2023-2024 NYU - Long Island

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OOS R, got a little treat to soothe my nerves 😔 good luck to you all!!
complete 7/3, oos R today-long shot but had to try
congrats to everyone w/ an A !!!
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any idea if there was post-ii hold movement last year? I have sent an update and continued interest, but I'm guessing there is nothing else I can do.
Just wanted to say to any people eagerly awaiting the decision coming up, don’t be discouraged if you’re in the final pool and get waitlisted on the decision day. I was in that boat and ended up getting in super super late (like post-April) . There can be a relatively decent amount of WL movement here, so keep your head up. Good luck to you all!
(Also I recommend not checking SDN as much as I did bc it drove me bonkers and it did not help with the anticipation/anxiety at all)
Just wanted to say to any people eagerly awaiting the decision coming up, don’t be discouraged if you’re in the final pool and get waitlisted on the decision day. I was in that boat and ended up getting in super super late (like post-April) . There can be a relatively decent amount of WL movement here, so keep your head up. Good luck to you all!
(Also I recommend not checking SDN as much as I did bc it drove me bonkers and it did not help with the anticipation/anxiety at all)
Thanks for the info! Do you know if the waitlist is ranked/are you given any insight to where you lie on the waitlist?
Thanks for the info! Do you know if the waitlist is ranked/are you given any insight to where you lie on the waitlist?
Sadly, I have no idea about ranked waitlists here and I was never told whether I was high or low if there was a rank, although I think some other people got off the waitlist for IM before me, so I was probably not on the tippy top.
Am I to assume that I have been rejected since I haven’t heard anything back after my interview? It’s been over 9 weeks, which is past the 8 weeks they said. I know they release final decisions in February so rip I guess
Am I to assume that I have been rejected since I haven’t heard anything back after my interview? It’s been over 9 weeks, which is past the 8 weeks they said. I know they release final decisions in February so rip I guess
I still also haven't heard so I am just assuming we will get our decisions with the final decisions
do we think final decisions will come out next Tuesday or Thursday? two years ago it was Tuesday, last year it was Thursday, i’m anxiously waiting and just want to know already
do we think final decisions will come out next Tuesday or Thursday? two years ago it was Tuesday, last year it was Thursday, i’m anxiously waiting and just want to know already
It’s good to know people lurk through the previous years threads as hard as I do. I hope Tuesday.
Hi all! best of luck on your decisions next week! Feel free to ask any questions as they come up, there are a few current students myself included that are happy to answer.

Heard murmurs that decisions will be out on Thursday 🙂

Thank you! Do you know who ends up making final decisions?
+1 for Post-II Hold today, what exactly does a hold mean with decisions coming out next week and interviews being over? Have not seen a hold this late in previous years threads.