2020-2021 Ohio State

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How are y'all able to see your application? On the "Application Selection" section of the secondary portal, I only have the option to "FInd Application" and it says to look for existing applications below, but there's nothing below :\
once submitted you can’t look at it again. But you can check your status on Vitals!

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Omg same thing happened here. But strangely, only to a few of my apostrophes were changed to ? , not all of them. What is wrong with their site. Do you think they will hold it against us
How were you able to see your application after you submitted it? I am curious to see if my formatting got messed up as well
Any benefit to doing the Primary Care Track essays? I just feel weird leaving them blank
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I'm using my AAMC ID and password I set for Ohio State to log in to Vitals, is that supposed to work? It's not letting me in but I'm not sure if I need to wait to receive an email from Vitals first in order to access that.
I'm using my AAMC ID and password I set for Ohio State to log in to Vitals, is that supposed to work? It's not letting me in but I'm not sure if I need to wait to receive an email from Vitals first in order to access that.
No you will get an email directly from Vitals once they create your account
Is everyone getting like 4 emails from osu having them make a vitals, then a username for a different account, then another checking if you actually made a username etc? My poor heart- thought the first few may be IIs and now I'm just confused why they have so many sites lol
Did anyone receive an email from OSU with a username? It appears to be different from Vitals.
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Same here. What is it for? I tried to request activation via email but never got that email.
I had the same difficulty so I just sent the code to my phone number and it worked right away. I'm honestly not sure why they want us to have an OSU account as applicants
I had the same difficulty so I just sent the code to my phone number and it worked right away. I'm honestly not sure why they want us to have an OSU account as applicants
Phone number worked for me! Thanks for the advice. I wonder if everyone got this email?
Maybe this was just an issue on my end but i did this and still had some formatting issues.

Fwiw it did work for me. Made sure to de-select and highlight the new text in text editor. No idea. Bonkers that it’s 2020 and we have to worry about something this dumb.
Maybe this was just an issue on my end but i did this and still had some formatting issues.
so confused please share how you can see your essays after you submit. I'm so curious to know if my formatting was messed up
so confused please share how you can see your essays after you submit. I'm so curious to know if my formatting was messed up

in their original email:

"If you need to save your application and access it again in the future, use go.osu.edu/gpapply to reenter the application using the username and password you created."

I followed that link and was able to sign in and see my application just greyed out and unable to edit.
in their original email:

"If you need to save your application and access it again in the future, use go.osu.edu/gpapply to reenter the application using the username and password you created."

I followed that link and was able to sign in and see my application just greyed out and unable to edit.
ugh I did that and mine doesn't appear it just asks me to start a new application 🙁
I got the email to activate my dot number but I am a current undergrad with that dot number. Is there anything I have to do for it?
For FAP people, do you have to send an email to them first or do you wait for them to email you?
can anyone speak to writing their whole essay in Notepad? Based on the disclaimer on the secondary portal?
" Creating the essay in another word processing program, then copying and pasting it into the essay box or Notepad will cause formatting issues "
So it's not suggested to start in MS Word then just copy and paste into Notepad?
can anyone speak to writing their whole essay in Notepad? Based on the disclaimer on the secondary portal?
" Creating the essay in another word processing program, then copying and pasting it into the essay box or Notepad will cause formatting issues "
So it's not suggested to start in MS Word then just copy and paste into Notepad?
Yeah, this was talked about earlier in the forum. I copied and pasted from Google Docs to Notepad and then Notepad to the application. No known issues for me!
I don't imagine it will matter that much since they used both the full name and abbreviation in the secondary prompts. However, I will point out that it's The Ohio State University College of Medicine 😉

When writing a school name, is it always The [School Name]? I was never sure and now I'm second-guessing myself haha
When writing a school name, is it always The [School Name]? I was never sure and now I'm second-guessing myself haha

Pretty sure Ohio State is the only one to add "The" at the beginning of their school name. I think its a point of pride for the entire University system lol.
As someone who went to IU and had to deal with everyone from OSU for basketball and football seasons, it's just a pompous Ohio State thing because they are scared that there is an Ohio University in Athens. Therefore they became THE Ohio State. Similar to how the university of Miami considers themselves the U. These are things that are inherent to the universities themselves not the medical schools.
I sent in my secondary

I sent in my secondary pretty early on July 24th so if you sent yours in later than that then hopefully you'll get yours soon!
Ooo you beat me by 3 days so we’ll see if I get anything in the coming days. Congrats to you and best of luck for your interview
Uhhhhh guys help, I get an error message any time I try to submit my app and also anytime I try to save, anyone else having this issue?
IS applicant verified in July, still waiting. I received secondaries from all the other schools I sent primaries to about 3 weeks ago but no word yet. I figured there might be a delay of some sort so decided to be patient. Anyone else with this issue? As far as I know, OSU doesn't screen out applicants prior to sending secondaries. MCAT score still pending - might this be the reason why I haven't gotten anything?
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IS applicant verified in July, still waiting. I received secondaries from all the other schools I sent primaries to about 3 weeks ago but no word yet. I figured there might be a delay of some sort so decided to be patient. Anyone else with this issue? As far as I know, OSU doesn't screen out applicants prior to sending secondaries. MCAT score still pending - might this be the reason why I haven't gotten anything?
If you indicated you had an MCAT score coming in they should've sent it I believe. I would directly email them for sure though to check with them.