I received a secondary yesterday night as well. the prompts are below:
-Have you experienced any uneven performance in grades and academic achievement? If so, please explain.
(Response limited to 800 characters)
-If you are currently not a full time student, please list and describe your current activities.
(Response limited to 800 characters)
-Describe the role you play in your immediate family.
(Response limited to 800 characters)
-Describe your community and socioeconomic environment.
(Response limited to 800 characters)
-List the most significant community, public service, and leadership activities you have been involved in over the last
six years. (Response limited to 800 characters)
-Describe how your experience, your community, and family background impact your understanding of the
underserved communities. (Response limited to 800 characters)
-Other than healthcare access, what are some of the most important health care issues confronting underserved
communities? How would you address them? (Response limited to 800 characters)
-Please describe how your experiences and personal attributes contribute to the mission of Charles R Drew
University. (Response limited to 800 characters)
-Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic or parking violation? If the answer is yes, please
explain. (Response limited to 800 characters)
-Please provide any additional information, which will give the Admissions Committee greater insight into you as an
applicant. (Response limited to 800 characters)
-How did you hear about our program?
(Response limited to 800 characters)