Lake Erie - Bradenton (LECOM-Bradenton) Discussion Thread 2013 - 2014

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I received my acceptance call from Ron Shively this morning! I will officially be attending LECOM class of 2018! I interviewed Friday, Feb 21st.

Congrats! Welcome to the CO 2018, make sure to join the facebook group, lots of good and helpful posts from your fellow CO 2018 as well as some very friendly CO 2017 members answering questions. :)

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so my admission status is
"The Admissions Committee has made a decision on your application. You will receive an official letter in the mail within 30 days"
I thought I heard they email you if you get put on the waitlist or rejected so i'm wondering what this means, any ideas?
so my admission status is
"The Admissions Committee has made a decision on your application. You will receive an official letter in the mail within 30 days"
I thought I heard they email you if you get put on the waitlist or rejected so i'm wondering what this means, any ideas?
Nope, got to call in or wait a week or two to find out through mail. They don't email you nothing as far as I know.
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so my admission status is
"The Admissions Committee has made a decision on your application. You will receive an official letter in the mail within 30 days"
I thought I heard they email you if you get put on the waitlist or rejected so i'm wondering what this means, any ideas?

When did you interview here? Just wondering.
I interviewed last Friday and it already says that a decision post interview has been made. I am really nervous because I remember Ron Shiveley saying that right now acceptances are taking longer to get back because of the amount of people already accepted. I called twice already and no one has answered my call. Does anyone else think this is bad news? I hope not, this is my #1 :(
I interviewed last Friday and it already says that a decision post interview has been made. I am really nervous because I remember Ron Shiveley saying that right now acceptances are taking longer to get back because of the amount of people already accepted. I called twice already and no one has answered my call. Does anyone else think this is bad news? I hope not, this is my #1 :(

Unfortunately they are only giving acceptances out a few at a time to the people on their "acceptance list" that are still waiting for a spot to open up. I was interviewed 2/21 and I just received the acceptance call on 4/4. Since you didn't receive a call associated with the status change, I would assume a wait list or rejection. For your sake, I hope that I'm wrong though. Good luck and remember that the wait list is not a death sentence!
I'm not sure-- I was at the 4/4 interview as well, and it sounded like the options were 1) acceptance, 2) acceptance list, 3) wait list, or 4) rejection. They didn't specifically say that they would call for acceptances, but did mention they called 8 people with acceptances that morning and that there is quite a bit of movement from the lists.

Congratulations @DavidWest on your acceptance!
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I'm not sure-- I was at the 4/4 interview as well, and it sounded like the options were 1) acceptance, 2) acceptance list, 3) wait list, or 4) rejection. They didn't specifically say that they would call for acceptances, but did mention they called 8 people with acceptances that morning and that there is quite a bit of movement from the lists.

Congratulations @DavidWest on your acceptance!

Thanks! I'm just going by what I've seen so far. Things could have changed now that most people who have been accepted have hit their deposit deadlines. If their is a lot of movement now, then their may be a chance of being accepted so soon. Good luck to you both! Hope to see you in July!
Hello! I interviewed 4/4 and called to find out what my decision was. I was placed on the "alternate list." What do you guys think my chances are? Is that the same as the acceptance list? Or is this the wait list?
So, it turns out I was put on the alternate list. Anette called me back and left a voicemail letting me know and she said to remember everything Mr.Shively said at the end of the day. So I will be sending out letters of intent. I am missing one pre req class still which will be ending soon. I will send them my grade when it does too. Any tips about writing letters of intent?
I would definitely tell you that writing a well written letter of intent will assist your acceptance. Good luck!
Hey guys, I was curious: people who got accepted, what were your stats?
Was anyone at the April 11, 2014 interview? If so, what were your thoughts and have you seen any action on your portal?
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Accepted yesterday morning! very excited! Interviewed 4/4
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I interviewed April 11 (this past Friday), and my status just changed on the portal, indicating a decision has been made. I'll be making a call tomorrow :/
Accepted yesterday morning! very excited! Interviewed 4/4

Congratulations! Were you initially wait-listed? If so, did you send a letter of intent, or do anything to improve your previous standing?
Congratulations! Were you initially wait-listed? If so, did you send a letter of intent, or do anything to improve your previous standing?

I have the same questions! Congrats! I am writing my letter of intent now.
The Monday after my interview I emailed Mr. Shivley with a letter of intent. I talked about how I really enjoyed my weekend in Bradenton learning about the school and community, I talked about how impressed I was with the faculty that interviewed me, and lastly, I really hit on how PBL has a clinical focus that I felt would put me in a good position later down the line for residencies. Mainly hit on that. Talk about how you fit into PBL and the mission statement of the school. Talk about how you would excel in a PBL environment. I would also mention something about working in groups/creating a collaborative environment etc. Also, if you took a gap year mention something about that. Talk about what you learned and how you developed as a person etc.

Later, I noticed the portal change online that same day and went ahead and called and found out I was placed on the "alternate list." This past Monday I was fortunate to get the acceptance call. The biggest thing is to be persistent (Mr. Shivley told us that himself). Definitely send in that letter of intent, keep calling (I was told to call and/or email every 3-4 weeks expressing your interest in LECOMB) and make sure you understand that you're in a good position to be on that "alternate" or even wait list.
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For the students who go here: What's LECOM's test schedule like?

I've been accepted to multiple schools. Still, I ask because I am very close with my family, find that family support has helped me through tough times in school, and would like to see them more often than Thanksgiving and Christmas. I live in New York and also have a young nephew here whom I have helped raise once my brother passed away. I hope that I could commute at least two or three weekends each semester to see my family and nephew back home. Thanks :)
Hey everyone! I officially withdrew my acceptance today! Good luck to all the rest of you!
Hey everyone! For those of us still on the alternate list, what are our chances now? I'm starting to get very nervous and sort of starting to freak out. I wrote a letter of intent, added a new letter of rec, and emailed them afterwards confirming they received the letter and quickly reiterating my interest. Since then, I sent my final transcript to complete my file. I am not sure what else to do. I want to know what my position on the list is. Like I said, I am just getting very anxious.
Hey everyone! For those of us still on the alternate list, what are our chances now? I'm starting to get very nervous and sort of starting to freak out. I wrote a letter of intent, added a new letter of rec, and emailed them afterwards confirming they received the letter and quickly reiterating my interest. Since then, I sent my final transcript to complete my file. I am not sure what else to do. I want to know what my position on the list is. Like I said, I am just getting very anxious.

Same boat as you Maria. I called Ron and during the call also spoke to Annette about 2 weeks ago. Ron said that he expected the majority of the movement to be during the end of this month and that, I/we alternates, should know by the end of this month whether or not we have been accepted. Right now, as we have done all we can do, I think we just have to be in patience mode.
I know someone got pulled off the list in the last week so it is moving.
Hey everyone! For those of us still on the alternate list, what are our chances now? I'm starting to get very nervous and sort of starting to freak out. I wrote a letter of intent, added a new letter of rec, and emailed them afterwards confirming they received the letter and quickly reiterating my interest. Since then, I sent my final transcript to complete my file. I am not sure what else to do. I want to know what my position on the list is. Like I said, I am just getting very anxious.

Are you on the "accept/hold" list or the waitlist?
Same boat as you Maria. I called Ron and during the call also spoke to Annette about 2 weeks ago. Ron said that he expected the majority of the movement to be during the end of this month and that, I/we alternates, should know by the end of this month whether or not we have been accepted. Right now, as we have done all we can do, I think we just have to be in patience mode.

Are you on the "accept/hold" list or the waitlist? I'm anxious as well!
Attending elsewhere! Good luck!
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Withdrew my seat. Hopefully it goes to one of you guys. Good luck!
I got accepted yesterday! I emailed Mr. Shively in the morning wondering what my chances were and letting him know about another acceptance I had (which I had mentioned earlier). I said that I was sure he could understand how anxious I was feeling since it is getting closer and closer to the start of school. He called me back about half an hour later, asked me a few questions, and then offered me an acceptance. They just have to receive my deposit by Friday.
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I got accepted yesterday! I emailed Mr. Shively in the morning wondering what my chances were and letting him know about another acceptance I had (which I had mentioned earlier). I said that I was sure he could understand how anxious I was feeling since it is getting closer and closer to the start of school. He called me back about half an hour later, asked me a few questions, and then offered me an acceptance. They just have to receive my deposit by Friday.

Congrats! Make sure you check out the Facebook group page. Lots of incoming and current students sharing info and such.
I got accepted yesterday! I emailed Mr. Shively in the morning wondering what my chances were and letting him know about another acceptance I had (which I had mentioned earlier). I said that I was sure he could understand how anxious I was feeling since it is getting closer and closer to the start of school. He called me back about half an hour later, asked me a few questions, and then offered me an acceptance. They just have to receive my deposit by Friday.
I have Annette's but not Ron's e-mail address. Can anyone by chance post Ron's e-mail? Thanks!
I know there are naysayers out there.... I'm really impressed so far with the communication and quick response from the school. Hope it continues!
I graduated last year. Things may have changed since I went through, so current students might want to comment on any changes, but I can at least tell you how things were for my class.

The Dean's letter deal is something like this: You're sent a link to an online form to fill out. The questions are things like which clubs you were in, what other extracurriculars you were involved in, volunteering hours, leadership positions, and some other things. I'm not sure where it goes from there, but that information is used to build your dean's letter. So you don't directly write it, but I assume it's built from what you enter and edited from there. I heard anecdotes from friends that at residency interviews that they were told how useless our dean's letters were, but unfortunately that's not unique to the LECOMs by any means. I can't remember anybody mentioning it when I was interviewing.

I assume the second question is about 3rd & 4th year rotations. Rotations at LECOM are pretty well-documented if you search through this thread and others. There are good and bad rotations, and much of the responsibility for your schedule is put on you. You're given a list and allowed to put in your preferences along with 10-14 other students who share your rotation schedule (i.e. IM this month, surgery that month). A schedule is sorted out from those preferences. From time to time, you may find out you're dropped from a rotation for a variety of reasons, and you have to find another. Usually, the office staff can tell you, "xyz location has a spot" for whatever rotation, at least for the core rotations, and they will put you down for it if you tell them to. The times this happened to me (twice at the start of 3rd year, once late in 4th year), I was able to sort it out within a few days. There were definitely horror stories of people finding out a day or two before their rotation that a location cancelled their rotation... and it sucks. But the people I know who had that happen still got through, maybe with a rearranged schedule. Year-long spots tended to be stable with less drama and fewer dropped rotations, at least from what I heard. Depended on the location, though.

My rotations were uneven, but in general I feel like I was able to put together rotations in 3rd and 4th year that worked for me and prepared me for what I wanted to do. I can also tell you that if you're trying to pick between DO schools, LECOM's rotation issues, sadly, aren't unusual. Talking to my fellow residents and to other med students on rotations from other schools (NYCOM, Touro, AZCOM, DMU, Western, RVU, and UNECOM), LECOM was average or slightly below average from what I remember.

Good luck to you.

Is it possible for LECOM-B students to do clinical rotations in NY/NJ/PA etc in the hospitals that LECOM has partnerships with or are those rotation spots given to LECOM-E/SH students only?
Is it possible for LECOM-B students to do clinical rotations in NY/NJ/PA etc in the hospitals that LECOM has partnerships with or are those rotation spots given to LECOM-E/SH students only?

That's a good question, would like to hear the answer to that