2021-2022 Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM-Bradenton)

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So if it is unranked, does that mean first on the alternate list first off?
She didn't specify, just noted that it wasn't following a ranking system 🤔

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This school tends to way over-interview. I can imagine it's quite easy when they just watch a video recording of you.
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Just got off the WL at my home school so I will be removing myself from the LECOM WL (for both PA and FL). Best of luck to everyone here!!
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Has anyone been accepted off the waitlist recently?
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Just commenting to put it out there that I am patiently waiting for any waitlist movement from LECOM-B 😭 I hope everyone is still hanging in there! 💪
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Declined my seat, I hope it goes to one of you!
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Has anyone heard anything recent regarding alternate list here? 😅 I still have hope, but the wait is a killer 😵
Unsure about the wait list specifically, but occasional seats must be opening up or available as I was offered a seat a few weeks ago. The only difference, I hadn't previously heard anything and I think my status was listed as under review.
Stay positive, heard they can offer acceptances up until classes start.
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Unsure about the wait list specifically, but occasional seats must be opening up or available as I was offered a seat a few weeks ago. The only difference, I hadn't previously heard anything and I think my status was listed as under review.
Stay positive, heard they can offer acceptances up until classes start.
That's great to hear, and CONGRATS!!! 🥳🥳
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Is anyone having an issue with not having the LECOM supplemental show up on the links? i got the email but there’s no link.


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I finally gave in and sent an email to ask about movement 😵 I hope to get an email back by end of day but since it's 4th of July weekend there's no guarantee 😅
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Scary but exciting, I just got a response that said "thank you, we'll review" xD I hope that's not a bad thing lol
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Hi! I gave up my seat at Bradenton today, and hope it goes to one of you guys! 😊 good luck!
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Thank you! No, I was an accepted student 😅I heard back from another school recently so I gave up this seat
Ah okay, thank you for the response! Do you happen to know if the class was super full or if any spots besides yours had opened up? 🤔
Ah okay, thank you for the response! Do you happen to know if the class was super full or if any spots besides yours had opened up? 🤔
Unfortunately, I don’t know if it was full because I do not know what the class size is. However, I did see someone join the GroupMe today so I believe there’s still movement.
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Unfortunately, I don’t know if it was full because I do not know what the class size is. However, I did see someone join the GroupMe today so I believe there’s still movement.
Got it, sorry for the extra questions! But thank you 😄 best of luck at your new school! 🥳
do ppl still get accepted off WL until school starts? is start date 7/25 or 8/1? thx!
Start date is 7/25, in past years students have been accepted through the end of the first week (so through 7/29)
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after weeks of waiting, finally got accepted off the list!!! don't lose hope!
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Yall I'm immensely saddened by this process 😔 I want to believe there is still hope, but I will take this as a sign that I must do better 🥺
Yall I'm immensely saddened by this process 😔 I want to believe there is still hope, but I will take this as a sign that I must do better 🥺
I had to reapply last year and I was so thankful that I didn't get in the first time because I took it as an opportunity to move to Colorado (lifelong dream), found an amazing job doing clinical research and learned SO much during this time! If you truly want to be a doctor, just reapply because it will be worth it. If you're having doubts about becoming a doctor, explore other options! Everything happens for a reason
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does anyone know if there has been recent WL movement for elmira?