2013-2014 Rush Medical College Application Thread

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Accepted today. Keep your head up for everyone that is still waiting. I took time off before applying and I think that is what really helped me stand out with Rush. Good luck and I can't wait to meet my fellow classmates!

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Congrats to the newly accepted! So excited to meet you all!!

Hang in there everyone else!
Can anyone speak to the merits of choosing student housing during 1st year? I'm also considering apartments in Wicker Park but wanted to field some opinions from current students. Any intel appreciated!
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Can anyone speak to the merits of choosing student housing during 1st year? I'm also considering apartments in Wicker Park but wanted to field some opinions from current students. Any intel appreciated!
Personal preference honestly. You can talk to students who did CCG at Second Look Day for specifics.

Some live there all 4 years because its close and convenient and like it.
Any idea how the waitlist works at Rush? Do they accept a fair amount from it?
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Any idea how the waitlist works at Rush? Do they accept a fair amount from it?

wondering the same thing, been on the waitlist for a couple of months, I pray that they send me an acceptance letter.....rmc seems really nice
Waitlist - I know of one individual who was definitely accepted off the waitlist. There might be one or two more individuals but I'm not sure since I never asked. Generally speaking - not much movement off the waitlist but maybe some upperclassmen can confirm.

CCG - I'll give a basic run down.
Pro: Convenient, near a Target and the Blue line (great for getting to/from O'hare). There is a Jewel Osco's nearby although sometimes that place is sketchy. Also a Costco right behind Jewel's if you have a car and a membership. Relatively cheap rent, free internet, free parking for residents if you register with management, and temp parking passes for friends who are visiting. An evening shuttle chartered by Rush takes you to the Pink/Blue line stops, CCG and West Taylor that runs until 1am (I think?) - its good for if you're studying on campus late and alone, or if it's cold. Or if you're lazy.

Cons: Buildings are kind of old, but its otherwise comfortable. Some people tell me office management is intimidating? The grounds people are nice though. When it dips below 0 the windows freeze so a lot of us got window insulating kits to trap heat. You hear ambulances because we're next to the hospital. You're assigned to a room, just like any campus housing place, but the first floor is slightly below ground so that gets cold in the winter time.

It's all personal preference though. Wicker Park is a cool area and there's definitely more to eat/drink/do there.
Also depends on whether you even want to be on campus all the time. Some people prefer not to be near school when they go home.
Is there still a chance for an interview..at this point
CCG - I'll give a basic run down.
Pro: Convenient, near a Target and the Blue line (great for getting to/from O'hare). There is a Jewel Osco's nearby although sometimes that place is sketchy. Also a Costco right behind Jewel's if you have a car and a membership. Relatively cheap rent, free internet, free parking for residents if you register with management, and temp parking passes for friends who are visiting. An evening shuttle chartered by Rush takes you to the Pink/Blue line stops, CCG and West Taylor that runs until 1am (I think?) - its good for if you're studying on campus late and alone, or if it's cold. Or if you're lazy.

I'm sold.

You hear ambulances because we're next to the hospital.

How distracting/loud/often would you say this is? Are you planning on moving off campus next year?
I'm sold.

How distracting/loud/often would you say this is? Are you planning on moving off campus next year?

I'm definitely staying. Overslept for a mandatory thing? No probs. I'll be there in 10 minutes**
(**15-20 during a polar vortex)
It depends on your expectations though. Some people live in fancier places like Presidential Towers. Others live in places like Oak Park, which is cheaper and still relatively close/accessible. Definitely ask about different living options during Second Look (if you're going).

The noise level depends on whether you're facing the highway, or the W. Harrison St. side, and whether you're closer to the hospital or the farthest unit possible. I hear it a couple times/day, but I think most people get used to it, because I haven't heard anyone complain about it in a while.

If anyone has specific questions about student housing, feel free to PM me. I have an overall positive experience but will try to be objective.
Do we know when the committee meets? I interviewed second week of February. Should I expect to hear back soon??
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When do we need to submit financial documentation? I can't seem to find information on this anywhere.
Do we know when the committee meets? I interviewed second week of February. Should I expect to hear back soon??

I interviewed the same week. On my day, I remember being told that we would hear back by the first week in March...so I'm hoping for either later today or tomorrow! =]
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to be slightly neurotic, is there a general day/time that rush sends out post interview decisions?
official pre-interview rejection today via email
Still silent here.
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Accepted today. Interviewed 2/19. So excited - loved my interview day here!
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When do we need to submit financial documentation? I can't seem to find information on this anywhere.
I have no idea, as I can't find my old e-mails/snail mail from that time. I want to say that I started it on my own as soon as I decided upon Rush, but I can't remember.
Call and ask the financial aid office if you must, just to get it out of the way. Once you submit the FAFSA they contact you for additional information/forms, if needed.


How long does Rush interview? I'm assuming my pre-interview rejection is coming within a few weeks...silence since July.
Last interview is 3/12
Is there anyone else struggling to choose between this school and a cheaper, in-state, similarly ranked option?

I don't mind either school. It's coming down to choosing between the cities of Detroit (30K/yr tuition) or Chicago (50K/yr tuition). How does anyone determine when it's worth spending the extra 20K+/yr (probably more since Chicago is more expensive than Detroit) when I can't even comprehend how much 20K is :yeahright:.
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Is there anyone else struggling to choose between this school and a cheaper, in-state, similarly ranked option?

I don't mind either school. It's coming down to choosing between the cities of Detroit (30K/yr tuition) or Chicago (50K/yr tuition). How does anyone determine when it's worth spending the extra 20K+/yr (probably more since Chicago is more expensive than Detroit) when I can't even comprehend how much 20K is :yeahright:.

That's a tough call. For me it would come down to money in this situation. You will get a great education at both schools but having $80,000 less debt is very significant, especially if you aren't crazy about Rush for a reason that is worth $80,000.
Is there anyone else struggling to choose between this school and a cheaper, in-state, similarly ranked option?

I don't mind either school. It's coming down to choosing between the cities of Detroit (30K/yr tuition) or Chicago (50K/yr tuition). How does anyone determine when it's worth spending the extra 20K+/yr (probably more since Chicago is more expensive than Detroit) when I can't even comprehend how much 20K is :yeahright:.

That's a tough call. For me it would come down to money in this situation. You will get a great education at both schools but having $80,000 less debt is very significant, especially if you aren't crazy about Rush for a reason that is worth $80,000.

Worth remembering: After interest, that $80,000 price tag difference will be looking more like $160,000.

I can't think of any distinguishing aspects of a school's location or curriculum or even prestige factor that could outweigh the chance to save $160,000. Why pay more for the same education?

My advice: Wait until financial aid information is released. If Detroit is still cheaper, you can try contacting Rush, explaining that cost is a factor in your decision and asking them to increase your financial aid award in light of your in-state acceptance. Then take the pledge to Choose Cheap.

By the way, the AAMC released a "Debt, Costs, and Loan Repayment Fact Card" in October 2013 that outlines what you can expect your monthly payments to be on $175,000 of debt. The numbers are scary, and I consider $175,000 to be a low figure! For just tuition alone at Rush, you're looking at $200,000 of debt. Add cost of living to that and you're easily talking about $250,000. Plus exam fees and residency application costs... let's call it $260,000.
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Is there anyone else struggling to choose between this school and a cheaper, in-state, similarly ranked option?

I don't mind either school. It's coming down to choosing between the cities of Detroit (30K/yr tuition) or Chicago (50K/yr tuition). How does anyone determine when it's worth spending the extra 20K+/yr (probably more since Chicago is more expensive than Detroit) when I can't even comprehend how much 20K is :yeahright:.

Go where you think you'll be happy and able to do well. You don't sound thrilled about either option, but hopefully you can find something at a school to excite you about the prospects of going, otherwise it'll be a long miserable 4 years.
I agree. For me, Rush felt head and shoulders above the rest, and I also have personal reasons for wanting to be in Chicago. I'm willing to take on a little more debt for that.

I suppose if I felt exactly the same about two schools, I would just choose the cheaper one though. Just my two cents.
Anyone here deciding between UIC and Rush? I know the two are essentially the same, so just wondering how you guys are deciding. I did the math and UIC is actually not significantly cheaper than Rush (they charge the summer tuition separately).
I agree. For me, Rush felt head and shoulders above the rest, and I also have personal reasons for wanting to be in Chicago. I'm willing to take on a little more debt for that.

I suppose if I felt exactly the same about two schools, I would just choose the cheaper one though. Just my two cents.
I am struggling with the decision between my state school and Rush as well. Over the months I think I have started to realize the burden of that extra debt. That debt burden will force your hand in so many other financial decisions down the road. For example, maybe you have always wanted to move to City X, but its cost of living is high and you can't justify it so you move to City Y, which you like less. Things like that are going to happen again and again with nearly 100k more in debt. I think I am to the point where I am willing to give 4 years in a place I like less than Chicago so that I can have some financial freedom later.
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Anyone here deciding between UIC and Rush? I know the two are essentially the same, so just wondering how you guys are deciding. I did the math and UIC is actually not significantly cheaper than Rush (they charge the summer tuition separately).
Are you an Illinois resident? Im genuinely curious how they aren't that much different?
Are you an Illinois resident? Im genuinely curious how they aren't that much different?

Illinois completely mismanaged its finances and now has one of the most expensive in-state university systems in the country
Yeah if you factor in all costs plus the two years of summer tuition you have to pay at UIC, they are really not that different. Maybe a few thousand? I haven't done the exact calculations.
I am. I just added up the cost of attendance based on the info they gave at interviews. It's about a $4500 difference...

I don't have my official financial aid packages yet so take my word with a grain of salt
Anyone here deciding between UIC and Rush? I know the two are essentially the same, so just wondering how you guys are deciding. I did the math and UIC is actually not significantly cheaper than Rush (they charge the summer tuition separately).

If you're deciding between Rush and UIC, I highly recommend talking to students at both. I think they are quite different actually, and when I was making the choice Rush was cheaper because of UIC's proposed tuition hikes (this was 2012). $5000 isn't enough to break the bank at med school tuition level, so definitely pick the school where you'll be happier.

You can PM me if you have specifics, andhonestly, I am quite happy with my decision to attend Rush over my other acceptances. Even as a bitter M2 studying for boards.
Is there anyone else struggling to choose between this school and a cheaper, in-state, similarly ranked option?

I don't mind either school. It's coming down to choosing between the cities of Detroit (30K/yr tuition) or Chicago (50K/yr tuition). How does anyone determine when it's worth spending the extra 20K+/yr (probably more since Chicago is more expensive than Detroit) when I can't even comprehend how much 20K is :yeahright:.

Okay I lied when I said I don't mind either school. I realize that they will both give me great educations, but I like Rush better because it has less than half the class size of the other school. It is pass/fail as opposed to graded. It has a better comfortable community as opposed to the competitive gunner feel of the D. I also LOVE Chicago and I don't love Detroit. I have the desire to leave.

That being said, I'm also realistic and I feel like all of those things don't really matter -on paper- (as in my application when applying for residencies. They're not going to say- oh you went to a school with 130 people instead of 320! I choose you, Pikachu!). Yes I will feel better at Rush. But can someone tell me if an additional 80K -> 160K after interest is worth feeling better. I get that it's up to the individual. I'm just frustrated :shrug:
Okay I lied when I said I don't mind either school. I realize that they will both give me great educations, but I like Rush better because it has less than half the class size of the other school. It is pass/fail as opposed to graded. It has a better comfortable community as opposed to the competitive gunner feel of the D. I also LOVE Chicago and I don't love Detroit. I have the desire to leave.

That being said, I'm also realistic and I feel like all of those things don't really matter -on paper- (as in my application when applying for residencies. They're not going to say- oh you went to a school with 130 people instead of 320! I choose you, Pikachu!). Yes I will feel better at Rush. But can someone tell me if an additional 80K -> 160K after interest is worth feeling better. I get that it's up to the individual. I'm just frustrated :shrug:

Personally, I feel that for me this would be a no brainer (and I mean absolutely no offense here). I think, and again this is just my opinion, that you are going to get the same education at both of these schools and in both cases you are going to graduate a doctor and end up in whatever residency you match into. As such, I think that taking on an extra ~100k is A BIG DEAL! Think about it from a financial aspect. That amount of money will take a lot longer to pay off than the other school. Regardless of what specialty you enter (I don't care if it is ortho, Neurosurgery, IM, Fam Med etc.) that is going to take a lot of time to pay off an extra 100k. Obviously this is a decision you ultimately need to make for yourself, but from my standpoint you are going to work hard at both schools, you are going to make friends at both schools, and you are going to graduate a doctor. The question is really how much money do you want to be in the hole? As you point out, the 2 schools are going to get you to the same place in the long run (they are the same on paper as you said). It is you call, but for me, personally, I would rather save on the loans/interest/debt.
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Okay I lied when I said I don't mind either school. I realize that they will both give me great educations, but I like Rush better because it has less than half the class size of the other school. It is pass/fail as opposed to graded. It has a better comfortable community as opposed to the competitive gunner feel of the D. I also LOVE Chicago and I don't love Detroit. I have the desire to leave.

That being said, I'm also realistic and I feel like all of those things don't really matter -on paper- (as in my application when applying for residencies. They're not going to say- oh you went to a school with 130 people instead of 320! I choose you, Pikachu!). Yes I will feel better at Rush. But can someone tell me if an additional 80K -> 160K after interest is worth feeling better. I get that it's up to the individual. I'm just frustrated :shrug:

$80k could be looked at as about $415 per week of medical school. There's noooo waaaay you're going to get $415 of extra satisfaction at Rush every week. Go to Detroit and eat amazing restaurant food every night and you'd still come out financially ahead.

(also lol Pikachu!)
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$80k could be looked at as about $415 per week of medical school. There's noooo waaaay you're going to get $415 of extra satisfaction at Rush every week. Go to Detroit and eat amazing restaurant food every night and you'd still come out financially ahead.

(also lol Pikachu!)

all of you guys discussing finances and I'm over here just trying to get off the waitlist!
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Is anyone (@GraMaire @Dingeroo ) aware of the updates to the Rush gym situation? I thought they were expected to complete a gym by February of this year.

Did you use UIC's gym prior to this? How was their facility in terms of equipment? Full squat racks and free weight areas? Rowing machines? Gymnastic rings? Turkish bath house on site?

Also this might be more appropriate for 3rd and 4th years, but does anyone know roughly how many other medical students are on each rotation? I'm guessing it depends on the hospital and the rotation, but a general idea would be nice.
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I took a tour of the UIC facility. I didn't buy a membership that time because I wanted to wait and see what would happen with the Rush gym. The estimated completion date is June/July.

I toured the UIC gym before the school year started but here were my impressions of it then:
It's small-ish, but things are separated so it feels roomier. The cardio equipment is in a separate "room" so it's not right up against the lifting equipment. Not sure if I saw rowing machines. Two squat racks and free weights available, but I don't know if the number of weights is a lot or too little in relation to crowded periods because I went before the school year started. I believe most of the UIC undergrads use the nicer gym on S. Halstead, so it's probably not too bad. Small indoor track for rainy/snowy days and when you're sick of the treadmill. Equipment rentals are available, though I forgot what the options were.

The price for Rush students is expected to be $26/month, and the UIC yearly rate is $430, which amounts to $36/month. Rush currently reimburses a portion of the UIC membership fee but that may change after the Rush gym is built. I can't find my update e-mail on the Rush gym, but I remember that there is an aerobics room and there are showers in the locker rooms (locker usage is free). I would encourage you to tour both facilities and decide for yourself.
Does anyone who interviewed March 5th remember if they said that we would probably find out this week or next week?