2021-2022 CA University of Science and Medicine

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I interviewed 1/28 and still haven't heard a thing. Knew I'd get ghosted. I guess this is how they hand out R's these days.
Can we talk about how sarcastic that one student ambassador was lol? did no one else catch that?

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Can we talk about how sarcastic that one student ambassador was lol? did no one else catch that?
Which one? I forget their names but I think you're talking about the one who was on the upper right
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What's this schools policy on boosters, does anybody know
like every other hospital/ medical school in california, get em????

Nick Young Reaction GIF
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like every other hospital/ medical school in california, get em????

Nick Young Reaction GIF
I don't know what other hospitals or schools require. I'm asking because the benefit of boosters on healthy young individuals like us is unclear at best, and i would actually be surprised if a school required boosters every six months (or however long until antibodies wane) in perpetuity. Was looking for actual insight here.
does anyone here know, maybe @jboi2343, how the personality assessment will be used as a factor in our application? are they looking for something in particular, or is it just to know more about us? i guess i’m just a little anxious about what it’s used for, because they made it seem as if it was primarily to assign us to colleges but it’s also a factor in the app.
The personality assessment (NEO) is only used to place you in a college and it has absolutely no bearing on your likelihood of being accepted. The colleges are a system the school uses to assign you group members to complete case presentations, team based quizzes, college colloquium, and other activities with. The tests helps the school place students in groups where people have varying personalities and come from different backgrounds. It really is just a personality test and if I remember right I finished mine in like 20 minutes 🙂 I promise it's nothing to stress over!
Does anyone know the maximum student aid that can be awarded based on COA and COL for CUSM?
Does anyone have any insight on waitlist movement with this school? I interviewed way back in October and got waitlisted. Really hoping this turns into an A.
Does anyone have any insight on waitlist movement with this school? I interviewed way back in October and got waitlisted. Really hoping this turns into an A.
when were you waitlisted?
i heard there’s a lot of waitlist movement bc it’s a new school, but it doesn’t happen till like late april/early may
when were you waitlisted?
i heard there’s a lot of waitlist movement bc it’s a new school, but it doesn’t happen till like late april/early may
Waitlisted 11/16. And I really hope that's the case. Since my interview with this school I've had nothing but rejections. I had 3 just today alone. Currently debating on whether or not to start preparing for a retake of the MCAT for next cycle or just keep waiting and continue to hope this waitlist turns into an A. I really don't want to study for the MCAT again if I don't have to lol
After some digging it looks like the first waitlist movement last year was on May 3rd. From what I could see, they accepted multiple people at a time about every 10ish days following the first group.

I am also hoping to be taken off the waitlist, so I'll be watching movement like a hawk lol
Waitlisted 11/16. And I really hope that's the case. Since my interview with this school I've had nothing but rejections. I had 3 just today alone. Currently debating on whether or not to start preparing for a retake of the MCAT for next cycle or just keep waiting and continue to hope this waitlist turns into an A. I really don't want to study for the MCAT again if I don't have to lol
i’m in the exact same position as you! i interviewed early october, waitlisted 11/16. probably going to start studying for an mcat retake just in case
got a call from riverside and realized it was a spam... i swear I'm going to throw hands at the next call
just curious, does CUSM send post-II R’s at the very end of the cycle? i noticed a lot of interviewees from this past fall still haven’t heard back, it seems? the person who organized the interview day told us we should hear back within 3-5 weeks, and that if we don’t we could call and ask once that period is past. but it seems like they waited until May last cycle to send out all of the post-II R’s. (i interviewed in jan, but just curious).
I interview this Friday but didn’t receive any emails for the interview day information. Happen to anyone else?
Hi everyone, I submitted my secondary back in November, but have not heard anything since. I understand that interviews are still scheduled until April, but does anyone know if they have finished sending out interview invites? Also, thoughts on reaching out with a follow up email?

thank you 🙂
Hi everyone, I submitted my secondary back in November, but have not heard anything since. I understand that interviews are still scheduled until April, but does anyone know if they have finished sending out interview invites? Also, thoughts on reaching out with a follow up email?

thank you 🙂

November is kinda late to be complete.. could try with follow up
just curious, does CUSM send post-II R’s at the very end of the cycle? i noticed a lot of interviewees from this past fall still haven’t heard back, it seems? the person who organized the interview day told us we should hear back within 3-5 weeks, and that if we don’t we could call and ask once that period is past. but it seems like they waited until May last cycle to send out all of the post-II R’s. (i interviewed in jan, but just curious).
curious as well, interviewed in december
Ditto but interviewed January. Except for a few sporadic As, many December and January interviewees have yet to hear back. It’s really been a stressful few weeks because I rly wanna go here.
I thought someone said we can contact them for our status. Has anyone already done this? this is a def high choice school for me since I'm IS
I thought someone said we can contact them for our status. Has anyone already done this? this is a def high choice school for me since I'm IS
the woman who organized the interviews told us that we should hear back within 3-5 weeks from interview date and that if we pass the 5 week mark, we can call them and inquire. she said something to the effect of “be patient,” because she said the committee meets every 2 weeks and that some applicants spill over to the next meeting by sheer misfortune and subsequently hear back slightly later. but this does not explain why people who interviewed in nov-dec have not heard back yet. and according to last year’s thread, they did not send any post-II R’s until may. which worries me because I really just wanna know what my result is either way.

for others who interviewed before 1/28, did they give an estimate as to when you’d hear back? just curious if we’re all being told the same thing.
Ditto but interviewed January. Except for a few sporadic As, many December and January interviewees have yet to hear back. It’s really been a stressful few weeks because I rly wanna go here.
did you interview 1/7 or 1/28? if 1/7, then it’s slightly past that 5 week mark and this friday would mark 6 weeks so it’s possible if they’re behind that you’d still hear back this week or next. have you called/emailed to ask?
did you interview 1/7 or 1/28? if 1/7, then it’s slightly past that 5 week mark and this friday would mark 6 weeks so it’s possible if they’re behind that you’d still hear back this week or next. have you called/emailed to ask?
No I haven’t. Interviewed 1/7. Kind of shy to call, but may just need to put my adult pants on and try if I don’t hear back this week.

Just reading through last year’s thread really puts the fear in me that I may be waiting until May to get an R. And the fact that they don’t accept LOIs or updates just makes it so difficult to let them know how genuinely committed we still are for this school.

Anyone else from 1/7 still waiting?
I was complete at CUSM in September and haven't heard back yet...I'm IS (only about 2 hours away) and LM ~ 74. Does CUSM accept update/interest letters? I would love to go here.
No I haven’t. Interviewed 1/7. Kind of shy to call, but may just need to put my adult pants on and try if I don’t hear back this week.

Just reading through last year’s thread really puts the fear in me that I may be waiting until May to get an R. And the fact that they don’t accept LOIs or updates just makes it so difficult to let them know how genuinely committed we still are for this school.

Anyone else from 1/7 still waiting?
feel the same way about waiting til may … and i only interviewed on the 28th! lol. i guess it just concerns me that we could go THAT long without an answer. and we should really be told sooner incase we need to reapply.
feel the same way about waiting til may … and i only interviewed on the 28th! lol. i guess it just concerns me that we could go THAT long without an answer. and we should really be told sooner incase we need to reapply.
Has anyone from your interview date heard back?

And absolutely concur. Current students have said they’ve heard throughout the cycle. Honestly, if there was a magic ball that told me I’d eventually get accepted, I’m fully willing to continue holding on to this anxiety until May because it would be so worth it. Hahahah. But alas, that is not the case.
the woman who organized the interviews told us that we should hear back within 3-5 weeks from interview date and that if we pass the 5 week mark, we can call them and inquire. she said something to the effect of “be patient,” because she said the committee meets every 2 weeks and that some applicants spill over to the next meeting by sheer misfortune and subsequently hear back slightly later. but this does not explain why people who interviewed in nov-dec have not heard back yet. and according to last year’s thread, they did not send any post-II R’s until may. which worries me because I really just wanna know what my result is either way.

for others who interviewed before 1/28, did they give an estimate as to when you’d hear back? just curious if we’re all being told the same thing.
yeah im def over the 5 week mark since I interviewed early December, so I'm guessing that silence is a soft R
No I haven’t. Interviewed 1/7. Kind of shy to call, but may just need to put my adult pants on and try if I don’t hear back this week.

Just reading through last year’s thread really puts the fear in me that I may be waiting until May to get an R. And the fact that they don’t accept LOIs or updates just makes it so difficult to let them know how genuinely committed we still are for this school.

Anyone else from 1/7 still waiting?
+1 from 1/7
the woman who organized the interviews told us that we should hear back within 3-5 weeks from interview date and that if we pass the 5 week mark, we can call them and inquire. she said something to the effect of “be patient,” because she said the committee meets every 2 weeks and that some applicants spill over to the next meeting by sheer misfortune and subsequently hear back slightly later. but this does not explain why people who interviewed in nov-dec have not heard back yet. and according to last year’s thread, they did not send any post-II R’s until may. which worries me because I really just wanna know what my result is either way.

for others who interviewed before 1/28, did they give an estimate as to when you’d hear back? just curious if we’re all being told the same thing.
I interviewed on the 28th and was given the same timeframe
the woman who organized the interviews told us that we should hear back within 3-5 weeks from interview date and that if we pass the 5 week mark, we can call them and inquire. she said something to the effect of “be patient,” because she said the committee meets every 2 weeks and that some applicants spill over to the next meeting by sheer misfortune and subsequently hear back slightly later. but this does not explain why people who interviewed in nov-dec have not heard back yet. and according to last year’s thread, they did not send any post-II R’s until may. which worries me because I really just wanna know what my result is either way.

for others who interviewed before 1/28, did they give an estimate as to when you’d hear back? just curious if we’re all being told the same thing.
interviewed 1/7 and was told some people could hear back as soon as 2-3 weeks, which I think one person in this thread did hear back. Silence for the rest of us
interviewed 1/7 and was told some people could hear back as soon as 2-3 weeks, which I think one person in this thread did hear back. Silence for the rest of us
@JustJackie been meaning to tell you congrats on your A btw! I saw it on the other page, but was at work so didn't post then. So happy for you!
interviewed 1/7 and was told some people could hear back as soon as 2-3 weeks, which I think one person in this thread did hear back. Silence for the rest of us
I heard back a week after most of those I interviewed with and I considered myself rejected, don’t give up hope!
Hey all I received an acceptance letter about a week ago. It says that I have to complete some required documentation to move forward with my acceptance. Is this document legally binding? I want to move forward with my acceptance but don't want to commit to matriculate just yet.
when did you interview?