2019-2020 Boston University

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
Reaction score
Secondary prompts:
Are you expecting to go on to medical school directly after completing your undergraduate degree?* (1400 char)

If you have spent more than 4 years as an undergraduate, please explain below. (You may skip this question if you have graduated within 4 years.) (1400 char)

Please provide a narrative or timeline to describe any features of your educational history that you think may be of particular interest to us.
For example, have you lived in another country or experienced a culture unlike your own, or worked in a field that contributed to your understanding of people unlike yourself? Or, have you experienced advanced training in any area, including the fields of art, music, or sports? This is an opportunity to describe learning experiences that may not be covered in other areas of this application or your AMCAS application. It is not necessary to write anything in this section. (2000 Characters)

Use the space below to provide additional information you feel will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of your strengths as a candidate for a career in medicine. This should include only information NOT already included in your AMCAS or other sections of the BUSM Supplemental Application. Most applicants leave this blank. (3000 char)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Boston University

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I just sent it. They way I'm seeing it is : Schools may use Casper to weed out applicants who talk the talk in essays, but are actually just jerks in rl. We all know those people who act like angels in front of important people, but really step on whoever they can.

I don't think you get looked down upon for being morally 'average' or professionally inexperienced. I think it would be a bonus to differentiate you from someone with the same ec's and stats.
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I'm sending my CASPER score too. I figure if something is "recommended", it can't hurt to actually do it anyways. Maybe it'll help us stand out from the other applicants who didn't send the score and show adcom that we have a very strong interest in BUSOM.
I just sent it. They way I'm seeing it is : Schools may use Casper to weed out applicants who talk the talk in essays, but are actually just jerks in rl. We all know those people who act like angels in front of important people, but really step on whoever they can.

I don't think you get looked down upon for being morally 'average' or professionally inexperienced. I think it would be a bonus to differentiate you from someone with the same ec's and stats.
I'm sending my CASPER score too. I figure if something is "recommended", it can't hurt to actually do it anyways. Maybe it'll help us stand out from the other applicants who didn't send the score and show adcom that we have a very strong interest in BUSOM.

Y'all have convinced me! In my Casper goes!
PSA: they added CASPER as a recommendation this cycle...

Side note: Who's actually gonna send it lol? Is it better to risk sending a bad score or not sending one at all when it's "recommended"?
How do you know they recommend this now?
How do you know they recommend this now?
It says it on the website: Requirements | School of Medicine

"CASPer is recommended for the 2019-2020 cycle. It will be required in the 2020-2021 cycle.
If you took the CASPer test in spring 2019, you may have the score sent to us by selection Boston University School of Medicine on the CASPer school list.
Latest CASPer accepted test date: November 19, 2019"
Could you post the prompts?
I didn’t see any prompts for regular MD besides a gap year essay and an optional additional info essay

Oh wow, I was prepping essays for diversity and 5th year senior on top of those. Maybe I'll hold off on working more on those...
Oh wow, I was prepping essays for diversity and 5th year senior on top of those. Maybe I'll hold off on working more on those...
I believe the prompts are exactly the same as last year. I don’t have access to the portal right now
Secondary received! My primary isn't even verified yet LOL
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Does BU pre-screen applicants?
Is anybody planning on answering the optional question? Not sure if I should just copy and paste a diversity essay here or simply leave it blank.
I think it's there mostly to explain discrepancies in grades or significant academic challenges/ non trad journey/ reapplicant.
For the 2000 character essay, would writing about my interests in jazz music be sufficient? I am really stumped by this question as I haven't had many non trad educational experiences...
For the 2000 character essay, would writing about my interests in jazz music be sufficient? I am really stumped by this question as I haven't had many non trad educational experiences...

That sounds great to me. Even better if you played some instruments and could talk about their differences/why you like them.
Can somebody post the actual prompts, like all of them (including gap year, 5th year undergrad, educational diversity, if those are included)? Thanks.

Are you expecting to go on to medical school directly after completing your undergraduate degree?* (1400 char)

If you have spent more than 4 years as an undergraduate, please explain below. (You may skip this question if you have graduated within 4 years.) (1400 char)

Please provide a narrative or timeline to describe any features of your educational history that you think may be of particular interest to us.
For example, have you lived in another country or experienced a culture unlike your own, or worked in a field that contributed to your understanding of people unlike yourself? Or, have you experienced advanced training in any area, including the fields of art, music, or sports? This is an opportunity to describe learning experiences that may not be covered in other areas of this application or your AMCAS application. It is not necessary to write anything in this section. (2000 Characters)

Use the space below to provide additional information you feel will provide us with a comprehensive understanding of your strengths as a candidate for a career in medicine. This should include only information NOT already included in your AMCAS or other sections of the BUSM Supplemental Application. Most applicants leave this blank. (3000 char)
Is anybody planning on answering the optional question? Not sure if I should just copy and paste a diversity essay here or simply leave it blank.

This is truly optional - in previous years the prompt even said most people leave it blank (most people I know who got IIs there also left it blank). Don't feel pressure to toss an essay here for the solely to fill in space, it can be used for important info.
Secondary received! Is anyone else confused by the pre-requisite grid? Seems like we should put more than just the pre-requisites according to the Help section? Also the whole "preferred institution" thing for study abroad: if it transfers to our home institution, then does it count as a preferred institution despite being foreign?
Are you expecting to go on to medical school directly after completing your undergraduate degree?* (1400 char)

1400 char? Doesn't this seem like a yes or no question?
Are you expecting to go on to medical school directly after completing your undergraduate degree?* (1400 char)

1400 char? Doesn't this seem like a yes or no question?

it's a yes/no thing, and if you click no, then you have 1400 characters to explain why not (AKA a gap year essay)
Is anyone else having trouble getting back to the portal, I exited it and can't seem to go back. And I don't think there's a link in the email. Can someone post the portal link?
For people who are reapplicants, how are you differentiating between the gap year essay and reapplicant essay? I feel like they are the exact same thing/
has anyone still not received a secondary? My stats are right on their averages. Should I be concerned?
Does anyone know how they want the IA letter sent to them?
Do I need an IA letter for a minor alcohol violation? Don't even know who I would ask for that...
When you list the numbers of courses you took for each category, can we count the same same courses for both the English and humanities categories or is double counting not allowed at all?
When you list the numbers of courses you took for each category, can we count the same same courses for both the English and humanities categories or is double counting not allowed at all?
I would avoid double counting if possible