2022-2023 Stanford

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I don't want to add to this speculation because it seems like we are grasping at straws but my post-interview update tab is gone altogether. But you all still have that tab but just aren't able to upload?
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Unlikley that the tab going away signals a positive/negative decision - last year it seems like both those accepted AND waitlisted had their update buttons disappear prior to decision release. Would discard this theory 🙁
Yeah that makes sense. I guess disappearing of the tab just means they reached a decision vs not.
Some on this thread have said acceptances go out over several days? Any truth to that? I didn’t see much evidence of that from prior threads. Seems that acceptances go out on a particular day (for this first wave) and then WL/R follow within a week or so (for the early interviewees — Sept/Oct). Anyone else see a different trend from years past?
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Congratulations! My friend who was accepted said she was told the letter should be posted by Monday at the latest. Do you mind me asking when you interviewed?
Congrats to your friend! Would it be okay to ask when she interviewed, and if she was interviewing for MD/PSTP/MSTP?
Does anyone know when January interviewees might hear back? also congrats to everyone hearing back, and wishing those who haven't heard back yet the best of luck!!
any sept interviewees get a call yet?
No it seems odd though. I was thinking someone from the Sept. cohort would've posted about receiving a call at this point. Since it seems like Stanford in the past has usually gone in chronological order but oh well. Maybe we will hear some news soon.
My update button is gone. December Interviewer. Maybe more decisions coming out???
My update button is gone. December Interviewer. Maybe more decisions coming out???
Interviewed early December as well. My update button was there just two days ago and now it is gone. Guessing a decision has been made….
Oooh, if I may ask, what does it look like on you guys' end when the button is gone? as in the "Post-Interview Update" tab has disappeared, or is it greyed out, or within the tab the "upload" button is gone?
How many acceptances are sent out to fill the 90-seat class by the end of the application cycle?
I don't think there will be any As this week and instead the next round will be the first few days of February what do others think? Hopefully some November interviews will hear in the next round?
I don't think there will be any As this week and instead the next round will be the first few days of February what do others think? Hopefully some November interviews will hear in the next round?

Seems true from past years trends but december buttons going away gives me hope for this week
Are we allowed to know in advance if the traditional interview portion is open or closed file?
do we think there's still a chance for Sept/Oct interviewees to get an A call?
Uhhh did anyone get a KH email…I didn’t get a video invite but ut says tomorrow there will be a decision
do we think there's still a chance for Sept/Oct interviewees to get an A call?
There is def a chance! During my interview, we were told not to read too much into interview dates and A calls. I think the specific wording was to not stress over what is reported on sdn lmao. That made me think they may be accepting interviewees from a range of interview dates every A wave.