2022-2023 UT Southwestern (UTSW)

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Thank you! The forums and your advice (and others') has been very helpful and reassuring throughout this process!
Thank you - if you are leaving another school behind to accept this WL ,you can DM me and I'll post it anonymized in the Texas Roundup soon

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Do y'all think sending a letter of intent is a good idea? I read in a previous year's thread that they won't take one, but I can't find any material for this cycle saying the same. I'd LOVE to go to Southwestern above all else.
Do y'all think sending a letter of intent is a good idea? I read in a previous year's thread that they won't take one, but I can't find any material for this cycle saying the same. I'd LOVE to go to Southwestern above all else.
If you want to send it, do it now. Why? Since you have a current TMDSAS acceptance, you will no longer be eligible for TMDSAS WL offers after May 15th.
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Do y'all think sending a letter of intent is a good idea? I read in a previous year's thread that they won't take one, but I can't find any material for this cycle saying the same. I'd LOVE to go to Southwestern above all else.
I sent one right before match and they accepted. No idea about after match. But there’s no harm in trying, right? 🙂
I'm going to shoot my shot! I wish I'd contacted them earlier instead of just believing they didn't take letters of intent. Fingers crossed X
After taking a few days to think it through, I have accepted my UTSW offer! So excited! Just to double check, as long as I have accepted my offer and emailed my match school to withdraw, I should be good to go right?
Congratulations! Yes, that should be the process.

Which campus were you given that you are giving up.
sorry if this was previously answered - does utsw have in house exams or nmbe styled exams? and does anyone know how often quizzes/exams occur? thanks!
sorry if this was previously answered - does utsw have in house exams or nmbe styled exams? and does anyone know how often quizzes/exams occur? thanks!
My notes from interview day questions say in-house exams, with one NBME exam. I don't see it specified in my notes, but am kinda assuming the NBME exam comes at the conclusion of the preclinical curriculum. My notes also say that the general format is two quizzes spread out through each block, with a final block exam as well.

You may get more concrete info from current or incoming students, but I specifically asked these questions during my interview day, as with every other interview day I participated in. Hope this helps!
I’m guessing she wants to know what was lacking in her application to UTSW
Looks like it was deleted here and posted in Texas Tech thread,

I have not heard of UTSW doing app reviews. I am certain A&M and UTMB do.