***Wayne State SOM Everything***

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hey guys, just wondering what kind of car you guys have. currently i own a 2000 corolla with 150000 km on it. i think it should be good for the next four years at wayne as long as i keep it well maintained. what do you guys think?

a new car payment would be $150-300 per month = $1800 - $3600 per year. As long as you are not spending this on your corolla, keep the corolla. It is nice to not to have a car payment and have an extra $1000s per year.

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Keep that car, there is a good chance it could be stolen. No reason to get a new car stolen. 👍

True. Very true.

a new car payment would be $150-300 per month = $1800 - $3600 per year. As long as you are not spending this on your corolla, keep the corolla. It is nice to not to have a car payment and have an extra $1000s per year.

Yeah, I finished paying off for the corolla, I figured that it should last quite awhile longer if I take good care of it. I just hope it doesn't die in the middle of the streets in some bad area.
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waitlist...absolutely sux 🙁
I got the alternate list. 🙁 Still not clear how/if this is different from the waitlist.
waitlist is top 5% of the entire list.

sorry to those who are on the alternate/waitlist. let's hope for a lot of movement this month!
True. Very true.

Yeah, I finished paying off for the corolla, I figured that it should last quite awhile longer if I take good care of it. I just hope it doesn't die in the middle of the streets in some bad area.

At least carry some fix-a-flat (the spray can stuff) in your trunk so if you get a flat, you quickly fix it. The other thing to do would be to get towing/etc added on to your car insurance plan. If you are worried about it breaking down you could always get the free towing/etc added on to your insurance plan. However, the best thing to do is to just avoid going to the bad areas at night anyway. If your around the school, you shouldn't have to worry too much.
ok, i just got in and if i don't get pulled off some WL at a school that I had no business interviewing at, i'll be attending WSU. i'm kind of happy.
but for reals, how bad is the neighborhood? i come a long way from MI. I have no clue. i don't want some internet chatter, i'd appreciate some very real and sincere input. proper comma use is a plus. throw in a semi-colon if you have to. the area didn't seem like manhattan or london, but it really didn't seem that bad to me - especially if i were to use a little common sense when i go out.
is a new car really going to get stolen? i plan on going baller.
and to those on the WL/AL, good luck.
ok apparently i mis-spoke before. I didnt realize that there was a difference between the waitlist and alternate list. i was placed on alternate list not waitlist. does anyone know if people actually get off the alternate?
ok, i just got in and if i don't get pulled off some WL at a school that I had no business interviewing at, i'll be attending WSU. i'm kind of happy.
but for reals, how bad is the neighborhood? i come a long way from MI. I have no clue. i don't want some internet chatter, i'd appreciate some very real and sincere input. proper comma use is a plus. throw in a semi-colon if you have to. the area didn't seem like manhattan or london, but it really didn't seem that bad to me - especially if i were to use a little common sense when i go out.
is a new car really going to get stolen? i plan on going baller.
and to those on the WL/AL, good luck.

tHinGs are, not that; bad if you,, use comMON senZe....;not MuCHH dif,erent than If yo;u lived,.; in a big aCity elseewher; u will Figer out w;hhere you CiN go and kNoto go.; ther'e are some &good (subUrbs to live in, if yOu don"t mined driVing 15-20Mins. Iwould recommend living downtown though.
I was also put on the alternate list today. When I asked if there was a difference between AL and WL, the lady on the phone said that before today there was a difference, but now everybody is on the AL. Anyone know more about this?
I've been conducting research with Michigonians and the consensus seems to be:

-don't walk anywhere alone at night
-use common sense
-get a club for your car
-Royal Oak is really banal if you're used to a more stimulating (i.e. big city or culture haven) type of location

Granted, all these Michigonians now live in the Bay Area, which may tell you something about where they're coming from, socio-culturally.

However, incidentally, my friendly local Oakland garbage collector informed me that a club does "nothing" and that you need to install a secret 'kill all systems' button under your E-brake that you deactivate every time you get in your car! That sounds awesome and totally 007 but complicated, so I'm gonna stick with a club, and when my '97 civic gets stolen, I'll lysol the backseat and consider a Kill Button.

tHinGs are, not that; bad if you,, use comMON senZe....;not MuCHH dif,erent than If yo;u lived,.; in a big aCity elseewher; u will Figer out w;hhere you CiN go and kNoto go.; ther'e are some &good (subUrbs to live in, if yOu don"t mined driVing 15-20Mins. Iwould recommend living downtown though.
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Is anyone going to the golf outing who has never played golf before? I hope I am not the only one. Also, how popular is it and how many people usually go on it on average?
do we need to do anything right now? like in terms of setting up stuff, registering, etc? i got my access ID and password and that's it. i haven't received anything about how to pay tuition... or if we need to get other stuff done..
I've been conducting research with Michigonians and the consensus seems to be:

The proper term is "Michiganders" 😉 for all you non-natives

Whoops, I forgot to call in yesterday. Probly still on the alternate list anywhoo......
got a rejection letter from wayne today 🙁 i was interviewed in january, and placed on the alternate list.
There is hope yet! I called in yesterday and found out i was A/L.. but they called today and told me I got in.. so keep praying... 👍
do we need to do anything right now? like in terms of setting up stuff, registering, etc? i got my access ID and password and that's it. i haven't received anything about how to pay tuition... or if we need to get other stuff done..

Assuming that they haven't changed things (the only constant at WSU is change)...
traditionally registration, student ID, tuition, SOM email, parking passes, etc is all handled during orientation.
I just got a phone call yesterday saying that I got in!!!!!!! 😀😀😀

I'm really excited...I've been looking for enigneering jobs for the past 2 months with not much luck after having pretty much written off my chances of getting into med school.

This is so much better!
I just got a phone call yesterday saying that I got in!!!!!!! 😀😀😀

I'm really excited...I've been looking for enigneering jobs for the past 2 months with not much luck after having pretty much written off my chances of getting into med school.

This is so much better!

Congrats! :laugh:
I just got a phone call yesterday saying that I got in!!!!!!! 😀😀😀

I'm really excited...I've been looking for enigneering jobs for the past 2 months with not much luck after having pretty much written off my chances of getting into med school.

This is so much better!

yeah, school is much better than work, living off from borrowed money, not having any real responsibility. it does get kind of sucky when you have to start working third year, but with no pay, but with still with little responsibility. this still gives you 2 years to enjoy doing nothing though.
Assuming that they haven't changed things (the only constant at WSU is change)...
traditionally registration, student ID, tuition, SOM email, parking passes, etc is all handled during orientation.

that's good to know. i'm just afraid that i'll get there and they'll be like.. um, you didn't do this, this and this, so unfortunately you lost your spot in our class. yeah that would be my ultimate nightmare.

congrats on acceptances!!! 😀
do we need to do anything right now? like in terms of setting up stuff, registering, etc? i got my access ID and password and that's it. i haven't received anything about how to pay tuition... or if we need to get other stuff done..

I think you should send in your $50 deposit. Other than that, you can go get your physical and vaccinations. Though the physical and TB test should wait until June.
Is anyone going to the golf outing who has never played golf before? I hope I am not the only one. Also, how popular is it and how many people usually go on it on average?

hey foreverfavre, I was thinking about going as well. it would be a good opportunity to meet people but the drive is kind of far for me (4-5 hours drive) and i don't really want to spend the 70 bucks. has anyone gone last year? was it worth going to?
still hoping I get accepted....

first time i called in February I was told I was on the alternate list. When I called this month, I was told I was on the waitlist... based on the forum here, some people say there is a diff, some are saying there no longer is a diff, so I'm confused now, but just PRAYING.

Would love to be back in the city where I was born.

Good luck to the rest of you still waiting as well!~~
that's good to know. i'm just afraid that i'll get there and they'll be like.. um, you didn't do this, this and this, so unfortunately you lost your spot in our class. yeah that would be my ultimate nightmare.

congrats on acceptances!!! 😀

Hahaha I worry about this all the time right now.

Btw does anyone know what I should be doing about getting a student visa besides sending the statement of financial support?

Hang in there HKT586, I interviewed in December and they phoned me May 1st to tell me I got in. It sounds like you have a good chance as the WL movement picks up.
ok, i just got in and if i don't get pulled off some WL at a school that I had no business interviewing at, i'll be attending WSU. i'm kind of happy.
but for reals, how bad is the neighborhood? i come a long way from MI. I have no clue. i don't want some internet chatter, i'd appreciate some very real and sincere input. proper comma use is a plus. throw in a semi-colon if you have to. the area didn't seem like manhattan or london, but it really didn't seem that bad to me - especially if i were to use a little common sense when i go out.
is a new car really going to get stolen? i plan on going baller.
and to those on the WL/AL, good luck.

It's not bad, I've been going to Wayne State (main campus) for four years, and I do research on the medical campus. I live in the suburbs. Just get a parking permit for parking structure 4 ($180), which is open till midnight and monitored. You always have to be careful, of course, but that can be said of many places. It's just common sense.

The highway system, though, with lots of construction....ugh, that's what's bad 😛 most of it will be done soon, except the portion of I-75 by the Ambassador Bridge, which will stay closed through 2009.
still hoping I get accepted....

first time i called in February I was told I was on the alternate list. When I called this month, I was told I was on the waitlist... based on the forum here, some people say there is a diff, some are saying there no longer is a diff, so I'm confused now, but just PRAYING.

Would love to be back in the city where I was born.

Good luck to the rest of you still waiting as well!~~

Hey HKT586 I called on Tuesday and I was told that the wailist is now the top 1%. Once someone withdraws an offer they will offer the spot to the next waitlisted student that same day. You should be in pretty good shape. Good Luck
Congratulation to Boobaunutz and A41.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.

Please post your MCAT score AND GPA.

I am stiil on wait list.

Just withdrew from WSU's alternate list. Hopefully that pushed someone up (although I doubt I was ranked high on the list).
I am going to the golf outing but opted to just do the banquet and not golf..I don't know how to golf and I don't have $70 to spend!! but it should be fun meeting some classmates. 🙂
So I was on the waitlist since September and suddenly yesterday I got the big envelop from Wayne.
I'm super happy but most probably I'm going to withdraw b/c of the high cost.
So hopefully one of you will hear from the school soon.
Good luck.
So I was on the waitlist since September and suddenly yesterday I got the big envelop from Wayne.
I'm super happy but most probably I'm going to withdraw b/c of the high cost.
So hopefully one of you will hear from the school soon.
Good luck.

Best of luck to you with whatever you decide to do.
Just remember med school isn't going to be getting any cheaper in the near future (granted WSU is even worse for you since you are OOS).
Additionally, if you really want to be a doctor you would be taking a substantial gamble to turn down any acceptance (unless you already have another one) since on future application cycles it could result in schools questioning your motivation/determination/drive/desire.
Jeeps! let the guy do what he thinks is best!

whatever cse2060 wants to do, that decision is up to him. Just wanted the options/consequences to be understood.
Also don't want those of you in the class of 2012 to have to listen to someone complaining that they shouldn't have come to WSU.

Either way it's not my problem.
whatever cse2060 wants to do, that decision is up to him. Just wanted the options/consequences to be understood.
Also don't want those of you in the class of 2012 to have to listen to someone complaining that they shouldn't have come to WSU.

Either way it's not my problem.

My mistake. I was not clear in my post.
I am actually very very lucky to have multiple acceptances and oldjeeps, you are absolutely right: It's crazy to turn down an acceptance and gamble on the next cycle. If that was the case, I would go to WSU even if the tuition was 100K.
And I never complained about WSU. WSU is definitely a great school (plus its super friendly students) and if I was Michigan resident, WSU would be my school.
I was in this annoying position last year (1 interview, 1 waitlist), and just know what a torturous process it is.
🙂🙂🙂 How did you improved your chances with multi .acceptances? Please give me some suggestion. I have only one interview, one waitlist. I am preparing for reapplication. I will appreciate all your suggestion.
My mistake. I was not clear in my post.
I am actually very very lucky to have multiple acceptances and oldjeeps, you are absolutely right: It's crazy to turn down an acceptance and gamble on the next cycle. If that was the case, I would go to WSU even if the tuition was 100K.
And I never complained about WSU. WSU is definitely a great school (plus its super friendly students) and if I was Michigan resident, WSU would be my school.
I was in this annoying position last year (1 interview, 1 waitlist), and just know what a torturous process it is.
so i found out im still on the alternate list -- not waitlist, kind of a bummer -- im hoping i still have a chance of getting in, esp post-May 15...

anyone else out there having some good luck with getting accepted into WSU???

and anyone have any idea how many people TOTAL may be on the W/L + A/L???

good luck to those of u attending -- a great school, and im still hopeful that maybe ill get to join you all!! 🙂
thanks to those who have given me some words of encouragement.

I still cant believe it. The call came at 8:30 this morning and caught me completely off guard at work. The area code for Detroit (313) is the same 3 digits that alot of local cell phone numbers have here (Traverse City) so I though it was going to be a wrong number call when I answered it. Boy was I surprised!

I interviewed in January and was place on the alternate list (not waitlist). Every time I called in I did not move from the alternate list, they just kept saying there was no change in my status. It still hasnt fully hit me yet that I got in here. I had given up almost all hope on WSU too...

WOHOO! :hardy:

Also, I reactivated my MDapps so feel free to have a look
Hey for the people that got of the waitlist congratulations on the acceptance!

I just had a few questions wondering how the process works at wayne if I get lucky and get a call. When they call what do they say and what do you have to do after? What happens if you miss their call, do they leave a message and you have certain time to respond or do they just skip you and go to the next person in line?
Hey for the people that got of the waitlist congratulations on the acceptance!

I just had a few questions wondering how the process works at wayne if I get lucky and get a call. When they call what do they say and what do you have to do after? What happens if you miss their call, do they leave a message and you have certain time to respond or do they just skip you and go to the next person in line?

From experience they'll leave a message on your voice mail.

IIRC, after you get the good news you have to get copies of your transcripts to them, along with the tuition deposit ($50?). Then it is figuring out housing, etc. Also, have to get a physical sometime prior to orientation.

Perhaps someone a bit closer to that process can chime in with any details that I have long since forgotten.
My best friend got off the ALTERNATE list on monday. His stats were very similiar to mine, and we interviewed in february about two days apart. So all you still waiting, there still is hope.
I was accepted today. I had been alternate listed. Will probably decline, so I hope one of you gets it.
Hey for the people that got of the waitlist congratulations on the acceptance!

I just had a few questions wondering how the process works at wayne if I get lucky and get a call. When they call what do they say and what do you have to do after? What happens if you miss their call, do they leave a message and you have certain time to respond or do they just skip you and go to the next person in line?
Yes, from my experience they will also email you a message and ask you to call them ASAP.
🙂🙂🙂 How did you improved your chances with multi .acceptances? Please give me some suggestion. I have only one interview, one waitlist. I am preparing for reapplication. I will appreciate all your suggestion.

I just applied and completed everything earlier. (July/August instead of December/Jan). Good luck to you. You still have a very good chance to get in this year. (last year, no one came out of the waitlist)
And I officially withdrew yesterday. So another offer is coming.
I got the phone call this morning!!!!! (1:16 p.m. EST) I'm in off of the alternate list!! This is my first one, so I'm thrilled!

:luck: to all still waiting. It can happen. And for those interested, I interviewed in October, was alternate listed in November and then accepted today!
I got the phone call this morning!!!!! (1:16 p.m. EST) I'm in off of the alternate list!! This is my first one, so I'm thrilled!

:luck: to all still waiting. It can happen. And for those interested, I interviewed in October, was alternate listed in November and then accepted today!

I'm also in! I interviewed early Oct. as a female OOSer, was alternate listed, and had almost given up. Cowgirl, I think we interviewed on the same day; we talked about working at the same academic institution.
hey congrats on all the acceptances!!! 👍 i'm just wondering, have you guys already sent in your fafsa stuff or going to start now?
I had sent in my paperwork prior to acceptance but I plan to give the financial aid office a call in the next few days to see if they have received it and if anything is missing.
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