2022-2023 Michigan State

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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Anyone else get the very confusing “secondary application update” email this morning…
Their multiple updates...it's a prob a hot mess in the admissions office this morning
"Our application vendor accidentally sent out an old email. You should be receiving the correct Secondary Application Invitation email later today."

10:03 am
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OOS Secondary received! They do make you pay the secondary fee before being able to see the secondary itself. There's some funky log in/log out directions for the payment, so make sure you follow them to a tee.
Does anyone know if for MD/PhD we are supposed to submit a separate application to the graduate school ? I keep seeing conflicting info on their website/emails
Okay so if you paid the fee, you should be good to log into the portal as normal, and you will see the secondary prompts. It worked for me.
MSUCHM 2022-2023

500 words each

Imagine and reflect upon your life and medical career at the time of retirement. What do you envision being your proudest/most significant accomplishment?

American society may be experiencing a watershed moment as it reckons with various systemic injustices. Use the space below to share your thoughts about this statement.

Use the space below to reflect upon your COVID-19 public health crisis experiences, challenges, and/or insights.

In the most general sense, create a list of ten (or more) words or phrases you might use to describe or characterize yourself to someone you just met. From this list of words or phrases, are any associated with your decision to pursue medicine as a career? If yes, select up to 3 and explain. If no, explain.

If you could present yourself to the Admissions Committee, what would you want to make sure they knew about you?
Guys I realized I screwed myself over. I had all my apps in fairly early and somehow just forgot about CASPer. Registered for the next date and realizing it takes 3 weeks to score. I feel like all the hard work of getting it all in early was for nothing.
Does anyone else's portal say caspar not received, even though you sent the scores over weeks ago?
Yes, I think it'll take a couple days to update considering their secondary application portal just opened today. For other schools, my LORs have been sent in for a while, but that was only reflected either after submitting the secondary or after a few days of submission -- thinking CASPER score will work the same for this school.
Guys I realized I screwed myself over. I had all my apps in fairly early and somehow just forgot about CASPer. Registered for the next date and realizing it takes 3 weeks to score. I feel like all the hard work of getting it all in early was for nothing.
I know that some schools will review your app without casper initially, but will eventually require it for data collection rather than interview invites.
What are ya'll writing for the watershed moment for systemic injustices one. Not quite sure where to go for that question and could use some help.
I’m thinking of talking about Roe v. Wade and health disparities for women, particularly women of color and women of lower SES. But still unsure. I think they wrote this question during the height of the George Floyd-related protests, but I’m not exactly sure what exactly the “watershed moment” is currently besides everything going on with Roe v. Wade. Curious to hear other people’s thoughts.
I’m thinking of talking about Roe v. Wade and health disparities for women, particularly women of color and women of lower SES. But still unsure. I think they wrote this question during the height of the George Floyd-related protests, but I’m not exactly sure what exactly the “watershed moment” is currently besides everything going on with Roe v. Wade. Curious to hear other people’s thoughts.
Yup if you guys look at the previous years thread, that question is a repeat.
Lmfao what if I took both casper and preview. You guys think they'll look at both or choose one?
Since some of the questions are repeats from last year, is it acceptable to resend the same answers you submitted last year?
ah ****. You think they'll penalize me if one's a lower score than the other?
I don't know, but CHM's ADCOM seems super reasonable and holistic, so I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm worried about this too, because IDK how to gauge my performance on PREview LOL.
ah ****. You think they'll penalize me if one's a lower score than the other?
I’ve heard many stories about people scoring in drastically different quartiles on Casper/SJT from last year. If anything, I think this just goes to show the inaccuracy of these kinds of tests.
Since some of the questions are repeats from last year, is it acceptable to resend the same answers you submitted last year?
I'd say definitely not! They'll see that as lazy. Especially since the answers weren't good enough to get you in the first time around
I'd say definitely not! They'll see that as lazy. Especially since the answers weren't good enough to get you in the first time around
i figured, I did interview and was waitlisted for this upcoming year. I figured I should just ask lol
Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't actually figure out where to enter our essays for the secondary... I don't see any questions on the secondary website. am I missing something?

I just have a welcome and a status tab...

Edit: I am in fact an idiot, you have to pay the secondary fee before the questions open up...
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Is anyone having issues with the word count meter? Mine isn't working for question 4 but the information saves so not sure if I'm good to submit. can't call since its the weekend :/
This might be a stupid question but does anyone know if we have to take into account funding or resources for essay 1? Like for example, I have to talk about receiving a grant to pursue innovating research or getting a loan for a clinic that serves a unique community? Or can we strictly talk about the achievement?
This might be a stupid question but does anyone know if we have to take into account funding or resources for essay 1? Like for example, I have to talk about receiving a grant to pursue innovating research or getting a loan for a clinic that serves a unique community? Or can we strictly talk about the achievement?
I don't think you need to talk about getting a grant or loan.