University of North Texas (UNTHSC/TCOM) Discussion Thread 2012 - 2013

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Acceptance email from TCOM at 12:27am. :)

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does an acceptance email mean this is where we matched??
Im wondering the same thing, just got admission too! Have a feeling that probably means we didnt get our top choices. Still Im grateful for a seat at a great school. Not loosing hope for my top choice yet though, lots of waitlist activity will occur throughout the spring
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What does it mean if we have not received the acceptance email? I only applied to TCOM and I did not receive any letters. Does that mean I will match to TCOM or not?
Im wondering the same thing, just got admission too! Have a feeling that probably means we didnt get our top choices. Still Im grateful for a seat at a great school. Not loosing hope for my top choice yet though, lots of waitlist activity will occur throughout the spring
what time did your email come in?
I couldnt tell you guys for sure either way, but it seems like I heard something about rejection letters going out so if you didnt get one i wouldnt loose hope. first off tmdsas hasnt posted anything to be sure, and secondly even if tomorrow didnt bring good news theres still lots that can change between now and august, think of all the students who will open up seats if they get in out of state or elsewhere
My email in my inbox oddly says that it came in at 10:27pm Thursday, Jan 31, but theres no way thats right because I've been checking everything like a maniac since even before midnight and I would say I got it roughly 45 minutes ago
My email in my inbox oddly says that it came in at 10:27pm Thursday, Jan 31, but theres no way thats right because I've been checking everything like a maniac since even before midnight and I would say I got it roughly 45 minutes ago
congrats on the acceptance! Looks like the emails are going out at different times....gah I really want to match here =[
For those who got accepted to TCOM, did your status on MyHSC change? or TMDSAS for that matter?
My email in my inbox oddly says that it came in at 10:27pm Thursday, Jan 31, but theres no way thats right because I've been checking everything like a maniac since even before midnight and I would say I got it roughly 45 minutes ago

Got mine at 12:27, about an hour ago. Really grateful, but i'm still holding out for my top choice.
I only interviewed at TCOM. Got the acceptance email!
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Application status is offline pending the results of the February 1, 2013 Medical School Admissions Match

still on my tcom portal so idk, im thinking nothing is going to change at this point until morning when tmdsas posts match results
No email yet and im a little bummed about it, but I still have hope. There is no telling what will happen.
I received an acceptance email as well, at 12:27am this morning. I will be declining though, because my top school gave me an offer back in december. Hopefully this spot goes to one of you deserving members! Its odd though, since match is so close. Just weird...
"Sorry - you did not match to any schools". Not the news I was hoping for but hopefully I'll be high up on the wait list :p.

Congratulations to all those who matched, you all worked very hard for this and it's a great day to celebrate! Best of luck to everyone!
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I matched to TCOM!! I interviewed in Sept and I go to Baylor. Horrible long wait, but it's time to celebrate!!
Well I did not match, but I am still hopeful. I want to go to TCOM so much. I love this school.

Congrats to all who have been accepted I am happy for all of you.
I did not match :( Congrats to you who did!!!!
Did anyone who interviewed in Dec get accepted today?
How did they let you know you were wait-listed and when were you interviewed? Thanks :)
I checked my status and it now says "your application is under review"

I don't know how they are doing it this year, but last year I got a letter in the mail one or two days after match day letting me know I was on the waitlist
I know.. I was just hoping not to be stuck in limbo lol
Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Start figuring out what you need to do to improve your application if you're planning on reapplying this year or next. You've got 3-4 months to improve your app in certain areas and make plans to do more after you've submitted your app. Or you can take a full year off (which sucks), and really beef up your app, and then come back swinging.
Congratulations to all of you who matched to TCOM!! Can't wait to meet all of you. Do y'all plan on attending the March 2nd meet/greet?
Congrats to all of you that have been accepted. To those who have not, do not lose hope! I was not matched anywhere and was on the waitlist. I got accepted sometime in May off of the TCOM waitlist. Can't say it was a pleasant wait, but do not fret just yet!
How did they let you know you were wait-listed and when were you interviewed? Thanks :)
I checked my status and it now says "your application is under review"

I interviewed in November. I assume that I was waitlisted because I did not match, and my status is "under review"

Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Start figuring out what you need to do to improve your application if you're planning on reapplying this year or next. You've got 3-4 months to improve your app in certain areas and make plans to do more after you've submitted your app. Or you can take a full year off (which sucks), and really beef up your app, and then come back swinging.

Yeah :-/ I'm getting married in May, and we will be moving in together. My whole situation is kind of uncertain right now. I really hoped I would get some sort of direction. I guess we'll just have to break a lease if it comes down to it.
CONGRATS to all those who just got the great news!! to all those who didnt start getting ready to make your application stronger next cycle, right now relax, take a weekend off, then come back stronger and focus on the important things to improve...

Good luck to all those on the waitlist!!
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Don't count us out of this cycle just yet! The waitlist will move. Always does
Looks like I'm in the "bridge program"! Straight into MedSci and then straight into the TCOM class of 2018 pending a decent GPA! Not exactly the match I was hoping for, but I still get my first choice school and I get to be really prepared for my first year of med school! Also, extra letters after my name, which can't be bad, lol. Congrats to everyone that matched and good luck to those waitlisted! :highfive:
I did not match today, what can you tell me about the bridge program? Have applications to that already come due?
Kudos to those who made it this round, whether at TCOM or elsewhere. And best wishes to everyone! :)
Was there an email that told you if you got waitlisted?
Waitlisted :cool:

Interviewed in November. Hoping for good news to come.

Dang! I was hoping you'd get more TCOM love.

Any out-of-staters get an acceptance offer today? I interviewed back in August, I've been on the wait list since October but my portal just changed today from "Your application is under review," to "You are on the wait list."

Sigh. :(
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