2021-2022 Washington State

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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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I'm taking the MCAT this Saturday... here's to hoping for a secondary in 5 or 6 weeks from now. Oof.
You should get it right away if you reach the threshold, but grad gpa might be different? You could always call their office, they are really nice! Also, you need all your LORs in before they send a secondary.
Oooh thanks for your help. I was verified last week so I'll give it a little more time before I reach out.
You should get it right away if you reach the threshold, but grad gpa might be different? You could always call their office, they are really nice! Also, you need all your LORs in before they send a secondary.
Does anyone else have a new checkmark and box that says "your application is under review"? Earlier it was only "Your application is ready for screening"
anxious people can look at my post at the top of page 10 from last years thread to get a temporal summary of everything people posted regarding last years admission cycle @ wsu.
good luck,
you guys have already gone through and achieved so much to get to this point. keep that in perspective!
Hey all. I will be starting at WSU in a couple of weeks. Feel free to tag me come December or so and I’ll be happy to give feedback on the school and program up till then. I got accepted later on (May) and am OOS but met all four criteria. I’m also an older non trad.

I cannot answer specific interview question because we all sign an NDA. But definitely take a look at last years thread for peoples thoughts on the day.

Best of luck to everyone. Happy to help if I can. A bit busy moving at the moment though.
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Did anyone else have to fill out the residency packet? It's kind of a lot of paperwork + sensitive information to be sending someone 😅
Did anyone else have to fill out the residency packet? It's kind of a lot of paperwork + sensitive information to be sending someone 😅
I filled out the residency packet and they took about 2-3 weeks to get back to me once I had submitted all necessary information. Once my packet was approved I was sent the secondary about 1 week later. I felt very weird submitting my family's tax returns, home purchases, etc, especially since I come from a privileged background, but I am assuming that the information in that packet is strictly for residency and will not be seen by admissions.
I filled out the residency packet and they took about 2-3 weeks to get back to me once I had submitted all necessary information. Once my packet was approved I was sent the secondary about 1 week later. I felt very weird submitting my family's tax returns, home purchases, etc, especially since I come from a privileged background, but I am assuming that the information in that packet is strictly for residency and will not be seen by admissions.
I didn’t get a residency packet, was everyone supposed to get one? As in did I miss it?
I didn’t get a residency packet, was everyone supposed to get one? As in did I miss it?
I was not born in Washington but I have since established residency in Washington. I think they send the residency packet to applicants who are marked as potentially OOS based on the AMCAS demographic information.
Does anyone know if the application status changes from "ready for screening" to "screening" or something along those lines when it is being reviewed?
Those of you have have received interview invites, how long did it take to get the invite from when your application status changed to "under review"?
For what it's worth, GPA/MCAT are completely blinded throughout their admission process provided you clear their initial screen.
That is what I used to think, but I'm pretty sure one admissions committee member has access to your transcripts but not your MCAT and GPA. Everyone else does not have access to that information. I could be wrong
Could be they're also delaying anyone who's anywhere remotely non-traditional, too. My gpa's higher than all of the ones listed so far on the interview tracker for WSU, but I'm definitely non-trad and wonder if that's putting me on the back burner.

They aren't "delaying anyone who's anywhere remotely non-traditional." I am non-traditional and I received an interview invite two weeks ago. I'm not trying to be rude. I just thought I would let you know
I know everyone got Dr. Harrison's email this morning. Like many of you, my heart jumped then quickly sank when I realized it wasn't an interview invite. Well, a few hours later I got an interview invite! In addition to the recommendations in her email, I highly recommend listening to her conversation on the All Access: Med School Admissions podcast (ESFCOM episode link).

I'm non-trad in my 30s with low stats and deep roots in rural Washington, tons of experience & ECs and strong mission alignment.
Is it a bad sign that I didn’t get the email?😬
I assume that the distribution was to everybody who applied via AMCAS... I would check your spam folder. I also recommend adding each school's email to your contact list to prevent any communication going to the spam folder.
It was for people who had not received an II yet, @Sapphia received it because they didn’t get an II until that afternoon.
Oooh, yeah that makes sense! Thanks for clarifying!

For those wondering about context, the director of admissions (Dr. Harrison) sent out an email addressing some of the conjecture in this thread regarding their admissions process. The long and short is, read their website and listen to their webinars… and i would additionally recommend the podcast I linked above.
For those who have interviewed already, is the traditional portion open or close-filed?
Accepted! Wishing the best for everyone else! Interviewed on 10/11
Yay congrats!! That's really exciting 🙂

Just wondering, did they call from the number listed in the admissions email signature? Does anyone know if they would leave a voicemail if you don't pick up?
Has anyone heard from the admission committee this week? I was expecting the school to make their monthly round of acceptances this week but haven't seen anything on the forum. Maybe they will do so next week.
Has anyone heard from the admission committee this week? I was expecting the school to make their monthly round of acceptances this week but haven't seen anything on the forum. Maybe they will do so next week.
I have not heard anything from them this week. I'd assume next week as well, given the Thanksgiving holiday might have slowed things down a bit.