2020-2021 Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (Provo, UT) Noorda-COM

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Hey everyone! I was accepted and am declining to go to another school. Hope it goes to one of you guys!
Was the acceptance today or a while back?

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I'm just wondering so I know that accepted students have until yesterday to accept their offers. But after that do they lose their seat if they don't put in that deposit?
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I'm just wondering so I know that accepted students have until yesterday to accept their offers. But after that do they lose their seat if they don't put in that deposit?
If the were accepted in February, they had until yesterday to submit the acceptance fee of $1000.
Additionally all students accepted from the beginning(first acceptances went in Jan) are due the additional matriculation fee of $2000 by March 15.
They would lose their seat, If the deadline isn’t met, but I’m sure they will work with anyone still coming up with the money.
They done with interviews? Didnt someone just receive a secondary a few days ago?
Question- for those who received decisions post-interview, what time was the email sent? Just wondering what time I should be expecting an email if it is in fact today
Got it! Thank you for your response. Fingers crossed for everyone also waiting to hear back!!
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Got the email that I’m still on the waitlist and that they have made offers for the entire first cohort just now.
I know they said they have certain things they can’t reveal, but I’m curious if any of the original top 25 got accepted.
Just got the email - Still wait listed middle tier. Looks like I'll be making other plans for next year. Better luck next year, team!
Wow nice! How does it feel to get an II, have the interview, and get the A all in one week's span! That must be awesome lol.
Haha I actually did not even notice that until you pointed that out! ◡̈ Definitely feels unreal! Never knew med schools could be this quick in turnaround, especially given this cycle
did anyone's status change? mine didn't still middle tier. Also just curious, did anyone actually get rejected if anyone knows or is willing or share that information?
So are all interviews over for this school? Meaning from here on when they need to fill a seat it comes strictly from WL.
Yeah with the other people here, 90 seats is just super small man, they're probably well qualified individuals. Taking a few more med school classes to help my next cycle hopefully and definitely my last. Good luck to the rest of you guys!
honestly I don't understand how seemingly none of the initial top-25 WL students got off the WL. I understand giving equal opportunity to those that interviewed later and I'm not even mad about that, but then giving students a top-25 designation in the beginning was a very poor oversight on Noorda's part and extremely misleading to students
honestly I don't understand how seemingly none of the initial top-25 WL students got off the WL. I understand giving equal opportunity to those that interviewed later and I'm not even mad about that, but then giving students a top-25 designation in the beginning was a very poor oversight on Noorda's part and extremely misleading to students
I was top 25 and decided not to start an SMP in January because I felt good about my chances. The gamble didn’t pay off😭.
Just kinda throwing out some thoughts here but my guess is that they were honestly trying to be more transparent but the numbers kinda threw them off. If 80% of 90 (at least, since more offers could have been given out after the deadline in February of people who turned it down) offers were accepted, that would be 18 people at most pulled from the waitlist. Of course more people can be pulled, but my theory is that they realized it might be less than 25 people pulled total, which is why they abolished the top 25.

I really think they were trying to be transparent and help us, but I think we all got some insight as to why so many schools don't give out their rankings. I do agree it really sucks for those who were initially on the top 25 and I don't really understand why they weren't the first ones pulled though..
I understand why other schools are not so transparent, but in a way I am kinda glad to know approximately where my position is at on the waitlist. Otherwise I would be stressing on if there is any chance that I would get in etc. I'm going to apply next year so I just hope that they at least give the top, middle and low tier again. That's just my opinion though
I understand why other schools are not so transparent, but in a way I am kinda glad to know approximately where my position is at on the waitlist. Otherwise I would be stressing on if there is any chance that I would get in etc. I'm going to apply next year so I just hope that they at least give the top, middle and low tier again. That's just my opinion though
But wouldn’t you assume top 25 would get an offer before top tier?
But wouldn’t you assume top 25 would get an offer before top tier?
Exactly. This is an experienced group of people who've played major roles in running other medical schools in the past, so I'm surprised that they didn't have the foresight to anticipate potential issues with giving such detailed WL positions to students. I hope that they weren't as naive in other aspects of how the school will be run, because I really am rooting for Noorda.
But wouldn’t you assume top 25 would get an offer before top tier?
true. I honestly don't know why top 25 didn't get an offer and I would be pissed if I was in that group.

But for me since I struggle with anxiety especially with the unknown, I feel a bit comforted by the fact that I know I'm in the middle tier and I can figure out my next steps rather than just wondering and thinking I still have a chance.
I think what infuriated me the most out of this is how they mentioned in the waitlist email that if they could accept their full class of 180, many would move off the waitlist. I think not. They would just simply host more interviews to fill up the class size. Another school has closed off their secondary deadline just recently and they are still hosting interviews, despite their waitlist. I’m not feeling very good about this.