2021-2022 Connecticut

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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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Is anyone else a little confused by the pre-reqs section of the secondary? Feels clunky and weird…I had to add some of my lab courses multiple times.
Is anyone else a little confused by the pre-reqs section of the secondary? Feels clunky and weird…I had to add some of my lab courses multiple times.
Yes... if my physics course included a physics lab (1 entry on my transcript), do I inputted it twice for the course and lab section?

MD/PhD specific Prompts (unsure if there is any overlap with the normal prompts)
Each Essay limited to 1800 characters
1) Highlight your experiences in the health care field. What insights have you gained about potential problems you will face as a physician?
2) How will the University of Connecticut School of Medicine best serve your needs of becoming a physician or physician scientist?
3) Please take a moment to explain how the COVID-19 pandemic directly and personally affected you as it pertains to preparing for medical school. (e.g. MCAT test date delay, financial impact, research/clinical experiences, self-quarantine, etc.)
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Yes... if my physics course included a physics lab (1 entry on my transcript), do I inputted it twice for the course and lab section?
That’s what I did…not sure if there’s any other alternative.
Submitted my secondary last night and never received a confirmation or ‘complete’ email. Is this true for anyone else?
Submitted my secondary last night and never received a confirmation or ‘complete’ email. Is this true for anyone else?
Same here. I think its a gateway thing because one of my other apps was on that platform and the same thing is going on. Can anyone confirm?
Prereq question

UCONN requires 4 semesters of chemistry lab

My undergrad only offered 3 (I took all of them - 2 semesters gen chem, 1 semester orgo. We do not offer a biochem lab although I took biochem).

Do you think I need to contact the admissions office to make sure they know that I have fulfilled the prereqs to the best of my ability based on what my undergrad offered?

OR do I assume that UCONN knows this based on my transcript, my committee letter packet which explains it, and previous students from my school?

There is no space in the secondary to address this issue.

I just don't want them to screen my application out because it looks like I did not fulfill the prereqs based on the way they're entered on the secondary (left the one chem lab section blank).
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Prereq question

UCONN requires 4 semesters of chemistry lab

My undergrad only offered 3 (I took all of them - 2 semesters gen chem, 1 semester orgo. We do not offer a biochem lab although I took biochem).

Do you think I need to contact the admissions office to make sure they know that I have fulfilled the prereqs to the best of my ability based on what my undergrad offered?

OR do I assume that UCONN knows this based on my transcript, my committee letter packet which explains it, and previous students from my school?

There is no space in the secondary to address this issue.

I just don't want them to screen my application out because it looks like I did not fulfill the prereqs based on the way they're entered on the secondary (left the one chem lab section blank).
I would email and ask. I also had to email and I found out their requirements are pretty strict so I would just confirm with them!
Question about the prereq portion on the uconn secondary app. There are 3 different entries for "chemistry" I thought you only needed 1 year of gen chem to apply which would fulfill 2 entries. What do we put for the third entry?
Question about the prereq portion on the uconn secondary app. There are 3 different entries for "chemistry" I thought you only needed 1 year of gen chem to apply which would fulfill 2 entries. What do we put for the third entry?
I had a similar question and emailed admissions with no response yet (already submitted my secondary anyway RIP). I used my first orgo course for the 3rd chem section and my second orgo course for the orgo section. Not sure if that’s what they wanted but the way they set it up was soooo janky
This is what I did, as well. I never got a response from admissions, either, but this is what my undergrad premed advisor told me to do.
I'm planning to just do that as well
Did anyone else not get a complete email after submitting?
Is anyone else unable to pay the fee? I've tried two credit cards on two separate days but it keeps saying my payment is declined.
Is anyone else unable to pay the fee? I've tried two credit cards on two separate days but it keeps saying my payment is declined.
I had this problem. I switched to a debit card and it worked but all my credit cards got declined
Anyone get an interview yet?
Last year first II on SDN was around mid septemeber, which was 2 weeks delayed, so I wouldnt expect them to go out till late august this year
I'm kinda heartbroken, I am OOS but have strong ties to CT, and I didn't find anywhere on the application to talk about it. Then I learned that the school doesn't accept pre-II updates.

MD/PhD specific Prompts (unsure if there is any overlap with the normal prompts)
Each Essay limited to 1800 characters
1) Highlight your experiences in the health care field. What insights have you gained about potential problems you will face as a physician?
2) How will the University of Connecticut School of Medicine best serve your needs of becoming a physician or physician scientist?
3) Please take a moment to explain how the COVID-19 pandemic directly and personally affected you as it pertains to preparing for medical school. (e.g. MCAT test date delay, financial impact, research/clinical experiences, self-quarantine, etc.)
I also applied MD-PhD and was wondering if you ever got any confirmation that your app was complete? It says on their website that we should receive an email, but I have not yet.
I also applied MD-PhD and was wondering if you ever got any confirmation that your app was complete? It says on their website that we should receive an email, but I have not yet.
Oh hmm I also did not get an email, just portal says finshed/submitted
bruh why are all these state school websites so janky. Upstate, Umass and Uconn all have this issue of using 80s technology in 2021
Submitted my secondary last night and never received a confirmation or ‘complete’ email. Is this true for anyone else?
Same here. I think its a gateway thing because one of my other apps was on that platform and the same thing is going on. Can anyone confirm?
Yeah I also didn't get an email, just it saying completed on top and finished on bottom.
Did you guys ever end up getting an email confirmation saying your application was complete?
Worth mentioning in secondaries that my aunt went to UCONN SOM and now is a pediatrician in CT? It ties into my paragraph ab research since she helped me with it, but idk if mentioning that she went to the school is helpful/hurtful?
Worth mentioning in secondaries that my aunt went to UCONN SOM and now is a pediatrician in CT? It ties into my paragraph ab research since she helped me with it, but idk if mentioning that she went to the school is helpful/hurtful?
I don't think it would hurt, especially as a casual aside:

"My aunt, a former graduate of UCONN SOM, helped me with my research."

Something simple like that doesn't detract from the focus of what they're asking and also introduces the fact you have familial ties. In-staters had about a 40% II rate according to the class of 2021 data on MSAR. Connecticut is a small state so that isn't too surprising, so having ties to it should only work in your favor!