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OUWB vs Wayne State

  • OUWB

  • Wayne

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7+ Year Member
Jan 15, 2015
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I am lucky enough to have been accepted to multiple medical schools including Wayne and OUWB but I am having a hard time compiling reviews (both positive and negative) from current students about OUWB and was hoping that someone on here could help me out. Also, if you chose OUWB over Wayne, why did you and do you have any regrets?

Thank you in advance!

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You will see very different patient populations at Beaumont vs. the Detroit hospitals. Another thing to consider: OUWB is less than a decade old, and Wayne is over 150 years old. Especially if you want to stay in Michigan, you will have a lot of connections as a Wayne grad. As someone who grew up in MI, I can tell you that Wayne grads have a reputation in the area for having excellent clinical training due to the exposure you get when rotating at a hospital like Detroit Receiving. I personally know people who work with residency programs in the state, and they always comment on how much they like their Wayne residents.

All that being said, this isn't a plug for Wayne. There are certainly benefits and drawbacks to both programs, including cost and location. I would also advise you to talk to current students about administration/curriculum changes at Wayne. I know students at OUWB that absolutely love their program. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference in reputation-- Wayne has an established, generally positive reputation in the area, while OUWB doesn't really have a reputation yet.
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You will see very different patient populations at Beaumont vs. the Detroit hospitals. Another thing to consider: OUWB is less than a decade old, and Wayne is over 150 years old. Especially if you want to stay in Michigan, you will have a lot of connections as a Wayne grad. As someone who grew up in MI, I can tell you that Wayne grads have a reputation in the area for having excellent clinical training due to the exposure you get when rotating at a hospital like Detroit Receiving. I personally know people who work with residency programs in the state, and they always comment on how much they like their Wayne residents.

All that being said, this isn't a plug for Wayne. There are certainly benefits and drawbacks to both programs, including cost and location. I would also advise you to talk to current students about administration/curriculum changes at Wayne. I know students at OUWB that absolutely love their program. I just wanted to point out that there is a difference in reputation-- Wayne has an established, generally positive reputation in the area, while OUWB doesn't really have a reputation yet.
What about Beaumont's reputation? Haven't they been a major teaching hospital for Ann Arbor, Michigan state, and wayne? Wouldn't their reputation and association with OUWB affect OUWB's standing as a medical school?
What about Beaumont's reputation? Haven't they been a major teaching hospital for Ann Arbor, Michigan state, and wayne? Wouldn't their reputation and association with OUWB affect OUWB's standing as a medical school?
Beaumont Hospital is a competitor of U of M Ann Arbor (actually has more beds than U of M hospitals). Most U of M med students rotate though U of M, and for OB/Gyn or ER, will rotate through the local Trinity Hospital, St. Joes.

A lot of Beaumont doctors trained at U of M, and in the past, Wayne State students may have rotated in Beaumont. Now, with the expansion of the DMC into the northern suburbs, I don't think they need Beaumont Hospital. Beaumont also consolidated with a couple of other surburban hospitals (Botsford, which use to be a DO hospital). Beaumont serves the northern suburbs of Detroit, Wayne serves downtown Detroit. Ann Arbor has more of a State-wide pull than Beaumont, and competes with the Downtown Detroit Academic Med Centers, especially for speciality children's services.
Wayne is going down the drain. For a school that is suppose to be top notch but can't adapt, I would pass. I have friends at Wayne, they aren't too happy. Cost wise Wayne is the best but from an overall better opportunity to end up where you want, Go to OU .

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Beaumont Hospital is a competitor of U of M Ann Arbor (actually has more beds than U of M hospitals). Most U of M med students rotate though U of M, and for OB/Gyn or ER, will rotate through the local Trinity Hospital, St. Joes.

A lot of Beaumont doctors trained at U of M, and in the past, Wayne State students may have rotated in Beaumont. Now, with the expansion of the DMC into the northern suburbs, I don't think they need Beaumont Hospital. Beaumont also consolidated with a couple of other surburban hospitals (Botsford, which use to be a DO hospital). Beaumont serves the northern suburbs of Detroit, Wayne serves downtown Detroit. Ann Arbor has more of a State-wide pull than Beaumont, and competes with the Downtown Detroit Academic Med Centers, especially for speciality children's services.

Based on my research, only 12 doctors in the past 4 years came from u of m to have residencies at beaumont. Thr number of doctors currently working at beaumont may be very different but thats a pretty low number for residency placements. Also, I have heard from many students that currently attend ann arbor that beaumont is a huge contributer to their educationduring rotations.
Based on my research, only 12 doctors in the past 4 years came from u of m to have residencies at beaumont. Thr number of doctors currently working at beaumont may be very different but thats a pretty low number for residency placements. Also, I have heard from many students that currently attend ann arbor that beaumont is a huge contributer to their educationduring rotations.

I am in the same situation... Loved both schools... So confused on where to go!

Cost is a huge factor - waiting on financial aid packages... Have you gotten yours yet OP?
Based on my research, only 12 doctors in the past 4 years came from u of m to have residencies at beaumont. Thr number of doctors currently working at beaumont may be very different but thats a pretty low number for residency placements. Also, I have heard from many students that currently attend ann arbor that beaumont is a huge contributer to their educationduring rotations.
Not residency, the faculty. If you look at the schools most Beaumont doctors come from, they are from Wayne State and U of M.
I am in the same situation... Loved both schools... So confused on where to go!

Cost is a huge factor - waiting on financial aid packages... Have you gotten yours yet OP?
Not yet but both schools will be meeting to decide on scholarship offers within the next two weeks and then again at the end of april
What about Beaumont's reputation? Haven't they been a major teaching hospital for Ann Arbor, Michigan state, and wayne? Wouldn't their reputation and association with OUWB affect OUWB's standing as a medical school?

Absolutely-- I wasn't trying to argue against OUWB. I was just pointing out a factor that you may not have considered. One of my close friends is deciding between these two school right now, and it is a tough choice! However, she really wants to live in Detroit and work with underserved populations, so she's leaning toward Wayne (she's also originally from Detroit and is familiar with the city). What type of atmosphere do you want to live in?

If I were you, I'd try to contact students at both schools to ask about pros and cons. Wayne did have an issue recently with the LCME, so they are overhauling their curriculum and switching out administration. This is bound to cause some growing pains, but hopefully will lead to new opportunities for students. I don't know as much about OUWB, but I'm sure current students could give you a sense of student satisfaction.
I was accepted to both schools. If I had to choose between the two, personally, I would go to OUWB, because 1) Wayne State is insanely expensive for an OOSer like me, and 2) I got a half-tuition scholarship at Oakland. If it wasn't for finances, it would be a more difficult decision, but I enjoyed my interview day at Oakland much more. Wayne felt impersonal and rushed, though their whole philosophy was to waste as little of your time as possible (which could actually be a positive - you really only needed to show up for your interview, and that was it). I didn't really feel a sense of camaraderie at Wayne, since it seemed like most people didn't go to class, the class size is enormous, and it was in a city where people were more spread out. Sure, Wayne has more of a reputation because it is more established, but I felt more comfortable and welcomed at Oakland. I just got the sense I would get lost in the sea of students and bureaucracy at Wayne, something that I didn't feel at Oakland. Based on my gut, I would choose Oakland over Wayne, so my advice would be to try to visit both schools during their second looks and really try to get a sense of where you feel you belong and would be happier. I know that's trite advice, but that's all I can offer. Good luck!