2022-2023 Commonwealth (Geisinger)

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no, "deferred to the next committee meeting" and "waitlisted" are two different things at Geisinger
ok thank you! I wasn't sure if deferred was just a nice way for them to say waitlisted. But good to know they are 2 different things. Best of luck to you too because my app is also deferred 😢

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Has anyone else not heard back yet? I also interviewed in October.
Yeah interviewed 10/19 and havent heard back yet. I think they only released decisions up to 10/14. Hopefully rest of us will be hearing soon!
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interviewed 9/9 --> deferred to next committee meeting 10/17 --> sent update letter 10/23 --> received letter of rejection in mail for class of 2026 11/10. I assume this is just a typo but I did not receive a rejection email and my portal does not reflect anything new on the communication tab. this was my only II and practically my best shot of an A. what do, except cry?
interviewed 9/9 --> deferred to next committee meeting 10/17 --> sent update letter 10/23 --> received letter of rejection in mail for class of 2026 11/10. I assume this is just a typo but I did not receive a rejection email and my portal does not reflect anything new on the communication tab. this was my only II and practically my best shot of an A. what do, except cry?
I would definitely reach out for clarification! Best of luck to you!
Anyone know anything about the geisinger Scholars interview? Is it another mmi or one on one or something?
Did anyone send thank you letters after the interview? I’m not sure if I should send one or not
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Rejected today via post (snail mail postmarked Novemeber 8th, 2022). No update or indication of rejection within the online admissions portal. Completed on 6/29/22 and interviewed on 9/2/22.
The paper is hand signed, too. It's actually really nice.
Hey that's their loss, future doctor 🙂
Some schools need to fix their emailing system. I applied months ago, why did I get the general email this week about the abigail scholars program. I am still deferred... Literally made my heart skip a beat. Just not nice at all.
Did anyone get a packet in the mail about the school but didn't interview there yet? I received one today and it probably means nothing but I was just surprised lol
Did anyone get a packet in the mail about the school but didn't interview there yet? I received one today and it probably means nothing but I was just surprised lol
I got a packet mailed to my parent's house. I assumed it was a rejection, and told them to not bother to open it though lol
I got a packet mailed to my parent's house. I assumed it was a rejection, and told them to not bother to open it though lol
I just checked the past messages and apparently a lot of people got it without IIs lol
Interviewing in a week or two. Any tips/general advice for interview day a little nervous 😅
Interviewing in about 1.5 hours, any last minute tips?
I also got that promotional packet in the mail today. I got all excited thinking it was related to an interview invite. Seems like a waste of money and paper on the school's part. Why send us a promotion when we all already paid to apply here. They should only send it to accepted students.

I also got the promotional packet today. After the pre II R I got a month ago. And I’m IS, so they def sent to me after the R
Does Geisinger do all of their Scholar’s interviews in the fall? Interviewing in January and wondering if there is even a chance at this point.