2019-2020 Hofstra

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Secondary prompt:

1. Has any member of your family ever been employed by or on staff at either Hofstra University or any entity of the Northwell Health System? If yes, please explain.
2. If you are currently not a matriculated student, please indicate what you have been doing since the time of graduation until now. (1500 char)
3. If your undergraduate education was interrupted for any reason and you were not enrolled in classes, please indicate the reasons, the duration of the interruption, and how you spent your time. This does not include time between programs post-graduation. (1500 char)
4. Have you ever been subject to any investigations, actions, or convictions (either institutional or legal)?
5. Please use this space to describe any challenge or obstacle you have faced prior to your application to medical school and how you addressed that challenge. (1500 char)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Hofstra University

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Received pre-secondary email that says I'll get a secondary in a couple days...thanks for the heads up Hofstra!
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What's their 50th percentile MCAT they are referring to? The MSAR one (517)?
Is our MCAT automatically sent to Hofstra through AMCAS? or are we supposed to somehow send it separately?
Just got the secondary even though they said a couple days.
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Received secondary @PapaGuava

1. Has any member of your family ever been employed by or on staff at either Hofstra University or any entity of the Northwell Health System? If yes, please explain.
2. If you are currently not a matriculated student, please indicate what you have been doing since the time of graduation until now. (1500 char)
3. If your undergraduate education was interrupted for any reason and you were not enrolled in classes, please indicate the reasons, the duration of the interruption, and how you spent your time. This does not include time between programs post-graduation. (1500 char)
4. Have you ever been subject to any investigations, actions, or convictions (either institutional or legal)?
5. Please use this space to describe any challenge or obstacle you have faced prior to your application to medical school and how you addressed that challenge. (1500 char)
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Anyone else's application status have the incomplete symbol next to your LOR even though it says they received it (committee letter)?
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What do you think they are trying to see in regards to "Please use this space to describe any challenge or obstacle you have faced prior to your application to medical school and how you addressed that challenge." Is this just one thing in particular or multiple aspects? Is it supposed to be an obstacle related to barriers to med school or it can be from 10 years ago? Tia!

That “prior to your application to medical school” snippet also threw me for a loop at first. I just ended up responding with my adversity essay (first gen/educational background, etc etc)
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PSA: if you navigate away from the "secondary" section and come back, it will have checked the "I am currently matriculated in a full-time program. (Undergraduate or Masters)" box for you and hide the text box for the gap year essay even if you left it unchecked the first time.
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Anybody else get the "Application Complete: In Review" email with Casper scores still pending?
Anybody else get the "Application Complete: In Review" email with Casper scores still pending?

Yeah I’m taking the CASPer this weekend and it says they already received my score on their little checklist lol I’ll have to email them
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For the challenge/obstacle one, I was thinking about writing it on how two of my best friends passed away in car accidents in high school/directly after. I wasn't planning on dwelling on how depressing that was, but more so what I learned from it/how it has shaped the who I am and the way I cope with things now. I know that can be a risky topic, so I would love any kind of input as this prompt is a tough one for me!
For the challenge/obstacle one, I was thinking about writing it on how two of my best friends passed away in car accidents in high school/directly after. I wasn't planning on dwelling on how depressing that was, but more so what I learned from it/how it has shaped the who I am and the way I cope with things now. I know that can be a risky topic, so I would love any kind of input as this prompt is a tough one for me!

That's along the same lines of what i wrote...my mom passed away and my family really struggled and depended on me. I finally had to set some boundaries with them so I could deal, and I learned a lot, gained a lot in terms of resilience in the process. (Ugh this sounds so lame when I write it this way, but I like how the detailed essay turned out). I'd say go for it. Talk about tools/help you used to recover, and what you learned, what you do now that you gained from that experience.
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Is there a specific reason why Hofstra's stats have significantly gone up in the past few years? More funding?

I remember a few years back the average GPA being in the 3.6 range
Is there a specific reason why Hofstra's stats have significantly gone up in the past few years? More funding?

I remember a few years back the average GPA being in the 3.6 range
Probably because it was a newer school and now it’s a little more established, especially within NY and the northeast
Did anyone else not get their casper exam scored yet? According to the site, it still says my score is pending but Hofstra says that it received them
Did anyone else not get their casper exam scored yet? According to the site, it still says my score is pending but Hofstra says that it received them

Mine says that too...I am confused about that. At least one other school with the same interface shows they have not received casper, and casper says they have not sent the score yet. Not sure why Hofstra says they have it.
I'm submitting 3 LOR instead of a committee letter. I already submitted my secondary but just realized the policy says applicants "may submit three individual letters – two letters from individual professors (at least one in science), and one letter from a non-academic professional." I only have letters from professors and one from my PI... does the PI count as a non-academic professional or does that refer to someone like a doctor, boss, etc.?
I'm submitting 3 LOR instead of a committee letter. I already submitted my secondary but just realized the policy says applicants "may submit three individual letters – two letters from individual professors (at least one in science), and one letter from a non-academic professional." I only have letters from professors and one from my PI... does the PI count as a non-academic professional or does that refer to someone like a doctor, boss, etc.?
I think they're mostly just guidelines and not strict requirements.
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I just took casper and it was not a great experience. Anyone have any insight into how the school is using it @current students?
I just took casper and it was not a great experience. Anyone have any insight into how the school is using it @current students?
Most likely still in "alpha" stage, where schools don't use it in any real decisions.

I suspect they're trying to see how it correlates with the MMI; at my interview last year, they said they retained 2 "traditional" 14-minute stations among the MMI stations so that they could compare MMI scores with the traditional interview scores.
hi! For Hofstra's questions that ask about breaks in our undergraduate education, and what we are doing now, should we give a reflection or comment on what we are learning from the experience? Or are they just looking for the facts of what we did?
II as well!
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II this afternoon ! IS, secondary submitted on 7/4.
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Congratulations. Kind of personal question but what is your reasoning for applying to such a large number of schools with such high stats?
Mix of under-confidence and wanting to maximize my chances as I would really rather not take a gap year lol
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II!!!!!! first one!!!!!!! thank god!!!!!
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Looks like we have to get a hotel for this one. Guys lets party
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