2022-2023 George Washington

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Is anyone required to attend the pre matric program this summer? If so, what are the dates? Thanks!

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at this point is it likely feb/march interviewees may wait the 8 weeks or should we expect an update sooner? not sure how it was last year
Is anyone on the alternate list gonna send another LOR?
Ya know I've been thinking about it but I am not sure. I have a mentor who has offered to write me a letter of support but I am unsure of how impactful this would be...
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Hey guys, I was A to gw. I checked sdn from august daily to this month. Please don’t give up on yourself. I understand completely and know how much goes into your application. You can still get off a WL, get a ii, or secure that A. Stay up.
love that for you. congrats and thanks for sharing the positivity!! needed this
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Hi! Does anyone know if there's been any information for a webinar for alternates yet?
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I have a question I’m going to throw out to the “group”. I interpreted the AAMC traffic rules (and I think they’re rules and not guidelines 🤔) for admissions officers as (basically): everyone who was interviewed should know our status by March 15th. Is that the same interpretation everybody else has?

I’m talking about rule 4 on this page. I guess, based on their wording, they can notify AMCAS and not us 🤔. Thoughts?
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I have a question I’m going to throw out to the “group”. I interpreted the AAMC traffic rules (and I think they’re rules and not guidelines 🤔) for admissions officers as (basically): everyone who was interviewed should know our status by March 15th. Is that the same interpretation everybody else has?

I’m talking about rule 4 on this page. I guess, based on their wording, they can notify AMCAS and not us 🤔. Thoughts?
No, that isn't what that says. Rule 4 specifically states that schools must issue a number of acceptances up to their expected class size and inform AMCAS. It doesn't really say anything about informing all interviewees of their decision. However, I would expect all interviewees to hear back before mid-April when WL movement starts. I know the wait sucks :(
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Yeah I mean they specifically use the words "recommendations" and "guidelines" multiple times before they even get to the "rules", so I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the dates that they propose. I know it's super stressful to wait on decisions, but take a deep breath and think about putting that white coat on. We got this :thumbup:
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Does anyone know how many people are most likely on the waitlist? It seems like a lot of us were waitlisted. Thanks!!
have they even started though?
Some people here reported they received an email taking them off the waitlist due to the low chance they will get off :( So I would say yes. Plus, I think the purpose of asking everyone who is interested in staying on the WL to submit a statement is to pare down the list.
Waitlisted, interviewed 2/2. 😕
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waitlisted, interviewed 2/23. heartbroken is an understatement :/
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waitlisted, interviewed 2/23. heartbroken is an understatement :/
I've been there. Sending much love and support to you! What helped me during this time was staying optimistic and enjoying my favorite takeout and tv shows with a friend or a partner. Take care of yourself and always be proud of what you've accomplished.
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I've been there. Sending much love and support to you! What helped me during this time was staying optimistic and enjoying my favorite takeout and tv shows with a friend or a partner. Take care of yourself and always be proud of what you've accomplished.
thank you so much!! i appreciate you
A reminder to treat each other with kindness, especially as decisions come out.

Here is a photo of a dog:

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yes no need to apply - they use your original application to determine if I'm not mistaken.
Right. So yeah the email that I got I think back in December stated that they review scholarships in May.
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Hello everyone! I was accepted to GW last Tuesday, March 14th after interviewing in mid-February! It was my first and only interview this cycle, so please never ever give up hope - I am proof that all it takes is one. I am also a non-trad and second-time reapplicant, so I know how grueling this process is. If anyone has any questions please feel free to reach out. I have met some incredible students on SDN who gave me amazing interview advice so I really want to give back to help others in my shoes! I'm rooting for you all!
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Hey everyone. I just want to say this admissions process is pretty rough, NGL. I'm feeling it, and sounds like others are as well. Just living with pure uncertainty about where the future will take us... it's hard. We gotta keep our eyes on the prize these last couple months 🤩 and if it doesn't work out, try again, or find other ways to make the most of this time we've been blessed with. Sending big ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 to all
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Did everyone on the alternate list get an email notifying us about the webinar next week?
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Would be greatly appreciated if anyone would share their notes or summary regarding the webinar after it happens! I'll be working during that time unfortunately (and I'm sure many others will be busy during that time) so I'll miss it.

Thanks in advance!
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