2020-2021 Mt. Sinai (Icahn)

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Wow just got accepted off the waitlist. This has been my dream school for years!!

Gave up almost hope last week so hang in there everyone!
Congrats!!!! Did you get a call or email?

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Anyone have any idea as to if WL movement is monthly,weekly,etc? The suspense is killing me
I was waitlisted months ago and haven't heard anything. Has anyone?/ do you know of anyone who recently got off the waitlist? Thanks!
Guys I think I am officially throwing in the towel on waiting. I have an acceptance I am happy with so I’ll move on 🙂 good luck everyone!
should we just assume we're rejected this year if we were waitlisted/haven't heard anything? Doesn't med school start in like 3 weeks or so?

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