2022-2023 Ponce (St. Louis)

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Jan 21, 2016
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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RIP PHSU is apparently experiencing technical issues on sending out secondaries. I applied to another program as well and they had a similar issue where they emailed me a welcome email, but the email with the secondary link from AMCAS did not come at all. I had to call and report it so they reset my application to do so. Perhaps PHSU can do the same... but our apps went to the Peurto Rico campus first for processing so getting them to reach AMCAS is probably rough.
RIP PHSU is apparently experiencing technical issues on sending out secondaries. I applied to another program as well and they had a similar issue where they emailed me a welcome email, but the email with the secondary link from AMCAS did not come at all. I had to call and report it so they reset my application to do so. Perhaps PHSU can do the same... but our apps went to the Peurto Rico campus first for processing so getting them to reach AMCAS is probably rough.
yea idk what to do :/
Nothing can be done. Oh, just so I don't mislead anyone, PHSU did NOT send me any welcome email, although I feel that I would get atleast a secondary.
basically they are backed up cuz they haven't gotten the amcas apps. so there is nothing we can do but wait
Apparently there is a storm expected in Puerto Rico and they have postponed exams etc and are quite busy at the moment.
They didnt interview anyone last year until January or February so dont worry too much. They dont have a whole lot of seats (30?) so it does not take them long to finish the process.
Wait so their flagship class was only 30 students? I wonder how much more competitive this year would be. However, since its a new school and all, I bet not many people know/applied to it.
Wait so their flagship class was only 30 students? I wonder how much more competitive this year would be. However, since its a new school and all, I bet not many people know/applied to it.
From what I understood, last year people were asked to apply because they applied to Puerto Rico school. Many of the students were admitted from their post bac program in St. Louis.
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From what I understood, last year people were asked to apply because they applied to Puerto Rico school. Many of the students were admitted from their post bac program in St. Louis.
Oh I see. I remember when talking to the admissions coordinator over the phone that they are still building their new med school building so maybe the class size will increase. This year is my last chance to get in to some MD or DO program before I go Carib and roll the dice so I'm hopeful.
Oh I see. I remember when talking to the admissions coordinator over the phone that they are still building their new med school building so maybe the class size will increase. This year is my last chance to get in to some MD or DO program before I go Carib and roll the dice so I'm hopeful.
They have some buildings where they have their graduate school and now medical school. They will build medical school relevant buildings now.
Are there any current students who could talk about their experience at the school? Feel free to PM me. Thanks!
oh okay! well they are behind. no secondary yet or ii i believe, for this campus.
How do you even apply to the St. Louis? I think they are overall behind due to Fiona and technical difficulties. I thought St Louis was an option in secondary or is there a separate primary?
Just got it. Yall if the quesitons arent required do we have to fill them out
I see that it says you can only take the mcat 3 times to be considered?? sadly, I have 4 attempts. I do have a higher then 494. I wonder if they will even consider me..
i posted on the Ponce PR thread but thought I’d share here - i received an II last week and was sent the secondary today. on the email they sent, u select which campus u are applying to.
Also what I meant is if there are like questions that arent required are we supposed to fill them out
i posted on the Ponce PR thread but thought I’d share here - i received an II last week and was sent the secondary today. on the email they sent, u select which campus u are applying to.
Wait what?? You got an interview before the secondary
does anyone know about the mcat attempts? like it says 3?
Does this school pre-screen applicants for secondaries?
does anyone know about the mcat attempts? like it says 3?
Yes so only 3 attempts. They look at the highest score and they require greater than 494 for interviews on at least one of your attempts
Yes so only 3 attempts. They look at the highest score and they require greater than 494 for interviews on at least one of your attempts
but if i took it 4 times and did get higher than 494 on like two attempts, how does that work? This is the first time I'm seeing a school has a limit on how many times you can take it.
but if i took it 4 times and did get higher than 494 on like two attempts, how does that work? This is the first time I'm seeing a school has a limit on how many times you can take it.
Then your fine. I think what they mean is they wont look at more than 4 attempts even if you got better than the score.
i posted on the Ponce PR thread but thought I’d share here - i received an II last week and was sent the secondary today. on the email they sent, u select which campus u are applying to.
How did you receive an interview before the secondary ?
How did you receive an interview before the secondary ?
Yeah. It says the interviewing committees are different and you can only apply to one campus. How would they know what campus to interview you at?
Yeah. It says the interviewing committees are different and you can only apply to one campus. How would they know what campus to interview you at?
Exactly . Im not sure how that person got an interview before a secondary unless it was an error on their end
Yeah. It says the interviewing committees are different and you can only apply to one campus. How would they know what campus to interview you at?
I think only PR campus interviews before secondary. The other one doesn’t. Also I’m not sure if the class size (30) will stay the same
Yeah. It says the interviewing committees are different and you can only apply to one campus. How would they know what campus to interview you at?
Yes so only 3 attempts. They look at the highest score and they require greater than 494 for interviews on at least one of your attempts
Well not if you were a MSMS student. If you was a MSMS student they require a 490 mcat and shelf exams 60 Percent and above.
How did you all pay the fee? I can't find the link on the portal.
I am unsure whether to do the PR campus or St Louis Campus. Does anyone know which one a person might have a higher chance of getting in?
I did St Louis Campus only because I don't want to fly to PR for medical school. Also PR campus requires Spanish.