2021-2022 Hofstra (Zucker)

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Heavens, another R wave. OOS, ORM, LM 69, Casper 3rd Quartile, complete 7/14

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Pre-II R, IS, Complete mid-August.
Good luck, everyone!
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Any R or WL from folks who interviewed before Nov?
Members don't see this ad :)
Anybody who interviewed on 10/04 hear back yet? Just confused bc acceptances were sent out by didn't see any posts from my interview date.
Anybody who interviewed on 10/04 hear back yet? Just confused bc acceptances were sent out by didn't see any posts from my interview date.
I would assume that your interview date (as well as mine unfortunately) were included in the Acceptance batch that they did yesterday, it seems like it was an all inclusive batch and our dates fall squarely in the middle of the reported interview dates for which accepted candidates interviewed.
Did any accepted students get an email from Dr. Willey today? I am wondering if this was a mass email or something that I should reply to.
So based on past years, if you were an early interview and weren't rejected yesterday, we'll likely receive a waitlist decision in spring?
Why are adcoms so obsessed with people having X factors or some extraordinary ECs when literally no patient will ever care what you did prior to med school? The real predictor of med school success or the fact that you will become a compassionate physician isnt these clinical hours or some international medical missions or even volunteership. It blows my mind that other countries are capable of producing fine physicians without all the hoops we have to go through as premeds here in the US but here we are….
Why are adcoms so obsessed with people having X factors or some extraordinary ECs when literally no patient will ever care what you did prior to med school? The real predictor of med school success or the fact that you will become a compassionate physician isnt these clinical hours or some international medical missions or even volunteership. It blows my mind that other countries are capable of producing fine physicians without all the hoops we have to go through as premeds here in the US but here we are….
They're obsessed as a consequence of some organization or law decided there's only going to be a handful of residency spots. Therefore, accepting vast amounts of qualified premeds is going to leave them crippled by medical school debt because there is going to be way more medical students than there are residency spots.

Other countries pay physicians peanuts and arguably have better (imo)healthcare systems. High physician salaries in US are not going to be a thing if there is a ton of physicians. Personally I don't care if physician salaries drop a ton as long as the education cost plummets as well. Kind of like college tuition skyrocketed when schools realized they could charge obscene amounts because the government or private loans are pretty loose with lending insane amounts.

A three day visit or one day visit in a hospital in the US could cost hundred thousand dollars, good insurance may cover a ton of that but that's just broken for a huge portion of the population.

EMT who worked in non emergency transport. Let’s say a patient has kidney failure and can’t get out of bed. We would take them to their dialysis treatment. A ONE way trip is between 1200-1400. Keep in mind that dialysis patients go three times a week. So, their life saving medical care costs around $7,200- $8,400 A WEEK. just to get there. The cost of the treatment is much higher.

Just for your knowledge: in the almost all US Hospitals are a for profit. As in, they have to turn a profit. (There are some outliers) Most have a CEO and they are ran like businesses.

Hospitals choose their own pricing. Because they are able to turn a profit this way with insurance companies. (No regulation).

Insurance companies are able to make medical decisions. As in, if your doctor says you need a life saving surgery. The insurance company will deny it. Saying you need a different service instead. (Which is not the case because the doctor said otherwise. You know an MD. Not just some dude with no medical knowledge). All in the name of profit. (No regulation)

The issue we have is profit before people. And the Drs and Nurses will treat anyone even if it becomes free because the patient did not give any information/are completely homeless. (This is actually calculated in the hospitals costs, this is kind of cool to me.)
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Does anyone know if family are allowed to attend the in person tour? The sign up doesn't say anything about guests
Does anyone know if family are allowed to attend the in person tour? The sign up doesn't say anything about guests
I just emailed them with this question! Just so you all know the COVID situation on Long Island is really bad right now (Long Island native here) so I would not be surprised if the programming is limited just to students, or if things get canceled. I will post any info I get here 😀
Are there some monthly Q&A sessions open for all students invited to interview?
Second, are there any current MD-PhD students or MD students I could chat with?
Thirdly, is it possible to get accepted MD and not MDPHD?
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Do all accepted students get an email from an existing student at Hofstra med? I got the email but my friend did not so I was wondering if my friend should contact admissions.
Do all accepted students get an email from an existing student at Hofstra med? I got the email but my friend did not so I was wondering if my friend should contact admissions.
Students who volunteer to send welcome emails get a list of accepted students they're supposed to reach out to, so that student probably hasn't done it yet (or missed the email).
Anyone who interviewed in September hear back yet????
Wow, didn’t even know an R wave happened here a few weeks ago. Guess I survived. Forgot I applied here. Withdrawn. Good luck to the other survivors I guess.
When are we thinking the next wave of As will be?
Historically, and correct me if I am wrong, historic SDN information shows that from here on out it is a waiting game until the waitlist decisions are released.

Edit: unless you've interviewed very recently

Edit: Im just wrong
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Historically, and correct me if I am wrong, historic SDN information shows that from here on out it is a waiting game until the waitlist decisions are released.
I'm pretty sure there are at least 3 or 4 interview dates that haven't heard back yet, so that should be sometime soon I think?
Should early december (12/10) interviews expect to hear anytime soon or no? I'm not super familiar with their release schedule. Congrats to anyone hearing good news!!