2017-2018 Touro University - Nevada Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine

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II! Interviewing on April 10th, hope to see some of you there! For those of you who have already interviewed/been accepted, what did you think of the campus? How was the faculty? Did the students seem happy there? I have heard good things about it from one of the physicians that I work with, but I was curious to get a little more firsthand information.

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II! Interviewing on April 10th, hope to see some of you there! For those of you who have already interviewed/been accepted, what did you think of the campus? How was the faculty? Did the students seem happy there? I have heard good things about it from one of the physicians that I work with, but I was curious to get a little more firsthand information.

I interviewed on Feb 6 and was accepted about a week later. The campus is more of a repurposed warehouse tucked amongst a bunch of car dealerships, so it has more of a “going to work” feel rather than school. That being said it’s kind of nice because they have a bunch of space that they have yet to build into for future expansion. With the expanding DO program they are re-doing the lecture hall and the anatomy lab, so all that will be new! All the faculty we met where enthusiastic and gave their honest opinions about the program and the area which was helpful. While there I could tell that all the students really like it there and work together to make sure everyone’s doing well in class, rather than being Uber competitive. The student/faculty relationships seemed strong too and they have a true “open door” policy. Overall, I loved the school and they do a much better job of selling the program in person than on paper. Good luck with your interview!
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II! Interviewing on April 10th, hope to see some of you there! For those of you who have already interviewed/been accepted, what did you think of the campus? How was the faculty? Did the students seem happy there? I have heard good things about it from one of the physicians that I work with, but I was curious to get a little more firsthand information.

The students seemed busy, but happy. The campus is is the best out of the Touro schools - it's in a warehouse as opposed to literally above a bodega like Touro Manhattan, and it's in Las Vegas unlike Touro NY in Middletown (ack).

Faculty seemed the most informal and relaxed out of the 6 or so schools I saw.

Got a good vibe overall
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II! Interviewing on April 10th, hope to see some of you there! For those of you who have already interviewed/been accepted, what did you think of the campus? How was the faculty? Did the students seem happy there? I have heard good things about it from one of the physicians that I work with, but I was curious to get a little more firsthand information.
The campus is a little off compared to other schools, but as Trump mentioned it is not even the weirdest of the Touros. It's easily the best looking campus from all 4 locations in my opinion. However, because of its cramped atmosphere it is not a quiet place, so quiet studying is somewhat non-existent.
I really liked how real the faculty was when I had my interview. No fluff between us. They grilled me and I grilled them as well, which was not taken lightly in other schools. The open door policy the faculty has is really tailored to my liking. Students and faculty are always on par with one another. No one is ahead or beneath you.
The students also seemed nice. When we had our tour I noticed a lot of small groups having genuine talk with each other. I also noticed a healthy mix of single students studying in a cubicle. It is a fairly large class size so it is easy to get the best of both worlds. The student ambassadors even told us how they go out to the strip together after a grueling exam.
What really got me excited was how they prepare you for matching. Most schools I interviewed in will help you match to your preference, however they really want students to work as a GP, which is great for students who want to go that route. TUN wants you to become a great physician no matter what you aspire to be. If you meet certain requirements, they will help you. Being a DO does not mean you have to be a GP, and TUN does not hide from that either.
All in all, this is the school I felt most comfortable in. If/when the other schools I am WL in call me to let me know I am in, I will let them know I already found a place that I am happy to be a part of.
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The students seemed busy, but happy. The campus is is the best out of the Touro schools - it's in a warehouse as opposed to literally above a bodega like Touro Manhattan, and it's in Las Vegas unlike Touro NY in Middletown (ack).

Faculty seemed the most informal and relaxed out of the 6 or so schools I saw.

Got a good vibe overall
Touro CA has a nice campus
Thanks guys! What was the interview like? Anything I should know?

Really laid back and for me mostly just clarified my interest in the school, my research, etc. I was asked one ethical question that didn’t require any sort of prior knowledge you wouldn’t already have. Good luck!
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Really laid back and for me mostly just clarified my interest in the school, my research, etc. I was asked one ethical question that didn’t require any sort of prior knowledge you wouldn’t already have. Good luck!

What was the question just out of curiosity?
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What was the question just out of curiosity?

I don’t want to give the question verbatim, but it was more of a “how do you feel about” as opposed to a “what would you do,” concerning a controversial service for patients.
I don’t want to give the question verbatim, but it was more of a “how do you feel about” as opposed to a “what would you do,” concerning a controversial service for patients.
This may seem like a silly question, but based on what I've heard from "interview coaches," you're never supposed to give your opinion, but give two sides to the story. So, if they ask you "how do you feel...," am I suppose to conclude with my opinion after giving both arguments?
This may seem like a silly question, but based on what I've heard from "interview coaches," you're never supposed to give your opinion, but give two sides to the story. So, if they ask you "how do you feel...," am I suppose to conclude with my opinion after giving both arguments?

Honestly I didn’t answer it with any sort of approach in mind, I just said how I felt which basically was that I would never feel comfortable doing such a thing but that your duty is to your patient and if they are sure that’s what they want then it is your job to carry out their wish (assuming it’s legal and follows protocol yada yada). So it was opinionated but I did keep it a little wishy-washy. I was accepted—I think they just want you to be thoughtful, reflective, and genuine in your response, while demonstrating an understanding of why it could be a touchy subject (which would be really easy to do and require no extra thought/work on your part assuming you aren’t a sociopath).
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Hi guys - did anyone ask how third year is structured here? Do they set up rotations so people can stay in one spot the whole third year, or are students moving every few months? Are there lots of places for rotations close by so people don't have to move at all until fourth year?
Hi guys - did anyone ask how third year is structured here? Do they set up rotations so people can stay in one spot the whole third year, or are students moving every few months? Are there lots of places for rotations close by so people don't have to move at all until fourth year?
If I remember correctly, every single rotation is in the Las Vegas area, all 30 minutes within one another. I think that was a huge selling point for them that you can theoretically stay in one house/apt for the 4 years of school.
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If I remember correctly, every single rotation is in the Las Vegas area, all 30 minutes within one another. I think that was a huge selling point for them that you can theoretically stay in one house/apt for the 4 years of school.
Yeah, I was just tremendously impatient last night.

That's indeed what they said today. Honestly, they wowed me. I don't know why this school doesn't get more love with their close rotations, reasonable cost of living, and that clinical track program. Yeah, the building is ugly as dirt, but I could overlook that.
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I have an interview at TUN coming up! Can someone please fill me in on interview day? I took a look at this thread and the interview is open file and 20 minutes with 1-2 faculty members? What kind of questions are asked? For those who have interviewed at Touro NY Harlem, are the interviews comparable? Thanks so much in advance!
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If someone can answer the same for me, that would be awesome :)
I have an interview at TUN coming up! Can someone please fill me in on interview day? I took a look at this thread and the interview is open file and 20 minutes with 1-2 faculty members? What kind of questions are asked? For those who have interviewed at Touro NY Harlem, are the interviews comparable? Thanks so much in advance!
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I have an interview at TUN coming up! Can someone please fill me in on interview day? I took a look at this thread and the interview is open file and 20 minutes with 1-2 faculty members? What kind of questions are asked? For those who have interviewed at Touro NY Harlem, are the interviews comparable? Thanks so much in advance!

That's partially true... the interview is semi-open file. They do not have your scores, but they have your secondary and your EC's. The 20 minutes it firm... no more time that that. It'll fly by! I can't say which questions were specifically asked, but as long as you can hold a conversation and are able to communicate why you want to be a doctor you'll be fine. Read through the website, know the school, watch youtube videos and listen to podcasts for tips. Best of luck on your interviews!
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Has anyone had any trouble with the touchnet system and paying the deposit? I keep getting an error message
That's partially true... the interview is semi-open file. They do not have your scores, but they have your secondary and your EC's. The 20 minutes it firm... no more time that that. It'll fly by! I can't say which questions were specifically asked, but as long as you can hold a conversation and are able to communicate why you want to be a doctor you'll be fine. Read through the website, know the school, watch youtube videos and listen to podcasts for tips. Best of luck on your interviews!

Thanks so much for the response! Is the interview with 1 or 2 faculty members?
Thanks so much for the response! Is the interview with 1 or 2 faculty members?
It varies. Some individuals are supposed to meet with one faculty member, some meet with two. I was scheduled to meet with two, but only one of the individuals was there that day.
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It varies. Some individuals are supposed to meet with one faculty member, some meet with two. I was scheduled to meet with two, but only one of the individuals was there that day.
That's pretty scary that your acceptance essentially rides on a 20-minute interview with 1 person. Seems like there's a huge bias error that can occur.
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Just received an interview request on Tuesday and scheduled it for Monday 3/5! So soon! Does anyone know if they are just interviewing for the waitlist or for actual open seats? I'm excited- this is my top choice over Touro CA which I hear back from soon!
Just received an interview request on Tuesday and scheduled it for Monday 3/5! So soon! Does anyone know if they are just interviewing for the waitlist or for actual open seats? I'm excited- this is my top choice over Touro CA which I hear back from soon!
On 2/21, they stated they had about 70-80 actual seats left. You're not interviewing for the waitlist. :)
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On 2/21, they stated they had about 70-80 actual seats left. You're not interviewing for the waitlist. :)

That's actually quite a bit of seats left. Isn't the class size like 135 or like 180 (what they are thinking of expanding it to)?
That's actually quite a bit of seats left. Isn't the class size like 135 or like 180 (what they are thinking of expanding it to)?
They did get approved for a class size increase... but the article doesn't say how many seats they're going to have.

Did they say in anyone else's interview? If they said something in mine, I don't remember.
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If you have other offers, I would go elsewhere.
If you have other offers, I would go elsewhere.
Could you elaborate on why? I do have another offer, but this place surprised me by jumping to the top of my DO list after the interview. Really hoping for an acceptance here.

Just in case anyone else needs help thinking about this school, I'll list my pros and cons here.

  • 98% COMLEX level 1 first time pass rate last year (not on website yet, so not verifiable AFAIK)
  • 18 different hospitals available for third-year rotations; all within a 35 minute drive of the school so you don't have to move
  • The clinical track program with extra experience in your preferred specialty before taking specialty exams (do they use the NBME exams? I didn't ask)
  • Friendly faculty, students we interacted with reported a true open door policy where faculty will go out of their way to help you
  • Looks like people match all over the country; not regionally limited
  • They don't push primary care... my other DO interviews did
  • More matches in non-PC residencies than my current acceptance
  • It seemed like a great area to live with a lot of things to do and a reasonable cost of living compared to other places I interviewed and liked almost as well
  • The building is a butt ugly warehouse
  • Very limited study spaces; will need to study at home
  • Do they call those food options? Really? Would have to bring my own food every day or plan on going off campus to eat
  • The anatomy lab was a bunch of cadavers in body bags on stretchers
  • Higher tuition than my current acceptance

What am I missing?
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On 2/21, they stated they had about 70-80 actual seats left. You're not interviewing for the waitlist. :)

Thank you for that update. Also, do you remember how long the turn around was estimated from your interview and hearing back? Touro California lets you know within the week but I am assuming TUN process is different?
They did get approved for a class size increase... but the article doesn't say how many seats they're going to have.

Did they say in anyone else's interview? If they said something in mine, I don't remember.

If I remember correctly, I believe they said 181 or 183 at the interview I attended.
Thank you for that update. Also, do you remember how long the turn around was estimated from your interview and hearing back? Touro California lets you know within the week but I am assuming TUN process is different?

I interviewed 2/6 and was accepted 2/14. At the interview they said they guaranteed the decision by then, which I really appreciated! Didn’t need to neurotically refresh email knowing when to expect to hear from them.
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Could you elaborate on why? I do have another offer, but this place surprised me by jumping to the top of my DO list after the interview. Really hoping for an acceptance here.

Just in case anyone else needs help thinking about this school, I'll list my pros and cons here.

  • 98% COMLEX level 1 first time pass rate last year (not on website yet, so not verifiable AFAIK)
  • 18 different hospitals available for third-year rotations; all within a 35 minute drive of the school so you don't have to move
  • The clinical track program with extra experience in your preferred specialty before taking specialty exams (do they use the NBME exams? I didn't ask)
  • Friendly faculty, students we interacted with reported a true open door policy where faculty will go out of their way to help you
  • Looks like people match all over the country; not regionally limited
  • They don't push primary care... my other DO interviews did
  • More matches in non-PC residencies than my current acceptance
  • It seemed like a great area to live with a lot of things to do and a reasonable cost of living compared to other places I interviewed and liked almost as well
  • The building is a butt ugly warehouse
  • Very limited study spaces; will need to study at home
  • Do they call those food options? Really? Would have to bring my own food every day or plan on going off campus to eat
  • The anatomy lab was a bunch of cadavers in body bags on stretchers
  • Higher tuition than my current acceptance

What am I missing?

You have to remember that what you see on interview day is just a snapshot of what is to be the next 4 years of your academic and literal life. Not only that, everyone you interact with you that day is on their best behavior and will only relay the highlights of the school. Admissions departments are the PR of schools and their sole job is to get students to apply and accept, whatever it takes.

The pass rate and etc. really should only be a factor if you see a school that has anything below a 90%, then there may be some signs that the curriculum is a little off. With that being said, most schools that are and have been accredited for any number of years are going to get you to pass the boards as needed. You've gotten as far as getting accepted, so you more than likely have what it takes to pass the board exams. Whether you do or not is really up to you and relying on a school passing 98% first time takers is more a testament to the class itself than the actual curriculum. Most schools will have similar looking curriculum and as long as it is not something drastically different, you will do fine where ever you go.

The clinical tracks have been more or less a waste of time. Some students are having to take their shelf exams with a shorter turn around than the norm because a lot of their courses are backloaded in the year. Would you like to take your general surgery shelf that normally is an 8-week rotation in 3-weeks? I personally wouldn't. How about for IM? The trade off you make with doing a clinical track is that you give up your electives to do whatever specialty you have expressed interest in and running the risk of being screwed for one of the advanced shelf exams. You would be better off scheduling the specialty you want during your normal elective month and essentially receive the same amount of exposure. There was a significant drop in the number of students who expressed interested/applied to clinical tracks because of information and experiences that were passed down from previous years. I would be careful, where ever you interview, with taking new and shiny as being better and equivalent.

The comment about faculty is spot-on. They try their best to help you and teach you. There is some discord between faculty and administration with regards to the new curriculum, but maybe it will be resolved.

They don't push primary care...if you have the board scores. There were 20+ 4th years that matched into psych this year, why? Sudden interest in psych as the new frontier for future DOs? Maybe, but probably not. When you take your boards and don't receive the highlight, banner worthy score that schools want you to have, they will recommend psych, family, or IM. Remember it's a business, the higher the match rate, the more they can advertise this. We have a 95% match rate, okay, but how many students truly matched in what they wanted to versus what was "strongly recommended" to them. It's a numbers game that both sides have to play so please keep that in mind. Another note on this, matching is really up to you. How you do on boards is not the curriculum, is not the school, is not the environment, it's 100% you. If you put the time in and figured out the ins and outs of how you study/learn, hone that and push yourself, you will match where ever you want. If a program doesn't accept you for whatever reason (e.g. because you have D.O. after your name), then you probably didn't want to end up there anyway. It's your name that goes at the end of each examination, note, script, etc. so own it.

Cost of living is great/cheap/etc. First should be your support system, do you need one? Is it close? Second should be airports, is it an international or regional? Can you get home when you need to at a reasonable price? Henderson is fine, but you'll be studying. Strip visits go down to maybe 2x/year towards the end of your education.

You are very keen on your cons. The amount of money that goes towards student services is...nil. They did relocate the IT department so you didn't have to physically go outside of the building and re-enter through another door. The computer lab is updated and in a quieter part of the building. As far as that goes, that's it. Currently the campus is undergoing construction, but little to nothing is going to actual student-dedicated space. I would imagine they haven't really mentioned anything about the construction because there isn't much you will be offered. 180 students for the incoming class, the plan was to connect the 2 lecture halls, but those plans have been cancelled. What happens the first few weeks when you are all dedicated to coming to class will be that some of you will need to sit on the floor and take notes. Welcome to medical school. The library that they wanted to update or rebuild, nope. Rumor is that someone higher up thought the "homey" atmosphere would be missed. So please continue to enjoy the drab and dreary "library". If you get a chance to talk to anyone about the construction going on at the school, most student spaces are being "updated", but the administrative offices are being "built". Old versus New. Administration tends to look out for themselves when it comes to allocating resources. Please ask about the parking debacle of 2016. Before it was open parking for anyone and everyone, then they decided to make a "Parking Committee". Administration decided to start charging for parking passes, but all the prime spots in the front of the school were dedicated to faculty and administration, while student spaces were essentially reduced. Someone thought the walk across American Pacific was just a little too far. They did away with the passes this last year, segregated spots intact, and now are giving away the money they collected as a "Parking Scholarship".

The one thing you will experience without fail, almost a rite of passage, is 1 of 3 things. The first is that everything will be fine, no problems, administration will create a problem, charge you for it through tuition or some kind of fee, and try and fix the problem they created themselves. The second is something will be wrong, and the school will take the absolute minimum amount of money necessary in order to do a patch job. Finally, there will be something wrong and suggestions will be made, but for some reason the ultimate resolution that is chosen is something so far removed from what was suggested by the students that it will leave you dazed and confused.

At least you will have 4 students to a live cadaver... until you won't and it will all be virtual so they won't have to keep paying for cadavers. Not confirmed, but hey, you never know.
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You have to remember that what you see on interview day is just a snapshot of what is to be the next 4 years of your academic and literal life. Not only that, everyone you interact with you that day is on their best behavior and will only relay the highlights of the school. Admissions departments are the PR of schools and their sole job is to get students to apply and accept, whatever it takes.
Thank you SO MUCH for that detailed review. It's really helpful.

Fortunately for me, my support system is a non-issue - I'm married to a truck driver, who can get a job in pretty much two days flat wherever we move, and he has said more than once that my education comes first so he will be happy to go wherever I think is best. We will have a decent down payment after we sell our house, and with the excellent cost of living in Henderson, we'd be able to land a very good-sized freestanding house. I'm looking at two-bedroom condos for the same price point at my other top choice (NSU).

I was definitely feeling that they spent the minimal possible money on, well... just about anything. Just looking at the building alone told me that. And that poor, sad library... :laugh:

Thanks again. I will have a lot to deliberate if I get an acceptance here.
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Accepted! Received the email less than thirty minutes ago. I'm pretty happy about this one. :soexcited:
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Accepted! Received the email less than thirty minutes ago. I'm pretty happy about this one. :soexcited:

Congratulations! I interviewed on 3/5, hoping to hear good news soon. This school exceeded my expectations on interview day and became my top choice DO school.
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Congratulations! I interviewed on 3/5, hoping to hear good news soon. This school exceeded my expectations on interview day and became my top choice DO school.
I actually only went to the interview because I'd never been to Las Vegas before and this was a totally justifiable excuse to go out there, wasn't planning on liking the school at all... and then they blew me away. They really did do an excellent job on interview day. Barring any interesting financial aid anywhere else, this is likely where I'm going to land.

Good luck! :)
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Congratulations! I interviewed on 3/5, hoping to hear good news soon. This school exceeded my expectations on interview day and became my top choice DO school.
I interviewed on 3/5 as well and LOVED the school!!! Really hoping we hear back sooner than 3/16 as they told us- the anticipation is killing me!

Also, congrats @calivianya - really appreciated your message last week as well! Out of curiosity, was today the day they told you that you would hear back?
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I interviewed on 3/5 as well and LOVED the school!!! Really hoping we hear back sooner than 3/16 as they told us- the anticipation is killing me!

Also, congrats @calivianya - really appreciated your message last week as well! Out of curiosity, was today the day they told you that you would hear back?
They originally told my group we'd be hearing back on 3/2, then I got an email early last week saying the adcom meeting was pushed back and we'd hear on 3/9 instead. It was a really pleasant surprise to hear back today... was expecting two more days of waiting purgatory. :laugh:
I will be interviewing there soon. How did you feel about the 20-minute interview? Did you feel that you were able to get your point across in such a short amount of time? Was the interview more guided by the interviewer or did they let you dictate where the interview would go?
I will be interviewing there soon. How did you feel about the 20-minute interview? Did you feel that you were able to get your point across in such a short amount of time? Was the interview more guided by the interviewer or did they let you dictate where the interview would go?
I felt good about it. Mine was 2 on 1, with the interviewers taking turns asking questions. I feel like they asked things to get to know you... also asked a healthcare related question to see how you think. I definitely had enough time, but I talk really fast, haha. I had a minute or two left over after they ran out of questions, so I had time to ask some of my own.
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I actually only went to the interview because I'd never been to Las Vegas before and this was a totally justifiable excuse to go out there, wasn't planning on liking the school at all... and then they blew me away. They really did do an excellent job on interview day. Barring any interesting financial aid anywhere else, this is likely where I'm going to land.

Good luck! :)

I agree! They really sold the school to me on interview day. And thank you so much! Will report back when I hear news.

I interviewed on 3/5 as well and LOVED the school!!! Really hoping we hear back sooner than 3/16 as they told us- the anticipation is killing me!

Also, congrats @calivianya - really appreciated your message last week as well! Out of curiosity, was today the day they told you that you would hear back?

Since adcom is meeting this Friday, I suspect we may hear back earlier than 3/16!
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I felt good about it. Mine was 2 on 1, with the interviewers taking turns asking questions. I feel like they asked things to get to know you... also asked a healthcare related question to see how you think. I definitely had enough time, but I talk really fast, haha. I had a minute or two left over after they ran out of questions, so I had time to ask some of my own.
Great, thanks for the input!
The 16th can’t come fast enough. Interviewed on 3/5 and completely 100% feel this is the program for me. Would even cancel the rest of my interviews if accepted. Got a very kind reply to my thank you letter from one of my interviewers. Here’s hoping. Good luck to everyone :)
I will be interviewing there soon. How did you feel about the 20-minute interview? Did you feel that you were able to get your point across in such a short amount of time? Was the interview more guided by the interviewer or did they let you dictate where the interview would go?

IMO interviews always take the same amount of time at every school. One may be an hour, another 5 minutes - but you experience the same length of time no matter what.

Note that N=1, but here goes. Interview is classic Q and A, pretty boilerplate style. Very conversational - not at all aggressive like Touro NY.
Accepted. I've only used SDN to gage the interviews I've received.

10/16:submitted secondary
12/1:status update
1/3:interview invite
2/21: interview date
3/7: acceptance

Stats: very similar to last years matriculants with a very strong upward trend
6 manuscripts (2 publications, 2 submitted, 2 in prep)
-500+ hours shadowing

Hope this helps others!
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Again, if you have other acceptances...please go with those.
Again, if you have other acceptances...please go with those.

I don't doubt that you're having a ****ty time. That said, if you hate your school so much you actively try to push people away from it, have you considered that maybe this says more about you than the school?

I can't actually make the argument that it does, but I been there so I'd get it. What do your classmates think?
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