VCU School of Dentistry Class of 2025 Interview/Acceptance Thread


DDS 🦷🎓✔
Volunteer Staff
7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Good luck everyone!

Link to last years thread: *** The Official VCU School of Dentistry Class of 2024 Interview/Acceptance Thread ***

Link to interview prep: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry Interview Feedback
----> Be sure to give feedback on your interview to help future applicants! :)

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Does a committee letter fulfill the 2 science letter requirement? I can't upload any individual letters other than one from a dentist because I have a committee letter
Does a committee letter fulfill the 2 science letter requirement? I can't upload any individual letters other than one from a dentist because I have a committee letter
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my status in AADSAS has been received/application complete for a while now, is everyone else in the same boat?
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My application was completed on July 20th. My status is still "received/application complete". Here's hoping for interviews and secondaries soon!
Hi! I just wanted to join into the conversation as a VCU applicant. Good luck everyone! :) My status says "received/application complete" ??
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when they will going send out the invitation?
Good luck friends! I'm in the same boat with the "received/application complete" I've been checking religiously though haha
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VCU has sent out interview invitations.
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I have yet to see people post in the specific thread for VCU that they received an invite where are you seeing this?
I've been keeping up with which schools have sent out interview invites with this thread
Received an invite today for Sept 25th in person! I am IS.
It's interesting to see that they are offering in person interviews considering most schools are conducting interviews exclusively over video calls. Still hoping to hear something soon...
Just got an interview invite!

Notification date: 9/15
Method of notification: Email
Residency: VA
AADSAS mail-out date:
Application complete date: 7/27
GPA (science, overall): 3.5, 3.8
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 24/23/30/25
Dates available OR your interview date:
Method of interview: Virtual or in-person
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Is anyone else interviewing in-person on Sep. 25th? Would love to meet some of you (in a socially distanced/masked up way of course)! :)
Interview #3
Notification date: 9/15
Method of notification: Email
Residency: UT
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/22
Application complete date: 7/22
GPA (science, overall): 3.5, 3.4
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 19/20/21/20/17 QR
Dates available OR your interview date: 10/8
Method of interview: Virtual or in-person
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Interview #2
Notification date: 9/14
Method of notification: Email
Residency: GA
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/07
Application complete date: 8/12
GPA (science, overall): 3.84, 3.92
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 22/23/20/23/none
Dates available OR your interview date: 10/9
Method of interview: In-person
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All the best ! Hope they have more interviews coming :)
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Interview #1
Notification date: 9/16
Method of notification: Email
Residency: MD
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/22
Application complete date: 7/14
GPA (science, overall): 3.36, 3.53
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 22/21/19/21/none
Dates available OR your interview date: 10/9
Method of interview: Virtual or In-person
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Interview #3
Notification date: 9/16
Method of notification: Email
Residency: NC
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/14
Application complete date: 7/17
GPA (science, overall): 3.35 3.47
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 23/23/22/23/None
Dates available OR your interview date: 10/8
Method of interview: Virtual or in-person
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Received an interview in person on Sept. 24th.

If you don't mind, I would love to hear what your experience was like once you finish your interview. I've heard VCU interviews are pretty chill, but just a little curious what to expect :)
Hi friends! Have any of you replied to the supplemental application question: "Is there any information not included elsewhere in your application that you would like us to know?" I can think of a few things to say, but it's such a broad question I'm trying to consider the best direction to go. Any thoughts?
I just graduated this year so if anyone has any questions about VCU I'd be happy to help
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Things are changing due to covid obvi but ~100 students. And it depends on what context you mean faculty - if its a lecture then 1:100. Your early sim lab classes have assigned faculty about every 10 students. There are also upper classmen that sign up to TA that help out in those lab courses as well. If you are struggling with didactic upper classmen get tapped to tutor (the dean asked me to tutor some 1st yrs after the first big anatomy exam). When you get into clinic you'll have 1-2 faculty per 8-10 students.
Didactic stuff its pretty easy to get into office hours if need be. Then for clinical/sim lab stuff there are a ton of people happy to help; they're all dentists obviously so any of them are good to give you support on the more practical dental stuff.
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Sorry - class culture - I felt like it depended on the class. Classes sort of get a label just like anywhere; I feel like our class was pretty chill (although definite insane gunners) but there were whispers that admin thought our class was a bunch of slackers. While some other classes were notorious cut throats apparently. So it varies. But generally (in our case anyway) the class really supports each other, like shares notes, a big shared google drive etc. And that loosened up even as the years went on.
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Sorry - class culture - I felt like it depended on the class. Classes sort of get a label just like anywhere; I feel like our class was pretty chill (although definite insane gunners) but there were whispers that admin thought our class was a bunch of slackers. While some other classes were notorious cut throats apparently. So it varies. But generally (in our case anyway) the class really supports each other, like shares notes, a big shared google drive etc. And that loosened up even as the years went on.
Appreciate your honest opinion, thank you!
Had my interview today, was very laid back. Only 30 minutes was devoted to the single interview session that was conducted (two faculty and you). Rest of the time was dedicated to staff presentations, lunch & student panel, and wax carving a tooth for fun.
Thanks for sharing! :)
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Hey guys, I have my interview next week and have not received an email regarding the supplemental application. What should I do? Thank you in advance!
Hey guys, I have my interview next week and have not received an email regarding the supplemental application. What should I do? Thank you in advance!
I'd give them a call or send an email asap!
Hey guys, I have my interview next week and have not received an email regarding the supplemental application. What should I do? Thank you in advance!
Yeah, I would contact them (and maybe check junk folder?). I think they require it before your interview and my supp was supposed to be done on the 5th
Yeah, I would contact them (and maybe check junk folder?). I think they require it before your interview and my supp was supposed to be done on the 5th
I emailed them this morning and they sent me the supplemental application. It was not in my junk mail or in any of my other boxes. The email I recevied from them did say that if I was unable to finish the application on time my interview would be rescheduled or cancel. I will definitily do everything in my power to get it done thought! Thanks for your help!
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I emailed them this morning and they sent me the supplemental application. It was not in my junk mail or in any of my other boxes. The email I recevied from them did say that if I was unable to finish the application on time my interview would be rescheduled or cancel. I will definitily do everything in my power to get it done thought! Thanks for your help!
It's very straight-forward, just some basic information. You got this! :)
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Does anyone know if the interview is open or closed file?