2016-2017 Georgetown University Application Thread

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Rejected, complete 7/6, best of luck to everyone else!

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It's alright. I got II from a school in Baltimore and since Georgetown explicitly states that they don't accept in-the-area email (and that their interview slots have mostly filled up), I just thought it'd be too expensive for me to travel back to the Greater DC area just for this particular interview in the future. Even if I get an interview invitation from Georgetown, I'm 99.99% sure I'll decline. Lastly, I applied for way too many schools. I have 6 IIs right now and I have yet to hear back from more than 35 schools...
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. You may have withdrawn just in time because I just received a rejection email, first one of the season! Luckily, I have received 3 IIs before that rejection, so the blow to my already low self-esteem is not as large hahah but this will be my last post here considering I am now rejected. I hope you rock your 6 interviews 🙂

Good luck to everyone else too 🙂 I hope you all destroy your interviews!
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Was anyone who was complete in mid July rejected in this wave? Not sure if still hanging on or just haven't gotten the axe yet.......

Wondering the same... Complete early/mid July (7/12).. Don't know if it's a good sign or we're just in the next batch of rejections to come.. 🙁
Rejected! Although I loved the sound of Georgetown (esp. the location), I'm glad to have the first rejection out of the way. Bye-bye, DC.
Reeeeejected. First of the season. But I just landed in DC for GW and likely wouldn't have been able to return... because money isn't unlimited apparently.

Good luck to everyone still in the running!

Did they send you an email about the rejection? I still have not heard anything.
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Just received my first rejection a minute ago via email from here! Oh well, onwards and upwards!

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Rejected too and oddly not sad about it, so wasn't meant to be! Adios... best of luck to everyone else!
Dear Diary,

It has been 2 hours since the rejection wave hit SDN. I am still alive but many of my friends did not make it. It is getting quiet now and I fear I will be next.

Edit: I hear footsteps...
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All these rejections seem to be to people who were complete early July. Anyone complete mid to late July get a rejection yet?

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7/12. I can almost feel GT glaring at me, ready to pull the trigger. It's coming soon.

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Any idea when the next wave of rejections / IIs come out?

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Just went back to last year's thread...it looks like they sent out rejections for a few days and then IIs right after that....so I guess just try to stay calm, hope for the best, and just.keep.swimming.
Hey I see this is your third cycle. I just want to say best of luck to you, I can't even imagine doing this process more than once. May your perseverance be rewarded.
thank you! last few years have been literally sweat and tears, but if you really want something, you'll find a way...especially in this kind of process where there's no real formula and everything's a guessing game. I wish you the best of luck as well!
Rejected. Complete early July. LizzyM is only around 70 but I thought my strong community service experience would help.
After submitting the secondary (and LORs were already received), approx. how many days did it take you for the application to be marked off as complete?
After submitting the secondary (and LORs were already received), approx. how many days did it take you for the application to be marked off as complete?
I got the "Secondary Application Received", "Secondary Application Complete", and "Notification of Payment" emails at the same time. This was all immediately after submitting.
Does anyone know how many secondary applications Georgetown sends out in relation to how many overall applications they receive?
Rejected, complete 7/15, OOS 🙁
I got the "Secondary Application Received", "Secondary Application Complete", and "Notification of Payment" emails at the same time. This was all immediately after submitting.

If I go to the portal's Status tab, it's got green check marks next to "Application Submitted," "Fee Paid Status," and "Letters of References." But next to "Application Complete" it's got a red exclamation mark and says "Application not yet complete." I'm assuming they need to process the secondary? I'm really confused.
Man this has got me nervous! I was complete shortly after that and I'm worried I'm next! Did you find out yesterday as well?

No, I found out today
thank you! last few years have been literally sweat and tears, but if you really want something, you'll find a way...especially in this kind of process where there's no real formula and everything's a guessing game. I wish you the best of luck as well!
Actually I wanted to offer you more than just good luck. If you want, you can PM me a little about yourself, your stats/ECs, and a school list. This is what trips a lot of applicants is picking the correct schools for their application. Not trying to brag whatsoever, but I view myself as very adept at doing this (look at my signature). Let me know if you want the help, it's yours.
If I go to the portal's Status tab, it's got green check marks next to "Application Submitted," "Fee Paid Status," and "Letters of References." But next to "Application Complete" it's got a red exclamation mark and says "Application not yet complete." I'm assuming they need to process the secondary? I'm really confused.

That's so weird. I'd give them a call if you've waited for a few days now. It almost sounds like your app broke the website LOL
From what it looks like, I'll also be getting the axe tomorrow/soon as well. People complete around me have already received IIs (according to this thread) and I've been "under review" for more than a month now. Oh well. I really liked Georgetown but life goes on.
What a strange feeling it is to wait for the axe to drop... 🤔 Georgetown is one of my top choices for sure, show me some loooooove!
From what it looks like, I'll also be getting the axe tomorrow/soon as well. People complete around me have already received IIs (according to this thread) and I've been "under review" for more than a month now. Oh well. I really liked Georgetown but life goes on.
You know, if we just cover our eyes and bury our heads maybe they won't notice us and we'll end up magically waitlisted.