2013-2014 Rush Medical College Application Thread

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Gotta love that waiting game... (cue the Jeopardy theme music)

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Nope. They keep space open all the way through the interviewing season. You don't interview for waitlist spots. (Or at least this is how it was last year for us--I haven't heard of any changes)

When does the II end?
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I just cancelled my February 26th interview. I hope my spot goes to one of you! Best of luck!
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ACCEPTED! Interviewed 01/22 after being complete way back in July. Please PM for stats and such. Good luck to everyone still waiting on decisions! :)
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ACCEPTED!!! interview on 1/08. I will absolutely be attending Rush. SO excited. I am certainly an underdog and appreciate that Rush really considers the applicant as a whole person.
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Accepted today!! Interviewed mid-January.
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Hey congrats to all of you accepted and good luck to you all on the waitlist. Hopefully I'll see y'all at Second Look!
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Accepted today!!! Definitely my top choice and will be attending! Complete in July, interviewed on 1/08. Good luck to everyone!
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ACCEPTED! Complete in September, interviewed 1/15. STOKED!
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II!!! Totally pumped. I can schedule until March 5th. OOS Complete August, 3.63c3.79s 32 mcat
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When does the II end?

Based on last year's threads, it looks like the last invites went out mid-March and the last interviews were held at the end of March. There's still time!
Just got an II! OOS, complete mid-Oct, 3.5c, 3.3s, 32 MCAT.
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I am sure that this has already been answered, but what was the interview day like for the people who attended? Any special pointers/tips?
Rush just sent out the second look invitations today: Friday, May 2.

I don't think I'll end up going here but I'm going to check out the second look just to make sure. There was definitely a good vibe at Rush.

Are you thinking of staying in Illinois or schools elsewhere? I would have been happy going anywhere in Illinois but Rush just felt so right.
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I am sure that this has already been answered, but what was the interview day like for the people who attended? Any special pointers/tips?
The interview day is really informative, everyone is very welcoming, the interviews are conversational... The only problem I had was that I got lost in the building. I took a subway to the college and it was soooo cold outside, that I just went into the closest door in the hospital :D. The staff at the front desk was very helpful, though, and I eventually found my way and was on time (and I am, in general, horrible at directions, so it probably was not a problem for most people :)). Good luck and enjoy your day!

P.S. Speaking of the weather, if you are coming from somewhere warm, definitely check the forecast for the time of your visit, because you will need to go outside during the tour. Good luck again!
The interview day is really informative, everyone is very welcoming, the interviews are conversational... The only problem I had was that I got lost in the building. I took a subway to the college and it was soooo cold outside, that I just went into the closest door in the hospital :D. The staff at the front desk was very helpful, though, and I eventually found my way and was on time (and I am, in general, horrible at directions, so it probably was not a problem for most people :)). Good luck and enjoy your day!

P.S. Speaking of the weather, if you are coming from somewhere warm, definitely check the forecast for the time of your visit, because you will need to go outside during the tour. Good luck again!

How many interviews did you have? Was it student interviews too, or just faculty? And I assume no MMI?
How many interviews did you have? Was it student interviews too, or just faculty? And I assume no MMI?

I had a student interviewer, but I was definitely in the minority. Most of my fellow interviewees were not interviewed by a student. The student who interviewed me also sat on the adcom.
The day I went: 2 half hour interviews, one faculty interview & one faculty/adcom interview. No student interview, no MMI.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info from all of you!! Last question, do any of you remember how many people they interview and how many are offered acceptances? Not sure they go over this, but all I can find is number of interviews and matriculants (as opposed to actual acceptances)
During my interview, I had a faculty and a student interviewer; however, most students had two faculty interviewers. Each interview begins at around 9AM and lasts until 3PM. The interview day overall was very chill and my interviewers only asked very generic questions to get a better understanding of my application. You can try to get a host for the interview and I was fortunate enough to have the chance to volunteer with mine at a homeless shelter the night before. I can't wait to hear back! GL everyone.
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Hello everyone:

Did anybody on the wait list or accepted receive the CBC e-mail this morning?

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info from all of you!! Last question, do any of you remember how many people they interview and how many are offered acceptances? Not sure they go over this, but all I can find is number of interviews and matriculants (as opposed to actual acceptances)
I think the acceptance rate is about 60%, which is pretty great. They also do not just interview for WL, as was said many times before. Good luck again!
I think most of the people in my group had faculty and student interviews. Doesn't your interview confirmation email say something about that?

Also, final note of advice, talk to your fellow interviewees! It makes the day so much better. My group was full of amazing individuals and we stayed some time after the interview to just chat. Good luck!
I was accepted at 5 schools, I have withdrawn 2 acceptances so far. So I'm currently holding only the schools that are still in the running and/or waiting to finalize financial packages. I am from the mid west & want to stay in the mid west, so I only applied to mid western schools. I am leaning heavily towards University of Wisconsin atm, but I love Chicago and my interview at Rush was so awesome & it really caught me off guard - I didn't think I would love it as much as I did just from recruitment day... that is why I really want to go to 2nd look and make sure I'm making the right decision. (If Rush would toss me some scholarship $ to make it as affordable as UW, that would be a game changer :rolleyes:)

I have a friend who went to UW Madison because of the money thing. Rush typically doesn't offer much/doesn't have tons of money to offer. Make sure you like their grading system! It's very different from most schools, with ABC etc for pre-clin... I know she gets frustrated when she gets a 92% and that's a B, and the average was a 93% (these are the actual numbers she gave me for the m2 neuro block). The course director decides what %age get A's, B's etc. So like for certain blocks/classes, 30% get an A, then like 20% get an AB. She is usually an A student, but obviously there then have to be B and C grade students as well. I would suggest talking to current students about the grading and how they feel about it.

Rush is honors/pass/fail. Top 15% or >90 in the block honor. Passing is >70 or >2SD below the mean (do if the mean is a 75, the passing level is 2SD below, so less than 70). M1 averages for my class were high 80s usually. M2 averages have been anywhere from mid 70s to high 80s. Pre-clinical grades are only 20% of AOA at Rush. Clinical years I think have honors/high pass/pass/fail, and are extraordinarily important for residency apps and AOA (just like every other school). I personally like this and feel its fair, but I encourage you to discuss this with others.

To be clear: I am not saying one way is better than the other, just that they are different and you should be aware of your future medical school's grading system and be okay with it.
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Is this real life?!

Post-interview, yes haha

Pre-interview, absolutely not.

In January they they still had about 125 acceptance to send out (so~half of the total), so interviews are absolutely for straight up acceptances. There are 5 more interview dates, including tomorrow, ending in early March.

Best of luck all! And ignore the M2s, we're stressed about Step 1.
Oh, yes, I meant 60% acceptance post-interview, of course, sorry if it was confusing! Thank you, @GraMaire, for catching that. :)
Hey everyone,

Does anyone know if Rush is receptive to in-the-area emails?
Hello everyone:

Did anybody on the wait list or accepted receive the CBC e-mail this morning?


I am on the waitlist and received that email this morning. Has anybody else on the waitlist received this email or does anyone know what this means, if anything?
First Post Here: Complete Oct 11 and silence since

Hey everyone,

Does anyone know if Rush is receptive to in-the-area emails?
They absolutely ignore them. They accept no correspondence before interview. They may or may not accept post interview LOI. They may or may not consider them from WLers.

Best of luck.
First Post Here: Complete Oct 11 and silence since


Also complete 10/11. It looks like pre-interviews rejections have been going out, so no news might still be good news!
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Has anyone that's accepted been able to log into their Rush email account? If so what web engine are you running? I was unable to log in with safari sending as IE, chrome, and firefox using both just my log in name, and with RUSH\ in front of it.

I was able to log into Rush Portal through the Student Housing link, so perhaps it is only the email right now.
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Also complete 10/11. It looks like pre-interviews rejections have been going out, so no news might still be good news!
First Post Here: Complete Oct 11 and silence since

I was complete a while ago and OOS also. Complete 9/30 and silence since as well. Hopefully we all get some good news soon for all this waiting.
I was complete a while ago and OOS also. Complete 9/30 and silence since as well. Hopefully we all get some good news soon for all this waiting.

I hope so! Good luck to you both!
will rush notify acceptance/rejection through email?
Does anyone know when the next acceptance/rejection batch goes out? It looks like they are doing about one a month with the last one being on Feb. 7th. Do we have to wait till March?