2022-2023 Indiana

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Has anyone had an email or portal update for any acceptances this month?
The email/ portal update will likely happen tomorrow because it's typically a week after the 15th. Let's all hope for good news tomorrow!

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I love how instead of IUSM simply notifying us of their monthly decision, we have to use "image not available" informed delivery notifications as an indicator that we MIGHT have gotten accepted. If only there was some system they could use that would notify everyone at the same time regardless of where they live... can't think of anything that could do that. /s

After interviewing with other schools, IUSM is most definitely wayyyy behind the curve when it comes to communication. Hell I can text the admissions department at one of my schools. Per my friends who currently attend, it doesn't stop here either.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. 🙂 Vent over.
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Y'all. Got the A after interviewing 8/31. I did not even think this would happen, I was ready to be hit with WL. Also had no indication on informed delivery. IS on their FOURTH application cycle. Jesus Christ.
OMG Congrats! I think this gives some of us hope that we can still be accepted even after interviewing a while ago. I can't imagine the anxiety ou had all these months of waiting.
Y'all. Got the A after interviewing 8/31. I did not even think this would happen, I was ready to be hit with WL. Also had no indication on informed delivery. IS on their FOURTH application cycle. Jesus Christ.
Did you get your acceptance via mail?
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Does anyone else feel like the acceptances this application cycle have been low? I mean IU enrolls 365 students each cycle, probably 450-500 acceptances total and we only had 2 posted on here this month? Maybe I am just hope-searching, but I think there should be a ton more acceptances flowing soon right?
Does anyone else feel like the acceptances this application cycle have been low? I mean IU enrolls 365 students each cycle, probably 450-500 acceptances total and we only had 2 posted on here this month? Maybe I am just hope-searching, but I think there should be a ton more acceptances flowing soon right?
SDN is such a small sample size that outside of just general dates of when II and As are given out we really can’t draw much from it. Perhaps all the people who are getting As just aren’t on SDN or just aren’t posting. Hopefully next month we start seeing movement. Based on last year you’ll know around end of April at the latest if WL or R if haven’t been accepted before.
Like the invitation email itself where you sign up? I am assigned the Indy campus, but I got the initial email and not the invitation email.
Oh sorry, just the general email about the tour day. No email for the sign-up link.
Likewise, I just panicked thinking that I missed the email or never got it. Glad to hear others never got anything either about the Indy visit.
Also MSTP R two days ago, Interviewed 2/8. The email definitely implies there is still MD only consideration!
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Also MSTP R two days ago, Interviewed 2/7. The email definitely implies there is still MD only consideration!
Do you think because we were just rejected from the MSTP and the last round of As comes out this week for the MD program, the adcoms didn't get to review our MD application? I'm desperate rn with no As from any program lol
Do you think because we were just rejected from the MSTP and the last round of As comes out this week for the MD program, the adcoms didn't get to review our MD application? I'm desperate rn with no As from any program lol
I was wondering this myself because I was so disappointed lol, but I really feel like if they liked us/our application then they would've waited to hit us with the R until they heard from the MD program 🙁 and I feel you, patiently (or not so much) waiting for these waitlists to get moving
I was wondering this myself because I was so disappointed lol, but I really feel like if they liked us/our application then they would've waited to hit us with the R until they heard from the MD program 🙁 and I feel you, patiently (or not so much) waiting for these waitlists to get moving
Yea Indiana was a great fit for my research interests and my interview went well. No idea why I just just outright rejected...
Do you think because we were just rejected from the MSTP and the last round of As comes out this week for the MD program, the adcoms didn't get to review our MD application? I'm desperate rn with no As from any program lol
Wait this just made me so anxious 🙁 How do you know the last round is this week? Did they say that somewhere or are we going based on patterns from previous years?
Wait this just made me so anxious 🙁 How do you know the last round is this week? Did they say that somewhere or are we going based on patterns from previous years?

I don’t see anything on the website stating this but it’s been the pattern in previous years
I was accepted a few months ago but certiphi hasn't reached out to me for a background check. Is there any way I can start the process myself?
Nope. I received an email March 1st so I honestly don't expect to hear back until next week.

But isn’t decision always made on the 15th? I got that email twice lol and nothing rly happened. Are they done sending As?