2022-2023 Commonwealth (Geisinger)

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Did they accept anyone this committee meeting? It’s crazy they only deferred more applicants 🙁

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pre-ii defer just now, complete mid august, OOS, non-trad
alternatively has anyone that interviewed 11/18 heard back?
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Does anyone know if the Abigail Geisinger scholars program will prevent you from pursuing fellowships? I know that you would have to do ur residency in IM, FM, peds, or psychiatry. Would you still be able to sub specialize in those fields? Can’t seem to find any info on this.
Anyone have information on this?
I heard that you can pursue fellowship after the four years of primary care you owe to geisinger
Exactly. It would be hard to match into a competitive fellowship like Cardio or GI after those 4 years, but I’m sure you could do neph or Rheumatology.
Nobody knows, but according to MSAR, at least greater than 12.3%:

For funsies, let's assume they confer acceptance offers to between twice and thrice the amount matriculated:

Now it's between 24.6% and 36.9%, which means absolutely nothing due to it's speculative nature, but what else will I do for the next three weeks‽

EDIT: let's consider in-state versus out-of-state:
Post-interview acceptance rate (%)
What about those who were given IIs from their MBS program? What does the acceptance data for the people in that group look like (in state vs out of state as well)?
Got the A through email 1 hour ago! I indicated interest in the Scholars' Program in my original application but I don't see any info about it in my acceptance, or the financial aid email they sent me. So assuming I may have just not gotten the scholarship? idk idk
Got the A through email 1 hour ago! I indicated interest in the Scholars' Program in my original application but I don't see any info about it in my acceptance, or the financial aid email they sent me. So assuming I may have just not gotten the scholarship? idk idk
Was yours just the regular interview? Like they didn't mention specifically that it was only an interview for Abigail program right
Was yours just the regular interview? Like they didn't mention specifically that it was only an interview for Abigail program right
It was a regular interview! My understanding was that once you were accepted, you'd have an opportunity to interview for the scholarship but I don't see any details regarding that anywhere in my letter
congrats to those accepted! May I ask whether you were accepted straight or if you were deferred first? Also, may I ask your interview dates?
deferred to next committee meeting via email today, interviewed 11/21, OOS
Accepted via email just now!
Got the A through email 1 hour ago! I indicated interest in the Scholars' Program in my original application but I don't see any info about it in my acceptance, or the financial aid email they sent me. So assuming I may have just not gotten the scholarship? idk idk
Congratulations! They will eventually reach out with separate emails regarding the AG Scholars Program. One will be general information, another will be the interview date/time if you are selected.
Thanks! To preface, I’m non trad and did a post bacc and have a hefty amount of scribing hours and community-based work experience.
MCAT: 506
Undergrad cGPA: 3.31
Postbac: 3.96
I don’t have the Lizzy M score tho lol sorry
Did you do your postbac at Geisinger in their MBS program?
Were there any school specific questions like why us during the MMI and did you guys introduce yourself to each interviewer before responding?
Were there any school specific questions like why us during the MMI and did you guys introduce yourself to each interviewer before responding?
personally i didn't do much in terms of introductions! i don't think it could hurt to do a very brief intro, but i just got right into my answers because it's all timed. also they made us sign this agreement to not say what the qs were about but i think that doing normal mmi prep will have you more than ready for whatever they throw @ you
personally i didn't do much in terms of introductions! i don't think it could hurt to do a very brief intro, but i just got right into my answers because it's all timed. also they made us sign this agreement to not say what the qs were about but i think that doing normal mmi prep will have you more than ready for whatever they throw @ you