2021-2022 Mt. Sinai (Icahn)

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If I applied to FlexMed (their early assurance program) as a sophomore and was rejected, do I need to offer any explanation in the optional box? Honestly, I only had one year of college under my belt and weak experiences and a horrible PS that I did not even know was supposed to be a PS. The only way I can justify is that I was clueless about the application process. I'd like to know if it'd be better to leave this blank.

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OOS Secondary received this morning ! Was verified by AMCAS on July 2. So excited good luck everyone !!! 😀
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Does the maximum LOR (5 letters) on MSAR come from the school itself? There is nothing written about max LOR on the Icahn website.
Did people write about academic or non-academic feedback for the first essay? A med student there said to avoid academic for it, but Shemmassian encouraged it. I have one already written for academic, and idk if I should change it.
Did people write about academic or non-academic feedback for the first essay? A med student there said to avoid academic for it, but Shemmassian encouraged it. I have one already written for academic, and idk if I should change it.
I did a professional story. I feel like those can showcase more personal attributes than an academic story, but unlike challenge prompts, I don't think this one is actually too bad to write an academic essay for.
Did people write about academic or non-academic feedback for the first essay? A med student there said to avoid academic for it, but Shemmassian encouraged it. I have one already written for academic, and idk if I should change it.
I think ideally it would be better to go for non-academic. But as long as it isn't about the MCAT and maybe something about a feedback about the research you have done or something the academic route should be fine.
Did people write about academic or non-academic feedback for the first essay? A med student there said to avoid academic for it, but Shemmassian encouraged it. I have one already written for academic, and idk if I should change it.
I wrote kind of a fusion. Used to be a theatre major, and personal/academic feedback kind of blended
Did people write about academic or non-academic feedback for the first essay? A med student there said to avoid academic for it, but Shemmassian encouraged it. I have one already written for academic, and idk if I should change it.
I chose a professional work story. You just want something that has very high stakes, terrible feedback, and huge growth afterwards. A bad MCAT score or bad grade has no stakes.
Is everyone still just sitting at application complete? I submitted 6/30
That's the way it works at the NY schools. Check out last year's threads. They are notoriously slow. Not sure what you are expecting this early in the cycle, but the fact is that nothing might change for months from now, so get used to it! 🙂
For the question that asks "Have you, in the past years, applied to any other medical school?", am I obligated to say yes to this if I haven't applied to Mt sinai in the past? For reference, I applied to 1 med school last year due to COVID reasons (not Sinai). I'm just worried that saying I applied previously would box me as a "re-app" and hurt me.

My pre-health advisor thinks it probably shouldn't hurt me if I explain the circumstances, or that it might help even. Not sure what to do.
Why don't you read the certification you will be making before you submit and decide for yourself? If saying "no" still allows you to check the box, you're good. If not, you know what the consequences are of doing it and getting caught. Risk/reward, like everything else in life. I think being hurt because you're a reapplicant is way better than lying and worrying about getting caught for the next 5 years of your life.

Academic Honesty​

I certify that all information presented in my application is accurate, complete, and written by me. I also certify that any information submitted on my behalf, including letters of evaluation, is authentic. I understand and agree that any plagiarism, or any misleading and inaccurate information, will be cause for the rescindment of any offer of acceptance, or disciplinary action if discovered at a date after admission.
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Well... NYU is like one of the fastest... so there is that lolz
Why does this school send emails with the subject line “You’re Invited” for its non MD grad programs. I’m guessing target audience engagement is off the charts, but it’s comes across as tacky/in poor taste to me
I wish they’d invest the same amount of effort in the transparency of their admissions process instead of spamming those types of emails ☕️🐸
Why does this school send emails with the subject line “You’re Invited” for its non MD grad programs. I’m guessing target audience engagement is off the charts, but it’s comes across as tacky/in poor taste to me
You've answered your own question. The sellers' market means they can do what they want. And what they want is for you to not ignore the spam. You haven't withdrawn your application in protest to teach them a lesson, have you? That's why they do it! 😎
Are most medical schools (except Pitt) behind in interview invites? It seems slow in most forums.
I think it depends on your definition of "slow." SDN wisdom is that October is still early. If that's true, why would slow be unexpected?

My observation, based on first hand experience, SDN and friends this cycle and second hand over the past two cycles, is that things are right on track. Most schools are around half done with IIs, which is typical for mid-October. The NY schools (other than NYU) always seem to be behind, and this year does not seem to be an exception.

September-October is prime time for IIs, and there is action every day, although not at every school. Check all the school specific threads, not just the ones you applied to. You'll see what I mean. The ones with all the activity on any given day are at the top of the list.

Still really nothing to do but be patient. The next 6 weeks will bring into greater focus how this cycle is going to play out for many of us.

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