2021-2022 Wayne State

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I don't understand why they just don't reject all of the IS applicants at this point. There was a huge R wave about 5 weeks ago and there are still IS applicants on the WL. Like why are they making us wait all of this time if they are only looking to fill OOS seats.

EDIT: Sorry for sounding negative I just can't believe how unorganized this is.
This is exactly why I’m not losing hope. If they truly only wanted OOS people they would reject IS people. Everything that anyone says on here is speculation, so take it all with a grain of salt.

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This is exactly why I’m not losing hope. If they truly only wanted OOS people they would reject IS people. Everything that anyone says on here is speculation, so take it all with a grain of salt.
Not sure if Wayne assigns fixed number of seats to OOS. One of the member mentioned(in this thread) that he/she called Admissions office and they said class is full. I guess if lot of OOS candidates drop(chances are there), then they may give these to IS in the last minute. Not sure. Hope they do. I am not sure they waited this long, last year to give these to IS (if they did).
As someone said, I wish they decide this by next week, so that people can get time to find an apt.
as an OOS student how much money would it be for moving costs estimated?
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I don't understand why they just don't reject all of the IS applicants at this point. There was a huge R wave about 5 weeks ago and there are still IS applicants on the WL. Like why are they making us wait all of this time if they are only looking to fill OOS seats.

EDIT: Sorry for sounding negative I just can't believe how unorganized this is.
Seems like the entire process is a bit unorganized across the board. My kid got an email after withdrawing from one waitlist by the admissions person that interviewed him saying that he was sorry to hear my son wouldn't be part of their 2026 class even though he'd never been accepted. This week he got an acceptance from a school that he had contacted a week earlier and withdrawn from the waitlist.
OOS current students: why did you choose Wayne over other schools?
For me, the urban location is a plus. Midtown is great and it’s just a short distance from other areas undergoing a renaissance further downtown—around the Lions and Tigers stadiums, for example. I like that the school is in the heart of multiple hospital systems (DMC, Henry Ford, VA, etc.), research opportunities seem plentiful, established home residencies in every speciality, and it seems like the clinical opportunities are unmatched in connection with the population served in the area, I am out of state but have some family nearby which is a plus. An M3 student from my hometown showed me around and she was very positive about her experience. Match list seems very strong across a variety of competitive specialties the last two years. And they seem to have stabilized the administration making the interim dean—who seems to have the support of faculty and students—permanent.
just checked the wayne portal- 638 offers already! 🙁 Time to lock in and tear up the next cycle 😤
OOS current students: why did you choose Wayne over other schools?
They were the only US school that accepted me.
Wayne also has a phenomenal clinical training program and by virtue of its size has research/programs in almost every area you could think of.
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If I reapply and submit my primary app, does it notify Wayne or any other schools that I'm on the waitlist on? I dont want them to look at that and not take me off the waitlist
If I reapply and submit my primary app, does it notify Wayne or any other schools that I'm on the waitlist on? I dont want them to look at that and not take me off the waitlist
I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think Wayne would be able to see that you’ve resubmitted since AMCAS doesn’t send your primaries to med schools until June 25 (I believe this is the date this year, someone correct me if I’m wrong). So my guess is that Wayne probably can’t see that you resubmitted until then.
Does anyone know if Wayne State accepts substitutions for the general bio prereq? (I don't have AP credit for bio, just substituting with advanced bio courses)
This is it my friends. Considering last year it went up to 675 A’s sent out I imagine this tracker update will be the last large movement.

Any A’s shout em out along with IS or OS please! LETS GOOOOOOOOO
last movement? but its only at 661 and they said more movement until mid june
last movement? but its only at 661 and they said more movement until mid june
I’m sure there may be some trickle, but personally I would not expect any more large batches of A’s sent out. Last few years there hasn’t been much movement around CTE date. That being said I would be happy to be wrong and this is all supposition based on the same info everyone else has!
The Facebook group says they added 23 user in the past week🧐 those r the ones who were just recently accepted?
This could also be current Wayne students that joined the group to give advice or look for roommates or are leaving a residence and looking to pass it on...... I think
There def has to be more than 600, they offered 1500 interviews and barely rejected anyone
Admission offers --661
According to MSAR, out of 600 WL positions, 300 are offered an A.

So.... extrapolate whatever data you want from that lol

Does anyone know if it's worth contacting Wayne State and asking them about when we may hear back from the waitlist/our specific position on it? I'm already accepted to other schools but Wayne is my top choice and I'd like to figure out logistics of housing and other things well in time and i feel like with classes starting in a month, that's not going to happen. Not really sure how to navigate this - any advice is appreciated!
I would try . Nothing to lose. Looks like lot of OOS went to California. Not sure. Also very few IS may reject Wayne in the last minute unless they get A's from better ranking schools and tuition is not an issue OR if they prefer other Schools by location (Central, Western, MSU, MSU DO). Heard that the gap between DO and MD is closing. MSU DO is one of top DO schools.