2021-2022 Stanford

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Has anyone received a financial aid package yet?
Got mine today. Was told at the virtual second look today that they plan on distributing all award letters by the end of next week

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Did you hear back from them? Without going into detail, did you frame it as one of the update categories they discussed (Publication, Employment, etc.)?
i made one doc where i went into some detail about my new volunteer/work updates and briefly explained what i got out of it. They replied to confirm that they had received it
If you are WL at Stanford, there is still hope. I just withdrew...UW is more likely where I will end up. Stanford feels like a made-up environment to me so perfect and everyone gives the same answer. Speaking with their admissions dean didn't help either. It made matters worse as she kept saying how everything is perfect, whatever my question
If you are WL at Stanford, there is still hope. I just withdrew...UW is more likely where I will end up. Stanford feels like a made-up environment to me so perfect and everyone gives the same answer. Speaking with their admissions dean didn't help either. It made matters worse as she kept saying how everything is perfect, whatever my question
glad someone mentioned this. talking to current students felt like they were reading from a script.

also, the interview prep material they sent felt very elitist. it said things like they can't wait for you if you have a bad wifi connection, tell your roommates not to use the internet during your interview, do vocal exercise in the weeks leading up to the interview lol. like what.

in a beautiful irony during my interview day, the dean of admissions got disconnected because she stepped on some cord. when she eventually came back, she interrupted a video the admissions team was playing (the video was about her incidentally) and made like 5 interviewees repeat their favorite food because she missed what they said while disconnected. whole interview day experience felt strange
If you are WL at Stanford, there is still hope. I just withdrew...UW is more likely where I will end up. Stanford feels like a made-up environment to me so perfect and everyone gives the same answer. Speaking with their admissions dean didn't help either. It made matters worse as she kept saying how everything is perfect, whatever my question

As a prior undergrad here, you really nailed Stanford culture. Everyone really has a way of making things seem more perfect than they are.
Also wondering if Stanford will draw from the waitlist this year... Last year, somebody reached out to the admissions committee and heard that they were unlikely to draw from the waitlist - has anybody here already reached out and asked the same thing?
Might be optimistic speculation but I think there could be some WL movement this year. I saw on last year’s thread that they didn’t even accept updates/LOIs… maybe the fact that they’re accepting them this time means something?
Has anyone received admission off the waitlist yet? We’re in the first period they outlined in the waitlist email, May 1-15.
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If you got accepted originally or accepted off the waitlist, can you post your GPA/MCAT and any other important details?
So did the waitlist really just not move at all this year? I find that hard to believe.