2021-2022 CA University of Science and Medicine

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II literally just now! IS, Completed secondary first week of November. Interview is scheduled for 12/07/21 so I'm assuming someone dropped their interview date?

They must have lol. The Earliest date for me was 01/09 and i got the II in October
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So I’m throwing the towel. 3 months later and I haven’t received a secondary. I’m assuming they resource protected me since I’ve gotten 4 MD IIs despite being a late applicant.
So I’m throwing the towel. 3 months later and I haven’t received a secondary. I’m assuming they resource protected me since I’ve gotten 4 MD IIs despite being a late applicant.
i didn't get a secondary either. CA resident, low MCAT, high GPA.
hello, I got a II last week and was lucky enough to get a date in December!
does anyone know what exactly the interview format is? (group or 1-on-1, open or closed file?) I haven't received an email yet about it.
hello, I got a II last week and was lucky enough to get a date in December!
does anyone know what exactly the interview format is? (group or 1-on-1, open or closed file?) I haven't received an email yet about it.
here you go my guy

looks like open file
hello, I got a II last week and was lucky enough to get a date in December!
does anyone know what exactly the interview format is? (group or 1-on-1, open or closed file?) I haven't received an email yet about it.

One on one with a faculty; open file, but I'm not sure if they see your GPA/MCAT; my interviewer only asked about my experiences.
Still nothing, complete 8/18 IS 519 3.6... should I email them saying knock knock?
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Does the school accept letter of intent?
According to last year's thread, looks like they don't. Although it might not hurt to contact the admissions committee to see if this has changed at all

Interviewed on 12/3!
Wow, quick turn around I thought they would've been out for the holidays already! Interviewed 12/17 but seems like I won't be hearing back until the new year, as they said admissions committee doesn't resume meeting until second week of January, and from there it is 3-4 weeks for a decision.
According to last year's thread, looks like they don't. Although it might not hurt to contact the admissions committee to see if this has changed at all

Wow, quick turn around I thought they would've been out for the holidays already! Interviewed 12/17 but seems like I won't be hearing back until the new year, as they said admissions committee doesn't resume meeting until second week of January, and from there it is 3-4 weeks for a decision.
I hope things go well for you once they make a decision!!!
Was complete 08/18 and heard nothing back, planning on sending email saying LET ME INNNN, or still interested interview me plz. do i just email their admissisons and attach a pdf letter or just put in body of email?
Was complete 08/18 and heard nothing back, planning on sending email saying LET ME INNNN, or still interested interview me plz. do i just email their admissisons and attach a pdf letter or just put in body of email?
firstly, do they even accept update letters? Idek but if they do... pdf it bro bro.
Just put something like "Please see my attached update letter" and make sure the email subject has your Full name and Amcas ID in it, and put the AMCAS in the pdf as well
I never got my post interview status and I interviewed in October lmao rip me
I have my interview this week and am getting anxious about it. :nailbiting: I'm wondering if anyone who has interviewed can comment on the vibe? I read in the SDN interview feedback that it feels really chill. Is it still like that? Thank you!
I have my interview this week and am getting anxious about it. :nailbiting: I'm wondering if anyone who has interviewed can comment on the vibe? I read in the SDN interview feedback that it feels really chill. Is it still like that? Thank you!
me too bruh, me too..
I have my interview this week and am getting anxious about it. :nailbiting: I'm wondering if anyone who has interviewed can comment on the vibe? I read in the SDN interview feedback that it feels really chill. Is it still like that? Thank you!
me too bruh, me too..
Still chill!! Was very very nervous heading into it, but interviewer made me feel comfortable. I know people say this all the time and it's hard to believe, but it was literally just a conversation. Interview day made me love the school--everybody was so kind and seemed so passionate about it. You're both gonna do great
I have my interview this week and am getting anxious about it. :nailbiting: I'm wondering if anyone who has interviewed can comment on the vibe? I read in the SDN interview feedback that it feels really chill. Is it still like that? Thank you!

It will vary a bit between interviewers but overall its always been pretty chill like has been mentioned here. They even have M4's interviewing now who I all know personally and are real standup people so I don't forsee any headaches if you interview with them. Know your application well and do some background research into the area and its demographics. The school is big into getting involved with the community and outreach so that may or maynot come up.
Still chill!! Was very very nervous heading into it, but interviewer made me feel comfortable. I know people say this all the time and it's hard to believe, but it was literally just a conversation. Interview day made me love the school--everybody was so kind and seemed so passionate about it. You're both gonna do great
It will vary a bit between interviewers but overall its always been pretty chill like has been mentioned here. They even have M4's interviewing now who I all know personally and are real standup people so I don't forsee any headaches if you interview with them. Know your application well and do some background research into the area and its demographics. The school is big into getting involved with the community and outreach so that may or maynot come up.
Thank you both so much!! I really appreciate it. Today's the big day and I came back to this page to feel better again. Thank you for the well wishes and advice <3
It will vary a bit between interviewers but overall its always been pretty chill like has been mentioned here. They even have M4's interviewing now who I all know personally and are real standup people so I don't forsee any headaches if you interview with them. Know your application well and do some background research into the area and its demographics. The school is big into getting involved with the community and outreach so that may or maynot come up.
you were right lol. Thanks!
i think i had one of the less chill interviews 😭the questions were a bit odd and didn't include the classic ones so I was a bit thrown I guess and confused :/ Good luck everyone on your interview if it's yet to come!
i think i had one of the less chill interviews 😭the questions were a bit odd and didn't include the classic ones so I was a bit thrown I guess and confused :/ Good luck everyone on your interview if it's yet to come!
Darn, sorry! That is really surprising to me--maybe they don't give much guidance to the interviewer about what specifically to ask? Because that sounds like a very different experience than mine. I don't think that's a bad sign though, probably just different interviewing styles between interviewers, especially at a newer school where they are still figuring this sorta stuff out. I'm sure you did great and just remember you have done everything you can now (something I'm still trying to wrap my head around)!
Darn, sorry! That is really surprising to me--maybe they don't give much guidance to the interviewer about what specifically to ask? Because that sounds like a very different experience than mine. I don't think that's a bad sign though, probably just different interviewing styles between interviewers, especially at a newer school where they are still figuring this sorta stuff out. I'm sure you did great and just remember you have done everything you can now (something I'm still trying to wrap my head around)!
Yeah, maybe they don't get a list of recommended q's to ask like some schools do. Yeah true I keep telling myself I did what I could too 🙂 Thank you!! I know it's weird to be done and just basically wait now but also nice!
it’s an open application interview as well. My interviewer was nice, but it was clear he did not even look at my application before the interview and only asked questions that he could have figured out with a simple read of my application. It was hard for me to express myself outside of what was already on my application because I was spending the entire time answering those questions. I’d love to go to this school, but after this interview… I’d be lucky to get a waitlist spot
it’s an open application interview as well. My interviewer was nice, but it was clear he did not even look at my application before the interview and only asked questions that he could have figured out with a simple read of my application. It was hard for me to express myself outside of what was already on my application because I was spending the entire time answering those questions. I’d love to go to this school, but after this interview… I’d be lucky to get a waitlist spot

I wonder if each interviewer was given different things cause my interviewer only had access to my gpa and Mcat lol. Nothing else.
i think i had one of the less chill interviews 😭the questions were a bit odd and didn't include the classic ones so I was a bit thrown I guess and confused :/ Good luck everyone on your interview if it's yet to come!

After several medschool interviews and a lot more residency interviews I can saw with confidence that your perception of how an interview went is not alway the correct one. Some of my "worst" interviews have turned out to be my best and vice versa. My interview with CUSM in particular felt cold and a bit odd as well because the interviewer I had was just a bit of an awkward person, as I would find out later. This pattern has defintely come up many more times as well. Some people are just not the best at interpersonnal communication and body language, and it leaves us feeling like something was wrong.

it’s an open application interview as well. My interviewer was nice, but it was clear he did not even look at my application before the interview and only asked questions that he could have figured out with a simple read of my application. It was hard for me to express myself outside of what was already on my application because I was spending the entire time answering those questions. I’d love to go to this school, but after this interview… I’d be lucky to get a waitlist spot

Unfortunately this doesn't end with residency interviews. I've had more than a handfull who clearly didn't do their homework and it continues to be annoying. But again, see above. I wouldn't give too much weight to your post-interview impressions. Obviously I don't know how things will turn out for you but I'd at least take a little comfort in knowing that just becuase you felt like it went badly does not at all mean that it actually did.
got an acceptance email earlier this morning! I interviewed 12/17 and did not expect to hear back so soon bc of the holidays but I’m very excited!
CONGRATS!! That is very very exciting. Has anybody else who interviewed 12/17 heard back yet? I interviewed that day as well and am now a little worried they're doing the ghost until rejection at end of cycle thing....
CONGRATS!! That is very very exciting. Has anybody else who interviewed 12/17 heard back yet? I interviewed that day as well and am now a little worried they're doing the ghost until rejection at end of cycle thing....
I received an A earlier today as well, interviewed 12/17. I am declining my acceptance, hope someone else is able to fill the spot - best of luck!
CONGRATS!! That is very very exciting. Has anybody else who interviewed 12/17 heard back yet? I interviewed that day as well and am now a little worried they're doing the ghost until rejection at end of cycle thing....
I also interviewed on 12/17 and havent heard anything back. Im starting to think the same about getting ghosted until the end of the cycle. They also just told me they dont accept update letters or letters of intent, so that great too lol.