or a few ppl who've gotten interviews don't care enough to come on here and post right away.
or a few ppl who've gotten interviews don't care enough to come on here and post right away.
"Oh look at me, I'm so cool that I don't go on SDN and post about my interviews!" 😀 Nobody would ever be like that, c'mon.
inb4 Irish gets an II and continues acting like he hasn't gotten one yet![]()
I'm starting to lean towards that. 😀
I thought we already covered this. It's because GraMaire is a liar.
not ONE out of 390?! I find that highly unlikely.
Is it too late to apply to Rush? I just learned more about them and spoke to an alumna and now I really want to add them to my schools list!
does Rush put applicants in a small pool and then send out IIs or do applicants simply get IIs directly?
Their II's get emailed to a black hole where they're subsequently sent to applicants in an alternate universe. Just be patient.![]()
does Rush put applicants in a small pool and then send out IIs or do applicants simply get IIs directly?
Their II's get emailed to a black hole where they're subsequently sent to applicants in an alternate universe. Just be patient.![]()
does Rush put applicants in a small pool and then send out IIs or do applicants simply get IIs directly?
Their II's get emailed to a black hole where they're subsequently sent to applicants in an alternate universe. Just be patient.![]()
Is there another "Rush" in Chicago or is that huge building with a green symbol part of the medical schoo?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using SDN Mobile
I just received an email from Rush inviting me to all 390 interview slots. Better luck next cycle, guys
I just received an email from Rush inviting me to all 390 interview slots. Better luck next cycle, guys
There's just one Rush as far as I know haha
This symbol?
I just received an email from Rush inviting me to all 390 interview slots. Better luck next cycle, guys
The facilities are really wonderful and the new hospital is beyond amazing. Any specific questions, feel free to ask.
Other things about Rush I didn't know before:
Starting with my class, the Service Learning Curriculum is a requirement. It basically requires 30 hours of service to graduate (10 M1, 10 M2, 10 M3/4). The Capstone is also a requirement starting for my class. It is a project that you do throughout.
Other things: We started anatomy lab and major plus is that you have a team of four people per body, so two people dissect per day. At other schools I looked at, it was 8 per body. It is definitely a plus to have a smaller ratio. It's amazing to be able to dissect a cadaver (not all schools do I hear), and to do as much as possible. I've taken anatomy before, but dissection definitely is a more effective way to learn.
I'll be seeing interviewees walking around Rush around October 10th I hear now (and I fully plan on getting in on the free lunches). They pushed it back, and it's definitely much later than last year. (I don't know why interviews were pushed back though.
The outline we go:
"Rush – Capstone Project
•Students will develop a Capstone Project beginning in the M1 year and culminating in a presentation in the M4 year.
•The Capstone Project will foster independent study and lifelong learning skills among Rush Medical College students including the following:
Self-assessment of learning needs
Independent identification, analysis and synthesis of relevant information
Critical appraisal of the credibility of information sources
•The Capstone Project will ensure that Rush Medical College students become experts in a specific area of interest during their studies.
•Strengthen the applications of Rush Medical College students for residency programs.
oShowcase Capstone Project in residency applications.
The Capstone Project is a self-directed, longitudinal activity that will commence during the M1 year and culminate in a presentation during the M4 year. At the conclusion of medical school, each RMC student will be the "Rush Medical College Expert" on their specific topic. The Capstone Project will be an asset to the students for their residency application. Rush will support students who opt to publish their project with their faculty mentor. Potential publication types include case reports, book chapters, abstracts, and research papers. Annually, Rush Medical College (RMC) will update the projects list and share with students and faculty. Completion of the Capstone Project will be a requirement for graduation from Rush Medical College.
During the M1 year, each medical student will identify a main theme they are interested in investigating throughout medical school. Each year, RMC students will be responsible for developing topics related to their theme. For each topic, the student will identify and complete their learning objectives. The students will work with a faculty advisor and will submit documentation to the faculty member who will provide advice, feedback and mentoring. Themes can be re-shaped if the student's interests or career goals change. Students will identify topic-related learning objectives that correspond to their current course work. Students will build their Capstone project throughout their medical school education and increase their expertise in the subject. If a student chooses, the Capstone Project may mirror and enhance research interests or active research projects. Once the program is up and running, Rush medical student upper classmen will help advise their junior classmates.
The faculty advisors will monitor the student portfolio and ensure that each student has completed the required work each year (see below). The final Capstone Project will be due by February 1st of the M4 year. Each student will be evaluated on their Capstone Project (complete or not complete and will include a narrative evaluation).
In the spring of the M4 year, Rush Medical College will host a Capstone Project presentation forum. Projects will be presented either in a poster format or oral format. A Capstone Review Panel will determine which projects merit presentation in a public forum.
Capstone Project Work and Timeline:
Capstone Theme Selection: M1 students will identify their theme during their M1 year and submit it to OMSP by January 15, 2013. Themes can be re-shaped if the student's interests / career goals change.
Capstone Topic Submissions: For M1/M2 block coursework and M3 core clerkships, students will define a question or topic related to their overall project theme. They will determine the learning objectives and then explore the topic to meet their learning objectives. For each topic submission, the students should define new learning objectives. Students will complete their Capstone topic submissions per the time line outlined below for each year. The submissions will be structured in the following manner:
Capstone Topic Submissions process:
•Each submission should be formatted to include the following elements (see attachment Capstone Submission form below):
oIdentify learning needs through the development of at least 3 learning objectives
oExplore the topic and provide an evidence based topic discussion that answers / meets the specified learning objectives.
oProvide a minimum of 3 resources and briefly comment why the resources are credible
M1 year (2012-2013):
•Fall Quarter – introduction to the Capstone project by faculty mentors and OMSP faculty
•Winter Quarter – each student decides on topic by January 15th and submits to faculty mentor for review and suggestion
•Winter / Spring Quarter
oM1 Capstone submission requirement – three submissions chosen from any of the seven blocks
oDue dates – one submission due by the following:
M1-I:February 15, 2013
M1-II:April 1, 2013
M1-III:May 8, 2013
oSmall group review sessions will be organized to share ideas and foster cooperative learning / teaching on the following dates at noon (subject to change with notification):
October 3, 2012
October 16, 2012
November 13, 2012
December 3, 2012
January 11, 2012
oThose who do not complete the submission will not be eligible to start the M2 year
M2 year (2013-2014):
•Fall / Winter / Spring Quarter
oM2 Capstone submission requirement – three submissions chosen across any of the seven blocks
oDue dates – one submission due by the following (these dates may be altered depending on the future M2 test schedule):
M2-I:October 1, 2013
M2-II:January 15, 2014
M2-III:March 1, 2014
oSmall group review sessions will be organized to share ideas and foster cooperative learning / teaching.
oThose who do not complete the submission will not be eligible to start the M3 year
M3 year (2014-2015):
•Each student will be required to complete a Capstone submission for 3 of the 6 required core clerkships.
•Submissions will be written during the core clerkship and due before the completion of the core clerkship.
•Those who do not complete the submission will not be eligible to start the M4 year.
M4 year (2015-2016):
•During the fall of the M4 year, the students will organize the portfolio of the Capstone submissions which should include a summary document (abstract) outlining their project by February of their senior year.
•A panel of Rush faculty will review each student's summary document/abstract and select those for oral and poster presentations at the Capstone Forum that will be held in the spring of the M4 year during Match week.
•Faculty mentors, advisors and other Rush Medical School faculty will be available to help structure the final Capstone Presentations into a publishable form that can be submitted to peer review journals.
thank you copy and paste
Interview Invite!! Complete 8/16. 3.4/3.4 and 29P MCAT.URM with a lot of research experience and extracurricular activities. Received the email 4 hours ago!
Ahhh congrats! About when are the dates available for interviews?
Oh man, I would be so ridiculously happy to get one of these...
I imagine not.... but if there were extenuating circumstances things could likely be worked out.
The faculty are great, and very supportive. I had to discuss an issue with one of the faculty and they were wonderful!
I'm pretty sure the purpose of Capstone is to help you pick a specialty and then kinda get involved with it to help for residencies. I'm not positive though.
Congrats to those who got invites.
Y u no interview me Rush?
I also just got an interview invite late last night via email. I was complete around early august.
congrats on the II, been complete since 8/9--c'mon Rush!
So what's the reputation or "ranking" of the chicago med schools? I know Pritzker and Northwester are on top, but where do RFU, Rush, and Loyola fall?
I linked a rank article earlier. Rush Hospital is second in Chicago to only Northwestern.
Rush has a great rep in Chicago and perhaps is lesser known outside of the Midwest. I kinda feel the new hospital is changing that and ortho and other specialties are consistenly ranked really well.
I feel there are positives and negatives to every school and you just need to rank on personal priorities. Just my opinion.
If you have specific Rush questions, or whatever PM me.
hahahahaCool, I'll track down that link. I don't buy into med school rankings too much and I'm more just curious how med school students at one school view students at another school.
GraMaire laughs at things. That's just how she does.
Also, I needed to change what I originally said... and I'm going loopy from studying (Read: Drinking wine with my book open). 😎
What kind of wine?
2 buck Chuck from Trader Joe's haha
I am feeling really cool right now haha...
PUI (Posting Under the Influence) tsk tsk tsk...
Jealous, much?
PR---Holy cow.
You have 10,551 posts, all since 12/2011, roughly 270 days. 39.1 posts per day. Is that right?? That's astounding.
Med school wise or hospital wise? From what I've known. It's Pritzker>Northwestern>Loyola>Rush>U of I>>RFUSo what's the reputation or "ranking" of the chicago med schools? I know Pritzker and Northwester are on top, but where do RFU, Rush, and Loyola fall?
PR---Holy cow.
You have 10,551 posts, all since 12/2011, roughly 270 days. 39.1 posts per day. Is that right?? That's astounding.
We might as well call him the master poster.
Med school wise or hospital wise? From what I've known. It's Pritzker>Northwestern>Loyola>Rush>U of I>>RFU
Though, truthfully, Loyola & Rush are pretty close together. In the end, it really just comes down to preferences. Many will prefer U of I over both simply because of the lower tuition.