2023-2024 NYU - Long Island

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Hi all! best of luck on your decisions next week! Feel free to ask any questions as they come up, there are a few current students myself included that are happy to answer.

Heard murmurs that decisions will be out on Thursday 🙂
@goldmirror Any feedback why the school is ranked in the 90s even with free tuition. Is 3 year MD a drawback?

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Any feedback why the school is ranked in the 90s even with free tuition. Is 3 year MD a drawback?
I know I'm not the person you asked, but a large portion of USNews' ranking methodology is research. This school focuses on primary care; research is not the main objective.
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Thanks. But it is unranked in primary care.
There is a LOT of paperwork a school would have to do as well to appear in the USNWR rankings. I don’t think NYULI needs to go through that.
Their unique setup with a guaranteed residency placement in the field you are chosen for is a huge plus in my opinion- students not only complete med school in 3 years but get to skip the stress, interviews, and uncertainty of the NRMP match.
You have to want to be in urban NY for the next 6-7 years, (school + residency).
@goldmirror Any feedback why the school is ranked in the 90s even with free tuition. Is 3 year MD a drawback?
Honestly I’m not sure but a few personal thoughts -
1. USNWR rankings are pretty biased and don’t really reflect medical schools well. For example, I have many friends at “higher ranked” schools but I don’t think they’re better than LISOM. We also have a lot of perks which is hard to compare to many other programs.
2. I believe a good portion of USNWR ranking is how much research money goes into the school. While we have a good amount of clinical research, we don’t engage in bench research as much (which makes sense, as there’s no undergrad/Graduate program associated with LISOM).

In regards to what I believe are important (matching, opportunities to network, performing on board exams) I think the school does a good job even though it’s a 3 year program. You need to be proactive and work hard but I think that’s the same at any other medical school, with the added reassurance that you will definitely have a match offer at the end of your education.
Do decisions for everyone go out tomorrow or do they break it up by track.
maybe a ridiculous question but I’m at work today so if I don’t pick up my phone right away (assuming I get a call) will that be a problem for nyu?
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maybe a ridiculous question but I’m at work today so if I don’t pick up my phone right away (assuming I get a call) will that be a problem for nyu?

They'll most likely leave you a voicemail, telling you to call them back, chad 😎
can you share how you know this? Current applicant? work at the school? thanks
Called in and the admissions representative told me. I didn’t get a call so I decided to ask them about the timeline and they said if we don’t hear by end of day today then that’s it
Surgery priority waitlist, was a nice surprise but still know the odds are limited. Excited and grateful for WL regardless
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@goldmirror based on your experience do people get off the WL?
Hi! Many people get off the waitlist. I’m not sure what % of waitlist was last year but in the past it’s been anywhere from 20-50% of the class off WL. Don’t stress! Worry about things you can control, like sending in a letter if you are interested.
Thanks. Not worrying. Not sure if I want to be in a paradox of choice, don’t want to sound pretentious either. Very grateful for what I have.
@goldmirror Where and when do the students do their rotations? Do you have opportunity to do rotation in all specialties?
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Because the students’ specialty is pre- determined, do the students do rotation in other disciplines other than their specialty?
@goldmirror Where and when do the students do their rotations? Do you have opportunity to do rotation in all specialties?
Hi - second year is when we do core rotations. They are almost usually at NYU Long Island hospital, but we travel to Brooklyn during psychiatry to rotate through the inpatient unit. You do all core specialties (look on the website for example schedules - internal medicine, primary care, psychiatry, neurology, surgery, peds, obgyn). Third year is focused on more electives/ specialty of choice, including your sub internship, emergency medicine rotation, and ICU rotation.