2019-2020 Seton Hall

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Please tag a pre-allo moderator when the second prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: Hackensack-Meridian School of Medicine

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Any secondaries yet. Have not received any.

Last year they got sent out around mid-August, so it might be a while till we see them. I'm guessing they might be short-staffed on the administrative end just due to being a new school and all. I'd love to be proved wrong though haha.
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is anybody else having trouble with the letter of recommendation requirements? I believe you have to have a letter from an MD
is anybody else having trouble with the letter of recommendation requirements? I believe you have to have a letter from an MD
Doesn't have to be an MD! But it is a strange requirement. Here is what the website says, "At least one from a health care professional (does not need to be a physician - can be a nurse, social worker, physician’s assistant, occupational therapist, psychologist, etc.). "
Hoping the prompts are the same as last year but at the same time, they seem really redundant so low-key hoping they change them haha.

all 500 words
  1. Why are you interested in attending the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University?
  2. State a professional goal/s that you wish to accomplish by pursuing a medical degree.
  3. Explain what qualities of excellence, knowledge, and/or skills you would contribute to the medical school experience.
  4. Please share personal experiences that have motivated your decision to enter health care, as well as short- and long-term goals.
  5. Describe your experience with the field of medicine (or a related field) that has prepared you for advanced study in this area. Specifically, how have your life experiences prepared you to pursue a degree in medicine, including: coursework experiences, clinical work, experiences in overcoming adversity, work experiences, volunteer activities, and/or research experiences?

if anyone is pre-writing these... let me know how you think #4 and #5 are different??
Hoping the prompts are the same as last year but at the same time, they seem really redundant so low-key hoping they change them haha.

all 500 words
  1. Why are you interested in attending the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University?
  2. State a professional goal/s that you wish to accomplish by pursuing a medical degree.
  3. Explain what qualities of excellence, knowledge, and/or skills you would contribute to the medical school experience.
  4. Please share personal experiences that have motivated your decision to enter health care, as well as short- and long-term goals.
  5. Describe your experience with the field of medicine (or a related field) that has prepared you for advanced study in this area. Specifically, how have your life experiences prepared you to pursue a degree in medicine, including: coursework experiences, clinical work, experiences in overcoming adversity, work experiences, volunteer activities, and/or research experiences?

if anyone is pre-writing these... let me know how you think #4 and #5 are different??
I didn't prewrite any because they seemed to change quite a bit from year to year, so I have a lot of writing to do either way. But hoping they do change because I'm not feeling particularly inspired by these prompts.
Just received this email:

“Thank you for your interest in Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall. We have received your verified AMCAS application, at this time there is nothing for you to do. In mid-August you will be invited to complete a secondary application. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions.”
Just received this email:

“Thank you for your interest in Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall. We have received your verified AMCAS application, at this time there is nothing for you to do. In mid-August you will be invited to complete a secondary application. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions.”
I got the same one!
Just received this email:

“Thank you for your interest in Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall. We have received your verified AMCAS application, at this time there is nothing for you to do. In mid-August you will be invited to complete a secondary application. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions.”
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There's a reason I said "all of us", you deserve a break after submitting 36 secondaries! 🙂
Same email^^^ was hoping to get all the secondaries done before my vacation in August...catch me writing these damn essays on the plane
I want to add this school to my list but I know their mission it pretty much centered around serving underserved populations. Do y'all think I'm throwing money away if I apply with only 315 hours of volunteering with only ~70 being non-clinical?
I want to add this school to my list but I know their mission it pretty much centered around serving underserved populations. Do y'all think I'm throwing money away if I apply with only 315 hours of volunteering with only ~70 being non-clinical?

I don't think I would do it. From what I have read online, this school is like pretty big on non-clinical worked with undeserved like you said. BUT if money and time are resources you can expend then shoot your shot 2019! lol
I don't think I would do it. From what I have read online, this school is like pretty big on non-clinical worked with undeserved like you said. BUT if money and time are resources you can expend then shoot your shot 2019! lol

Lol okay thanks for the honest answer!
Just throw in the app. Shoot your shot man.

Lol I might, just trying to decide if it's worth my time and money, if they have one of the $125 dollar secondaries...

I'm still trying to finish like 15 more MD secondaries anyways so I definitely am not in need of something to do.
Lol I might, just trying to decide if it's worth my time and money, if they have one of the $125 dollar secondaries...

I'm still trying to finish like 15 more MD secondaries anyways so I definitely am not in need of something to do.
I think theirs is $80
Lol I might, just trying to decide if it's worth my time and money, if they have one of the $125 dollar secondaries...

I'm still trying to finish like 15 more MD secondaries anyways so I definitely am not in need of something to do.

Dont take this the wrong way. With your LizzyM You might as well apply broadly to MD programs.

Up to you mate, good luck in the cycle.
Dont take this the wrong way. With your LizzyM You might as well apply broadly to MD programs.

Up to you mate, good luck in the cycle.

Lol that's exactly my reason for considering, but I'm already at 27 schools so I don't know when to stop. I might add 3 more and then be done for good haha
Do you guys think there is any chance with an LM of 63, IS, a lot of clinical experience/volunteer and a masters degree?
Do you guys think there is any chance with an LM of 63, IS, a lot of clinical experience/volunteer and a masters degree?

Yes. Several of my classmates have under 510 meats/3.7 gpa. I think the other parts of your app can help you stand out especially that masters degree. At the end of the day, you might as well shoot your shot if you’ve got the money
Yes. Several of my classmates have under 510 meats/3.7 gpa. I think the other parts of your app can help you stand out especially that masters degree. At the end of the day, you might as well shoot your shot if you’ve got the money

Under 510 meats gave me a good giggle i wont lie
Should I apply even though I dont have a health professional letter of recommendation? This is one of my in state schools.
Should I apply even though I dont have a health professional letter of recommendation? This is one of my in state schools.
Email them and ask about it. They told me I should be fine for my specific case
On MSAR, Seton Hall lists their "Estimated number of new entrants" as 114, but their class size is 60. Did they increase their intended class size this year?
I have a letter of rec from an MD who taught a post-bacc class I took. But it has nothing to do with my clinical experience. Would that fulfill their LOR requirement?