think there is going to be a ton of shuffling around...this is a frustratingly long process.
sounds like you should probably give up your spot at GW ;) but seriously. where else have you been accepted?

Just a couple other costly private/OOS schools (49K-50K/year) in less expensive areas (sadly, no love from my state school yet). I'm personally not withdrawing because I really loved GW and haven't quite decided whether the cost of living differential is worth it or not. I'm going back to visit the school soon which will hopefully help me decide.

I agree that if someone is certain they will NOT attend one school, then they should withdraw...assuming, of course, all financial aid awards are in (at least for me, a less desirable school that gives me money suddenly becomes much more desirable).

Trolling though mdapplicants.com, I see countless superstar candidates holding 8+ acceptances at schools I know they wont attend, and it does make me wonder....if they had withdrawn, would I have gotten an interview? probably not, but you get my point. However, AAMC only requires people give up all but one acceptance after May 15th, and its possible people holding multiple accpetances are waiting on fin aid.
I was thinking the same thing. I found this http://hms.harvard.edu/content/admissions-policies
"In general, no applicant should hold acceptances in two or more schools for more than three weeks without making an adequate explanation directly to the schools involved."

May 15th you should only be holding one acceptance, but you can certainly drop before that time if you've made your decision. You can however stay on as many wait lists as you'd like. If offered acceptance from a wait list you should take it and drop your other acceptance.

No it's not just you. I think May 15th is pretty late to require people to only have one acceptance. I think there is going to be a ton of shuffling around...this is a frustratingly long process.

I blame the schools themselves...they should get their Financial Aid out way sooner b/c a lot of applicants make decisions based on this...it's a broken system but not because of the applicants who have 1+ acceptances
I blame the schools themselves...they should get their Financial Aid out way sooner b/c a lot of applicants make decisions based on this...it's a broken system but not because of the applicants who have 1+ acceptances

The financial aid stuff is a great point. Trust me I wasn't directing this at anyone. But I do know some people are holding acceptances they've ruled out regardless of financial aid. Sigh
I agree that it is the financial aid that is allowing people to hold schools. This is why I'm holding several schools. Nothing from two schools so far. One said at the end of April, the other said end of May, but that doesn't make sense so I think the financial aid guy miss spoke. Two gave scholarships, but haven't produced the full financial aid package yet. Plus, I'm still waiting or some acceptance love from my state school.

I too am wait listed at GW, but with scholarship offers, and the very little chance of being accepted here, GW is effectively out. I did like the school and the location a lot.
I am withdrawing my spot from the GW wait list today. Good luck to those of you waiting... hope this helps!
If you don't mind me asking, if you know you won't use the spot why don't you withdraw today?

I guess I'm just wondering how the mechanics of the May 15th deadline works. I understand that applicants can only hold one acceptance after May 15th, but are they then comitted to that school? After May 15th, is it still possible to withraw from one school if offered a spot of the waitlist at another?

Is it just me or does this process seem way waaaaaaay to drawn out? Just think about this time last year . . .

Yes- come May 15 you can only hold a spot at one school. But you can stay on waitlists/alternate lists/hold lists. If you get accepted off a waitlist from a school you can certainly accept the offer and withdraw from the other school.
Any wait list news recently?
not gonna happen for at least another month. I'm also pretty sure that we're never going to get any information regarding our position on it. it'd be nice just to know how many people are on it, but of course this process has to stay VERY mysterious.. otherwise it would take all the fun out of it for the admissions staff.

i know that nearly everyone who interviews either gets accepted or waitlisted, what i'm wondering about is how many filled out that alternate form we were sent last month vs. how many didn't or have withdrawn since then
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think it would be worth it to try and call to ask?
think it would be worth it to try and call to ask?
been there done that. I got an impatient response asking me if I had looked at the Alternate FAQ on the website. once they hear you say "alternate list" theyre done listening basically..
The Class of 2016 facebook group has 131 members...looks like the class is already full lol...
The Class of 2016 facebook group has 131 members...looks like the class is already full lol...

Debbie downer much? if indeed all of those 131 people are 100% committed, there are still at least 40 spots open. ie about 25% of the class.
does GW accept transfer students? I just randomly clicked on one person in the GW 2016 group and saw that they're in the class of 2014 at a different medical school?
Debbie downer much? if indeed all of those 131 people are 100% committed, there are still at least 40 spots open. ie about 25% of the class.

yeah, if you look at the facebook group for the class the year before, i think the total ended up around 200 (bc it included administrators and students who didn't actually go there)... I'm actually surprised that number is as low as it is right now
I'm very confused about the wait list....if it is unranked then how do they determine who gets accepted off the waitlist?
I'm very confused about the wait list....if it is unranked then how do they determine who gets accepted off the waitlist?

my understanding for non-ranked waitlists is that they try to maintain the class profile. so when someone withdraws they will look for someone on the waitlist who is similar to them in stats/URM/etc. again that's just my guess though.
my understanding for non-ranked waitlists is that they try to maintain the class profile. so when someone withdraws they will look for someone on the waitlist who is similar to them in stats/URM/etc. again that's just my guess though.

I thought they'd just pick the next best applicant from the list. Why would they need to pick someone similar?

Do they have some class demographics they need to maintain?
I thought they'd just pick the next best applicant from the list. Why would they need to pick someone similar?

Do they have some class demographics they need to maintain?

Like I said that was just a guess. What I mean is that come may 15 lets say hypothetically every person that had a really high mcat or gpa withdrew, suddenly the average for the class is very low, they would go to the waitlist to find applicants who can rebalance this. And the same for any other factor, ECs, ethnicity, etc. They don't want the class that matriculated in august to be completely diff from where it is now,
Also they want to maintain geographic diversity, if the class that remains after may 15 th is all or predominantly from one area of the country, they want to find ppl from other areas to maintain diversity. I believe there are ALOT of factors that go into this decision, which is why they specify on the website that movement will begin after may15th not exactly on that day.
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So has anyone gotten any more info out of the adcom than " well review files and make offers as they become available"..? Why does this have to be so mysterious?
Like I said that was just a guess. What I mean is that come may 15 lets say hypothetically every person that had a really high mcat or gpa withdrew, suddenly the average for the class is very low, they would go to the waitlist to find applicants who can rebalance this. And the same for any other factor, ECs, ethnicity, etc. They don't want the class that matriculated in august to be completely diff from where it is now,
Also they want to maintain geographic diversity, if the class that remains after may 15 th is all or predominantly from one area of the country, they want to find ppl from other areas to maintain diversity. I believe there are ALOT of factors that go into this decision, which is why they specify on the website that movement will begin after may15th not exactly on that day.

That's not how it happens. They just go through the waitlist and decide on who they think would be the next best applicant. Sort of like the NBA Draft. It's very subjective.
That's not how it happens. They just go through the waitlist and decide on who they think would be the next best applicant. Sort of like the NBA Draft. It's very subjective.

Then why not rank it and tell us where we are? I'm not saying you're wrong, obviously none of us know what's going on for sure, I'm just really wondering why it is has to be so secretive, and why they can never tell us where we are / what are chances are
anybody know how long is given to study for step 1?

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